Source: seqan
Version: 1.4.2+dfsg-4
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: bullseye sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20210120 ftbfs-bullseye


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[2]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'
> Running tests...
> /usr/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process -j4
> Test project /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu
>       Start  1: test_demo_align_align
>       Start  2: test_demo_align_compute_alignment_stats
>       Start  3: test_demo_align_gaps_example
>       Start  4: test_demo_align_global_alignment_banded
>  1/93 Test  #1: test_demo_align_align 
> ..............................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start  5: test_demo_align_global_alignment_unbanded
>  2/93 Test  #2: test_demo_align_compute_alignment_stats 
> ............................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start  6: test_demo_align_integrate_align
>  3/93 Test  #4: test_demo_align_global_alignment_banded 
> ............................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start  7: test_demo_bam_io_bam_stream
>  4/93 Test  #3: test_demo_align_gaps_example 
> .......................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start  8: test_demo_find_finder_index
>  5/93 Test  #5: test_demo_align_global_alignment_unbanded 
> ..........................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start  9: test_demo_find_finder_online
>  6/93 Test  #6: test_demo_align_integrate_align 
> ....................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 10: test_demo_graph_graph_algo_dijkstra
>  7/93 Test  #7: test_demo_bam_io_bam_stream 
> ........................................***Failed    0.05 sec
> Loading files "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/core/demos/bam_io/bam_stream.cpp.stdout", 
> "None".
> Running /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/demo_bam_io_bam_stream.
> ERROR: Return code of 
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/demo_bam_io_bam_stream was 1.
>       Start 11: test_demo_graph_algorithms_all_pairs_shortest_path
>  8/93 Test  #8: test_demo_find_finder_index 
> ........................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 12: test_demo_graph_algorithms_bellman_ford_algorithm
>  9/93 Test  #9: test_demo_find_finder_online 
> .......................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 13: test_demo_graph_algorithms_breadth_first_search
> 10/93 Test #10: test_demo_graph_graph_algo_dijkstra 
> ................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 14: test_demo_graph_algorithms_dag_shortest_path
> 11/93 Test #11: test_demo_graph_algorithms_all_pairs_shortest_path 
> .................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 15: test_demo_graph_algorithms_depth_first_search
> 12/93 Test #12: test_demo_graph_algorithms_bellman_ford_algorithm 
> ..................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 16: test_demo_graph_algorithms_dijkstra
> 13/93 Test #13: test_demo_graph_algorithms_breadth_first_search 
> ....................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 17: test_demo_graph_algorithms_floyd_warshall_algorithm
> 14/93 Test #14: test_demo_graph_algorithms_dag_shortest_path 
> .......................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 18: test_demo_graph_algorithms_ford_fulkerson_algorithm
> 15/93 Test #15: test_demo_graph_algorithms_depth_first_search 
> ......................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 19: test_demo_graph_algorithms_kruskals_algorithm
> 16/93 Test #16: test_demo_graph_algorithms_dijkstra 
> ................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 20: test_demo_graph_algorithms_prims_algorithm
> 17/93 Test #17: test_demo_graph_algorithms_floyd_warshall_algorithm 
> ................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 21: test_demo_graph_algorithms_strongly_connected_components
> 18/93 Test #18: test_demo_graph_algorithms_ford_fulkerson_algorithm 
> ................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 22: test_demo_graph_algorithms_topological_sort
> 19/93 Test #19: test_demo_graph_algorithms_kruskals_algorithm 
> ......................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 23: test_demo_graph_algorithms_transitive_closure
> 20/93 Test #20: test_demo_graph_algorithms_prims_algorithm 
> .........................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 24: test_demo_index_index_begin_atEnd_representative
> 21/93 Test #21: test_demo_graph_algorithms_strongly_connected_components 
> ...........   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 25: test_demo_index_index_counting
> 22/93 Test #22: test_demo_graph_algorithms_topological_sort 
> ........................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 26: test_demo_index_index_finder
> 23/93 Test #23: test_demo_graph_algorithms_transitive_closure 
> ......................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 27: 
> test_demo_index_index_getOccurrences_getFrequency_range_getFibre
> 24/93 Test #24: test_demo_index_index_begin_atEnd_representative 
> ...................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 28: test_demo_index_index_iterator
> 25/93 Test #25: test_demo_index_index_counting 
> .....................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 29: test_demo_index_index_iterator_short
> 26/93 Test #26: test_demo_index_index_finder 
> .......................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 30: test_demo_index_index_length_countSequences
> 27/93 Test #27: 
> test_demo_index_index_getOccurrences_getFrequency_range_getFibre ...   Passed 
>    0.05 sec
>       Start 31: test_demo_index_index_mummy
> 28/93 Test #28: test_demo_index_index_iterator 
> .....................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 32: test_demo_index_index_open_save
> 29/93 Test #29: test_demo_index_index_iterator_short 
> ...............................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 33: test_demo_index_index_textAt_indexText_saAt_indexRequire
> 30/93 Test #30: test_demo_index_index_length_countSequences 
