On 10/6/20 2:10 PM, Carsten Schoenert wrote:

lightning is since version 1:76.0_b1-1 a transitional package so there
aren't any files within this package except the default Debian specific

yes, i'm aware of that (hence i only mentioned the upgrade of thunderbird to the new version)

Any Add-ons installed locally within the copied profile? Any Add-on not
disabled while working on the profile?

turns out the "lightning" add-on was still active.
once i disabled it (and restarted thunderbird), the calendars are back to normal.

i'm *pretty sure* that i didn't install the lightning add-on outside of Debian (that is: as a *local* add-on). so i guess there's a problem with the upgrade path from the Debian-packaged lightning (1:68.12.0-1) to the transitional package.


PS: i'm leaving this open, in case you want to verify whether this is indeed an upgrade problem; for me, the problem is fixed now.

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