
> I suspect that debian's libvpx might need to be build with
experimental features enabled (similar to a previous bug report), in
order to include the absent header files.

This will build the lib, but the header isn't correctly exported. They
don't export the header file for that and the internal header used by
Chromium requires many other internal headers.

> Are you sure that fixes/sequence-point.patch is necessary? I don't
recall getting any warnings related to this when compiling.

I don't know. I don't see the warning mentioned in the commit without
that patch, but I also don't see the commit in Chromium that could
change that.

> Looking at the last couple of commits for the file affected by the
ozone problem [1], it appears to be already fixed upstream.

Great! That will make one less patch to update on next release!

I'm still missing 4 patches:
buster/icu63: Without that one it might be difficult to get the update
in Buster
system/vpx: It's better to use system libs it it isn't too difficult.
There is one commit in Chromium introducing the usage of that
experimental feature. Maybe the patch could revert it?
system/harfbuzz: I didn't investigate what's wrong with it. Just used
in tree version.
A patch for proprietary codecs + system ffmpeg.

Maybe more will be needed for Lintian warnings and errors.

Does anybody have any of the mentioned patches updated/written? It
would avoid duplicate work. I know those are the most difficult patches
to update.

Michel Le Bihan

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