> ........................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 34: test_demo_input_output_record_reader
> 31/93 Test #31: test_demo_index_index_mummy 
> ........................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 35: test_demo_misc_enumerate_strings
> 32/93 Test #32: test_demo_index_index_open_save 
> ....................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 36: test_demo_modifier_modified_string
> 33/93 Test #33: test_demo_index_index_textAt_indexText_saAt_indexRequire 
> ...........   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 37: test_demo_modifier_modified_string_mod_view
> 34/93 Test #34: test_demo_input_output_record_reader 
> ...............................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 38: test_demo_modifier_modified_string_nested
> 35/93 Test #35: test_demo_misc_enumerate_strings 
> ...................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 39: test_demo_score_score
> 36/93 Test #36: test_demo_modifier_modified_string 
> .................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 40: test_demo_seeds_seeds_extension
> 37/93 Test #37: test_demo_modifier_modified_string_mod_view 
> ........................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 41: test_demo_seq_io_fai_index_example
> 38/93 Test #38: test_demo_modifier_modified_string_nested 
> ..........................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 42: test_demo_seq_io_sequence_stream_read
> 39/93 Test #39: test_demo_score_score 
> ..............................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 43: test_demo_sequence_string2
> 40/93 Test #40: test_demo_seeds_seeds_extension 
> ....................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 44: test_demo_sequence_stringset
> 41/93 Test #42: test_demo_seq_io_sequence_stream_read 
> ..............................***Failed    0.05 sec
> Loading files 
> "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/core/demos/seq_io/sequence_stream_read.cpp.stdout", "None".
> Running 
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/demo_seq_io_sequence_stream_read.
> ERROR: Return code of 
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/demo_seq_io_sequence_stream_read 
> was 1.
>       Start 45: test_test_align
> 42/93 Test #41: test_demo_seq_io_fai_index_example 
> .................................***Failed    0.05 sec
> Loading files 
> "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/core/demos/seq_io/fai_index_example.cpp.stdout", "None".
> Running 
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/demo_seq_io_fai_index_example.
> ERROR: Return code of 
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/demo_seq_io_fai_index_example was 1.
>       Start 46: test_test_arg_parse
> 43/93 Test #43: test_demo_sequence_string2 
> .........................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 47: test_test_bam_io
> 44/93 Test #44: test_demo_sequence_stringset 
> .......................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 48: test_test_basic_exception
> 45/93 Test #46: test_test_arg_parse 
> ................................................***Failed    0.00 sec
> TEST SUITE test_arg_parse
> test_unset_value OK
> test_unset_values OK
> test_int_short_argument OK
> test_int_long_argument OK
> test_non_int_argument OK
> test_int64_short_argument OK
> test_int64_long_argument OK
> test_non_int64_argument OK
> test_double_short_argument OK
> test_double_long_argument OK
> test_non_double_argument OK
> test_double_scientific_notation OK
> test_string_short_argument OK
> test_string_long_argument OK
> test_string_missing_argument OK
> test_string_list OK
> test_min_max_double_values_in_range OK
> test_min_max_double_values_to_small OK
> test_min_max_double_values_to_big OK
> test_min_max_int_values_in_range OK
> test_min_max_int_values_to_small OK
> test_min_max_int_values_to_big OK
> test_allowed_values_contained OK
> test_allowed_values_not_contained OK
> test_input_file_short OK
> test_input_file_long OK
> test_input_file_missing OK
> test_input_file_invalid_type OK
> test_input_file_valid_type OK
> test_input_file_extension OK
> test_input_file_auto_file_ext_option OK
> test_output_file_short OK
> test_output_file_long OK
> test_output_file_missing OK
> test_output_file_invalid_type OK
> test_output_file_valid_type OK
> test_output_file_extension OK
> test_output_file_extension_targz OK
> test_output_file_explicit_extension_valid OK
> test_output_file_explicit_extension_invalid OK
> test_argument_string OK
> test_argument_not_all_set OK
> test_argument_double OK
> test_argument_not_a_double OK
> test_argument_auto_file_ext_option OK
> test_int_list_option OK
> test_double_list_option OK
> test_double_list_option_not_enough_arguments OK
> test_boolean_flags OK
> test_combined_boolean_flags OK
> test_long_short_flag_name OK
> test_argument_string_label OK
> test_argument_int_label OK
> test_argument_double_label OK
> test_argument_inputfile_label OK
> test_argument_outputfile_label OK
> test_argument_user_defined_label OK
> test_argument_invalid_cast OK
> test_argument_min_max_boundaries OK
> test_argument_valid_values OK
> test_argument_parser OK
> test_default_value OK
> test_isDouble OK
> test_isInt OK
> Couldn't open file "./core/tests/arg_parse/test_app.ctd"
> ./core/tests/arg_parse/test_arg_parse_ctd_support.h:98 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareTextFilesAlt(toCString(outPath), toCString(goldPath)) should 
> be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55b965f78ee5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55b965fa9328]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_arg_parse_ctd_support<true>() + 
> 0x1408
>   2    [0x55b965f72904]  main + 0x5a4
>   3    [0x7fc049257d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55b965f72c9a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_arg_parse_ctd_support FAILED
> **************************************
>  Total Check Points : 0
>  Found Check Points : 0
>  Lost Check Points  : 0
> --------------------------------------
>  Total Tests: 65
>  Skipped:     0
>  Errors:      1
> **************************************
>       Start 49: test_test_basic_metaprogramming
