Paul Gevers wrote...

> With a recent upload of file the autopkgtest of nagios-plugins-contrib
> fails in testing when that autopkgtest is run with the binary packages
> of file from unstable. It passes when run with only packages from
> testing. In tabular form:

> autopkgtest [14:13:17]: test command7:
> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ssl_cert -H
> autopkgtest [14:13:17]: test command7: [-----------------------
> SSL_CERT UNKNOWN Unable to fetch a valid certificate
> issuer certificate.
> autopkgtest [14:13:18]: test command7: -----------------------]

Okay, that error message was a bit misleading.

Full story: The test downloads the certificate from

and runs file(1) on the result. And either something of "ASCII",
"PEM", or plain "data".

The file(1) program however now¹ outputs "Certificate, Version=3", and
the check cannot handle that.

While I could revert that change in file(1) I guess it's way better to
adjust nagios-plugins-contrib instead.



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