Am 10.01.21 um 18:48 schrieb Tormod Volden:
OK, so I guess removing the global user enablement will avoid having
xscreensaver running in lightdm. However, I still wonder if this
lingering service that was observed will also be the case if a user
logs out and another (or same) logs in within 15 seconds? Is there
still an underlying issue here, that can affect security? Is it just
nornal that the systemd user "session" runs for a while after the user
logs out, which would mean the systemd user service is not suited for

systemd --user sends the processes/services SIGTERM when the user session ends.
After a timeout, it will forcefully kill any remaining processes.
man systemd.kill has more details (see KillMode)
I have no idea why the xscreensaver process takes 15 secs until it is ended.

What I don't get:
Why would a xscreensaver instance running for user A have any influence on a xscreensaver instance running for user B? That seems absolutely weird to me and something I don't understand.


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