> 46/93 Test #47: test_test_bam_io 
> ...................................................***Failed    0.01 sec
> TEST SUITE test_bam_io
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_class OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_multiple OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_unmapped OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_next_unmapped OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_rc OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_next_rc OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_first OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_last OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_secondary OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_qc_no_pass OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_duplicate OK
> test_bam_io_bam_alignment_record_has_flag_supplementary OK
> test_bam_io_bam_header_class OK
> test_bam_io_bam_header_typedefs OK
> test_bam_io_bam_header_record_class OK
> test_bam_io_bam_header_record_typedefs OK
> test_bam_io_bam_header_record_find_tag_key OK
> test_bam_io_bam_header_record_get_tag_value OK
> test_bam_io_bam_io_context_standalone OK
> test_bam_io_bam_io_context_fragment_store OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_two_tags OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_A OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_c OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_C OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_s OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_S OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_i OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_I OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_f OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_Z OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_H OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_Bc OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_BC OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_Bs OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_BS OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_Bi OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_BI OK
> test_assign_tags_bam_to_sam_type_Bf OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_two_tags OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_A OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_i OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_f OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_Z OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_H OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_Bc OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_BC OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_Bs OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_BS OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_Bi OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_BI OK
> test_assign_tags_sam_to_bam_type_Bf OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_type_size OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_type OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_length OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_extract_value_type_A OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_extract_value_type_c OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_extract_value_type_C OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_extract_value_type_s OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_extract_value_type_S OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_extract_value_type_i OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_extract_value_type_I OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_A OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_c OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_C OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_s OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_S OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_i OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_I OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_f OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_Z OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_H OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_Bc OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_BC OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_Bs OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_BS OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_Bi OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_BI OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_get_value_type_Bf OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_erase_tag OK
> test_bam_tags_dict_set_tag_value OK
> test_bam_io_sam_read_header OK
> test_bam_io_sam_read_alignment OK
> test_bam_io_sam_write_header OK
> test_bam_io_sam_write_alignment OK
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/bam_io/small.bam. (No such file or directory)
> lseek returned -1. (Bad file descriptor)
> lseek returned -1. (Bad file descriptor)
> lseek returned -1. (Bad file descriptor)
> seek returned ffffffffffffffff instead of 0
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_read_bam.h:57 Assertion failed : open(stream, 
> toCString(bamFilename), "r") should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee913a3]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_bam_io_bam_read_header<true>() 
> + 0xdd3
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ac0e]  main + 0x80e
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_read_header FAILED
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/bam_io/small.bam. (No such file or directory)
> lseek returned -1. (Bad file descriptor)
> lseek returned -1. (Bad file descriptor)
> lseek returned -1. (Bad file descriptor)
> seek returned ffffffffffffffff instead of 0
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_read_bam.h:112 Assertion failed : open(stream, 
> toCString(bamFilename), "r") should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee9ff4a]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_bam_io_bam_read_alignment<true>() + 0x112a
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ac24]  main + 0x824
