Le 25/10/2020 à 18:54, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer a écrit :
Hi Sylvestre!

On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 at 11:20, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
<perezme...@gmail.com> wrote:

El dom., 25 oct. 2020 11:07, Sylvestre Ledru <sylves...@mozilla.com> escribió:
I tried to upload it with your fix but the build failed for me.

If it works for you, please upload (without delay)

many thanks
tl;dr: I could build the package with just my changes, but only using
the uploaded debian source package.

# Building using the salsa repo

I cloned the repo and noticed that apart from the merge of the MR I
created there are other changes to the packaging. I tried building
master's HEAD but autoconf fails almost immediately. I'm afraid I
don't know a thing about it, so I switched to commit
673f53defb054873e40860ba11937860b3266863 (the one in which you accept
my MR) and the build failed with missing installation files more on
this below.
I then switched to tag 5.3.7-4 (which should be "the same thing" as
the last upload to the archive) and got the same error.

See buildlog.xz attached to this mail for the full build log of this
last two cases.

The builds where done in an schroot-managed chroot which is not
exactly clean: it also has git and a few more packages installed in
it, I normally use it for development.

# Building with the package uploaded to the archive

I then tried to build the latest uploaded version to the archive,
fwbuilder_5.3.7-4 using an sbuild chroot. It just went fine. I then
added my changes on top of it and the build succeeded again. So it's
either a difference in my build environment or the packaging and
what's in salsa.

In order to fix this bug I could upload an NMU containing just my
changes, but I don't think I'll be able to also add the ones you added
in the repo.

Please upload your version, it is fine :)



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