Hi Paul et al.,

> With a recent in testing the autopkgtest of your package started to
> fail. I copied some of the output at the bottom of this report. Can you
> please investigate the situation and fix it?

Hm, I can't seem to reproduce this failing test:

  $ dpkg-parsechangelog | grep Version
  Version: 2:2.2.17-2

  $ LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 PYTHONPATH=. python3 tests/runtests.py --verbosity 2 
  Testing against Django installed in 
'/home/lamby/git/debian/python-team/modules/python-django/django' with up to 8 
  Importing application mail
  Skipping setup of unused database(s): default, other.
  System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
  test_attach_file (mail.tests.MailTests)
  Test attaching a file against different mimetypes and make sure that ... ok

  Ran 1 test in 0.017s

Still, we can dig in a bit more:

> AssertionError: 'image/vnd.mozilla.apng' != 'image/png'
> - image/vnd.mozilla.apng
> + image/png

ie. it is expecting "image/png" but gets "image/vnd.mozilla.apng" when
guessing the mimetype of a file called "image.png". A minimal testcase
of this is as follows, I think:

  $ python3 -c "import mimetypes; print(mimetypes.guess_type('file.png'))"
  ('image/png', None)

This appears to be returning the correct result. Has another mimetype-
related package been updated recently? I can't seem to locate one.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      la...@debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk

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