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_read_alignment FAILED
> test_bam_io_bam_write_header OK
> test_bam_io_bam_write_alignment OK
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_index.h:52 Assertion failed : read(baiIndex, 
> toCString(baiFilename)) == 0 was: 1 != 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee922d5]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_bam_io_bam_index_bai<true>() + 
> 0xe65
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ac66]  main + 0x866
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_index_bai FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:417 Assertion failed : 
> isGood(bamStream) should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee87a66]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_bam_io_bam_stream_sam_file_size<true>() + 0x276
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ac7c]  main + 0x87c
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_sam_file_size FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:55 Assertion failed : isGood(bamIO) 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee5df43]  testBamIOBamStreamReadHeader(char const*) + 0x713
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ac99]  main + 0x899
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_sam_read_header FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:128 Assertion failed : isGood(bamIO) 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee630b8]  testBamIOBamStreamReadRecords(char const*) + 0x1b88
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5acb6]  main + 0x8b6
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_sam_read_records FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:280 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareTextFiles(toCString(tmpPath), toCString(filePath)) should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee60323]  testBamIOBamStreamWriteHeader(char const*) + 0xaa3
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5acd3]  main + 0x8d3
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_sam_write_header FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:394 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareTextFiles(toCString(tmpPath), toCString(filePath)) should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee5f830]  testBamIOBamStreamWriteRecords(char const*) + 0x1470
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5acf0]  main + 0x8f0
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_sam_write_records FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:436 Assertion failed : 
> isGood(bamStream) should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee87d3b]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_bam_io_bam_stream_bam_file_size<true>() + 0x29b
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ad06]  main + 0x906
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_bam_file_size FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:55 Assertion failed : isGood(bamIO) 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee5df43]  testBamIOBamStreamReadHeader(char const*) + 0x713
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ad23]  main + 0x923
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_bam_read_header FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:128 Assertion failed : isGood(bamIO) 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee630b8]  testBamIOBamStreamReadRecords(char const*) + 0x1b88
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ad40]  main + 0x940
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_bam_read_records FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:217 Assertion failed : isGood(bamIO) 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee88507]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_bam_io_bam_stream_bam_read_ex1<true>() + 0x787
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ad56]  main + 0x956
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_bam_read_ex1 FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:278 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareBinaryFiles(toCString(tmpPath), toCString(filePath)) should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee60178]  testBamIOBamStreamWriteHeader(char const*) + 0x8f8
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ad73]  main + 0x973
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_bam_write_header FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:392 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareBinaryFiles(toCString(tmpPath), toCString(filePath)) should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee5f496]  testBamIOBamStreamWriteRecords(char const*) + 0x10d6
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ad90]  main + 0x990
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_bam_write_records FAILED
> ./core/tests/bam_io/test_bam_stream.h:94 Assertion failed : 
> isGood(bamStreamIn) should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55ac6ee65a55]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55ac6ee8e687]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_bam_io_bam_stream_issue_489<true>() + 0x5e7
>   2    [0x55ac6ee5ada6]  main + 0x9a6
>   3    [0x7f83d1140d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55ac6ee5b2ba]  _start + 0x2a
> test_bam_io_bam_stream_issue_489 FAILED
> **************************************
>  Total Check Points : 0
>  Found Check Points : 0
>  Lost Check Points  : 0
> --------------------------------------
>  Total Tests: 101
>  Skipped:     0
>  Errors:      15
> **************************************
>       Start 50: test_test_basic_fundamental
> 47/93 Test #48: test_test_basic_exception 
> ..........................................   Passed    0.01 sec
>       Start 51: test_test_basic_concept
> 48/93 Test #49: test_test_basic_metaprogramming 
> ....................................   Passed    0.01 sec
>       Start 52: test_test_basic_alphabet
> 49/93 Test #45: test_test_align 
> ....................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
>       Start 53: test_test_basic_aggregate
> 50/93 Test #50: test_test_basic_fundamental 
> ........................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 54: test_test_basic_allocator
> 51/93 Test #51: test_test_basic_concept 
> ............................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 55: test_test_basic_parallelism
> 52/93 Test #52: test_test_basic_alphabet 
> ...........................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 56: test_test_basic_math
> 53/93 Test #53: test_test_basic_aggregate 
> ..........................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 57: test_test_basic_smart_pointer
> 54/93 Test #54: test_test_basic_allocator 
> ..........................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 58: test_test_basic_container
> 55/93 Test #55: test_test_basic_parallelism 
> ........................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 59: test_test_basic_proxy
> 56/93 Test #56: test_test_basic_math 
> ...............................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 60: test_test_basic_iterator
> 57/93 Test #57: test_test_basic_smart_pointer 
> ......................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 61: test_test_consensus
> 58/93 Test #58: test_test_basic_container 
> ..........................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 62: test_test_file
> 59/93 Test #59: test_test_basic_proxy 
> ..............................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 63: test_test_find
> 60/93 Test #60: test_test_basic_iterator 
> ...........................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 64: test_test_gff_io
> 61/93 Test #61: test_test_consensus 
> ................................................***Failed    0.00 sec
> TEST SUITE test_consensus
> ./core/tests/consensus/test_consensus_realign.h:54 Assertion failed : 
> samIn.good() should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d1a7c2e0b5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d1a7c6b206]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_consensus_realign_one_contig_small<true>() + 0x3676
>   2    [0x55d1a7c286c6]  main + 0x46
>   3    [0x7f69ff59fd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d1a7c2884a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_consensus_realign_one_contig_small FAILED
> **************************************
>  Total Check Points : 0
>  Found Check Points : 0
>  Lost Check Points  : 0
> --------------------------------------
>  Total Tests: 1
>  Skipped:     0
>  Errors:      1
> **************************************
>       Start 65: test_test_graph_algorithms
> 62/93 Test #62: test_test_file 
> .....................................................***Failed    0.01 sec
> TEST SUITE test_file
> test_file_stream OK
> test_file_cstream OK
> test_file_raw OK
> ./core/tests/file/test_file.h:572 Assertion failed : file_1 should be true 
> but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x56399739bd57]  Test_Fasta_Read(char const*) + 0x957
>   2    [0x5639973a74b9]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_fasta_crlf<true>() + 0x49
>   3    [0x5639973998e6]  main + 0x66
>   4    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   5    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_fasta_crlf FAILED
> ./core/tests/file/test_file.h:572 Assertion failed : file_1 should be true 
> but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x56399739bd57]  Test_Fasta_Read(char const*) + 0x957
>   2    [0x5639973a7519]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_fasta_lf<true>() + 0x49
>   3    [0x5639973998fc]  main + 0x7c
>   4    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   5    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_fasta_lf FAILED
> ./core/tests/file/test_file.h:572 Assertion failed : file_1 should be true 
> but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x56399739bd57]  Test_Fasta_Read(char const*) + 0x957
>   2    [0x5639973a7579]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_fasta_cr<true>() + 0x49
>   3    [0x563997399912]  main + 0x92
>   4    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   5    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_fasta_cr FAILED
> test_file_fasta_write OK
> ./core/tests/file/test_file.h:728 Assertion failed : file_1 should be true 
> but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x5639973bd8f4]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_fasta_align<true>() + 
> 0x3974
>   2    [0x56399739993e]  main + 0xbe
>   3    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_fasta_align FAILED
> ./core/tests/file/test_file.h:926 Assertion failed : fl should be true but 
> was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x5639973a7c79]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_embl<true>() + 0x6e9
>   2    [0x563997399954]  main + 0xd4
>   3    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_embl FAILED
> ./core/tests/file/test_file.h:979 Assertion failed : fl should be true but 
> was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x5639973ab06a]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_genbank<true>() + 0xc7a
>   2    [0x56399739996a]  main + 0xea
>   3    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_genbank FAILED
> ./core/tests/file/test_file.h:1071 Assertion failed : file_fasta should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x5639973a64fe]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_reader_string<true>() + 
> 0xf6e
>   2    [0x563997399980]  main + 0x100
>   3    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_reader_string FAILED
> ./core/tests/file/test_file.h:1260 Assertion failed : file_fasta should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x5639973af15c]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_reader_string3<true>() + 
> 0x4ac
>   2    [0x563997399996]  main + 0x116
>   3    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_reader_string3 FAILED
> ./core/tests/file/test_embl.h:67 Assertion failed : count == 3 was: 0 != 3
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x5639973afa78]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_embl_file<true>() + 0x578
>   2    [0x5639973999ac]  main + 0x12c
>   3    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_embl_file FAILED
> ./core/tests/file/test_embl.h:87 Assertion failed : line == "SCL gene." was:  
> != SCL gene.
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x56399739d5c5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x5639973a87b6]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_file_embl_meta<true>() + 0x666
>   2    [0x5639973999c2]  main + 0x142
>   3    [0x7f177b7cbd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x563997399b6a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_file_embl_meta FAILED
> **************************************
>  Total Check Points : 0
>  Found Check Points : 0
>  Lost Check Points  : 0
> --------------------------------------
>  Total Tests: 14
>  Skipped:     0
>  Errors:      10
> **************************************
>       Start 66: test_test_graph_align
> 63/93 Test #64: test_test_gff_io 
> ...................................................***Failed    0.01 sec
> TEST SUITE test_gff_io
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:51 Assertion failed : f.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42eddd6]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_record_gff<true>() + 0xc56
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc7d4]  main + 0x24
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_record_gff FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:108 Assertion failed : f.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42ef341]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_record_context_gff<true>() + 0xe81
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc7ea]  main + 0x3a
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_record_context_gff FAILED
> test_store_io_read_record_context_empty_trailing_attribute_gff OK
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:222 Assertion failed : fin.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42ee42d]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_write_record_gff<true>() + 0x54d
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc816]  main + 0x66
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_write_record_gff FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:249 Assertion failed : fin.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42efd26]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_write_record_context_gff<true>() + 0x8a6
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc82c]  main + 0x7c
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_write_record_context_gff FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:289 Assertion failed : f.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42f2356]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_record_gtf<true>() + 0xc56
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc842]  main + 0x92
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_record_gtf FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:415 Assertion failed : f.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42f0c61]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_record_context_gtf<true>() + 0xe81
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc858]  main + 0xa8
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_record_context_gtf FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:348 Assertion failed : f.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42f35da]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_record_gtf_pseudogenes<true>() + 0x117a
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc86e]  main + 0xbe
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_record_gtf_pseudogenes FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:479 Assertion failed : fin.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42f3c7d]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_write_record_gtf<true>() + 0x54d
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc884]  main + 0xd4
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_write_record_gtf FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:506 Assertion failed : fin.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42f1646]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_write_record_context_gtf<true>() + 0x8a6
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc89a]  main + 0xea
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_write_record_context_gtf FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:547 Assertion failed : isGood(gffStream) 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42f4acd]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_gff_stream_read_record_gff<true>() + 0xdbd
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc8b0]  main + 0x100
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_gff_stream_read_record_gff FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:602 Assertion failed : isGood(gffStream) 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42f58b0]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_gff_stream_read_record_gtf<true>() + 0xd10
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc8c6]  main + 0x116
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_gff_stream_read_record_gtf FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:655 Assertion failed : isGood(inStream) 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42f648a]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_gff_stream_write_record_gff<true>() + 0xb0a
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc8dc]  main + 0x12c
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_gff_stream_write_record_gff FAILED
> ./core/tests/gff_io/test_gff_io.h:687 Assertion failed : isGood(inStream) 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55c5c42e0f05]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55c5c42f700a]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_gff_stream_write_record_gtf<true>() + 0xb0a
>   2    [0x55c5c42dc8f2]  main + 0x142
>   3    [0x7fba5d639d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55c5c42dca5a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_gff_stream_write_record_gtf FAILED
> **************************************
>  Total Check Points : 0
>  Found Check Points : 0
>  Lost Check Points  : 0
> --------------------------------------
>  Total Tests: 14
>  Skipped:     0
>  Errors:      13
> **************************************
>       Start 67: test_test_graph_msa
> 64/93 Test #65: test_test_graph_algorithms 
> .........................................   Passed    0.01 sec
>       Start 68: test_test_graph_types
> 65/93 Test #66: test_test_graph_align 
> ..............................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 69: test_test_index_creation
> 66/93 Test #68: test_test_graph_types 
> ..............................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 70: test_test_index_crosscompare_char
> 67/93 Test #70: test_test_index_crosscompare_char 
> ..................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 71: test_test_index_crosscompare_char_dfi
> 68/93 Test #71: test_test_index_crosscompare_char_dfi 
> ..............................   Passed    0.01 sec
>       Start 72: test_test_index_crosscompare_dna
> 69/93 Test #72: test_test_index_crosscompare_dna 
> ...................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 73: test_test_index_crosscompare_dna_dfi
> 70/93 Test #73: test_test_index_crosscompare_dna_dfi 
> ...............................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 74: test_test_index_qgram
> 71/93 Test #74: test_test_index_qgram 
> ..............................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 75: test_test_index_sa_bwtwalk
> 72/93 Test #75: test_test_index_sa_bwtwalk 
> .........................................***Failed    0.00 sec
> TEST SUITE test_index
> ./core/include/seqan/file/file_format_raw.h:93 Assertion failed : 
> _streamEOF(file) should be false but was 1
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x563926d6e585]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x563926d7e619]  void seqan::SEQAN_TEST_testBWTWalk<true>() + 0x3779
>   2    [0x563926d6c726]  main + 0x46
>   3    [0x7f51b3812d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x563926d6c82a]  _start + 0x2a
> testBWTWalk FAILED
> **************************************
>  Total Check Points : 0
>  Found Check Points : 0
>  Lost Check Points  : 0
> --------------------------------------
>  Total Tests: 1
>  Skipped:     0
>  Errors:      1
> **************************************
>       Start 76: test_test_index_shapes
> 73/93 Test #76: test_test_index_shapes 
> .............................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 77: test_test_index_drawing
> 74/93 Test #77: test_test_index_drawing 
> ............................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 78: test_test_index_repeats
> 75/93 Test #78: test_test_index_repeats 
> ............................................   Passed    0.09 sec
>       Start 79: test_test_map
> 76/93 Test #67: test_test_graph_msa 
> ................................................   Passed    0.20 sec
>       Start 80: test_test_misc
> 77/93 Test #80: test_test_misc 
> .....................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 81: test_test_misc_cmdparser
> 78/93 Test #81: test_test_misc_cmdparser 
> ...........................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 82: test_test_modifier
> 79/93 Test #82: test_test_modifier 
> .................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
>       Start 83: test_test_parallel
> 80/93 Test #63: test_test_find 
> .....................................................   Passed    0.33 sec
>       Start 84: test_test_pipe
> 81/93 Test #79: test_test_map 
> ......................................................   Passed    0.49 sec
>       Start 85: test_test_random
> 82/93 Test #85: test_test_random 
> ...................................................   Passed    0.04 sec
>       Start 86: test_test_score
> 83/93 Test #86: test_test_score 
> ....................................................***Failed    0.02 sec
> TEST SUITE test_score
> test_score_gap_open OK
> test_score_simple OK
> test_score_edit OK
> ./core/tests/score/test_score.cpp:63 Assertion failed : score(mat1, a, b) == 
> score(mat2, a, b) was: 4 != 0 (a = A, b = A)
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557172d92595]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557172d94ccf]  
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/test_score(+0xaccf)
>   2    [0x557172d9ba2e]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_score_matrix<true>() + 0x7fe
>   3    [0x557172d8f726]  main + 0x66
>   4    [0x7f4dfc2fad0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   5    [0x557172d8f8aa]  _start + 0x2a
> test_score_matrix FAILED
> ./core/tests/score/test_score.cpp:63 Assertion failed : score(mat1, a, b) == 
> score(mat2, a, b) was: 4 != 0 (a = A, b = A)
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557172d92595]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557172d94ccf]  
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/test_score(+0xaccf)
>   2    [0x557172d9d5a7]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_score_matrix_file<true>() + 
> 0x2f7
>   3    [0x557172d8f73c]  main + 0x7c
>   4    [0x7f4dfc2fad0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   5    [0x557172d8f8aa]  _start + 0x2a
> test_score_matrix_file FAILED
> test_score_matrix_sprintf_value OK
> ./core/tests/score/test_score.cpp:63 Assertion failed : score(mat1, a, b) == 
> score(mat2, a, b) was: 0 != 4 (a = A, b = A)
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557172d92595]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557172d9cfd2]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_score_matrix_data<true>() + 
> 0x1122
>   2    [0x557172d8f768]  main + 0xa8
>   3    [0x7f4dfc2fad0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557172d8f8aa]  _start + 0x2a
> test_score_matrix_data FAILED
> test_score_sequence_entry_for_score OK
> **************************************
>  Total Check Points : 0
>  Found Check Points : 0
>  Lost Check Points  : 0
> --------------------------------------
>  Total Tests: 8
>  Skipped:     0
>  Errors:      3
> **************************************
>       Start 87: test_test_seeds
> 84/93 Test #87: test_test_seeds 
> ....................................................   Passed    0.09 sec
>       Start 88: test_test_seq_io
> 85/93 Test #88: test_test_seq_io 
> ...................................................***Failed    0.04 sec
> TEST SUITE test_seq_io
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:56 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::readFasta(seq, toCString(filePath)) == 0 was: 1 != 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb3da7]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_read_fasta<true>() + 
> 0x167
>   2    [0x55d98ff6957e]  main + 0x2e
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_read_fasta FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:74 Assertion failed : 
> isGood(seqIO) should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb3f25]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_recognize_file_type_text_fasta<true>() 
> + 0x135
>   2    [0x55d98ff69594]  main + 0x44
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_recognize_file_type_text_fasta FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:90 Assertion failed : 
> isGood(seqIO) should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb4095]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_recognize_file_type_gz_fasta<true>() + 
> 0x135
>   2    [0x55d98ff695aa]  main + 0x5a
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_recognize_file_type_gz_fasta FAILED
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_recognize_file_type_bz2_fasta OK
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:127 Assertion failed : 
> isGood(seqIO) should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb4205]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_recognize_file_format_text_fasta<true>()
>  + 0x135
>   2    [0x55d98ff695d1]  main + 0x81
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_recognize_file_format_text_fasta FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:142 Assertion failed : 
> isGood(seqIO) should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb4375]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_recognize_file_format_text_fastq<true>()
>  + 0x135
>   2    [0x55d98ff695e7]  main + 0x97
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_recognize_file_format_text_fastq FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:164 Assertion failed : 0 == 
> readRecord(id, seq, seqIO) was: 0 != 1
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb474d]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_read_record_text_fasta<true>() + 0x39d
>   2    [0x55d98ff695fd]  main + 0xad
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_read_record_text_fasta FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:193 Assertion failed : 0 == 
> readBatch(ids, seqs, seqIO, 2) was: 0 != 1
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb4cc6]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_read_batch_text_fasta<true>() + 0x4f6
>   2    [0x55d98ff69613]  main + 0xc3
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_read_batch_text_fasta FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:222 Assertion failed : 0 == 
> readAll(ids, seqs, seqIO) was: 0 != 1
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb5e5e]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_read_all_text_fasta<true>() + 0x110e
>   2    [0x55d98ff69629]  main + 0xd9
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_read_all_text_fasta FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:265 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareTextFiles(toCString(pathToExpected), toCString(filePath)) 
> should be true but was 0 (Output should match example.)
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb928f]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_record_text_fasta<true>() + 0x2ef
>   2    [0x55d98ff6963f]  main + 0xef
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_record_text_fasta FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:294 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareTextFiles(toCString(pathToExpected), toCString(filePath)) 
> should be true but was 0 (Output should match example.)
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb95df]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_all_text_fasta<true>() + 0x2ef
>   2    [0x55d98ff69655]  main + 0x105
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_all_text_fasta FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:323 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareTextFiles(toCString(pathToExpected), toCString(filePath)) 
> should be true but was 0 (Output should match example.)
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb992f]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_record_text_fastq_no_qual<true>()
>  + 0x2ef
>   2    [0x55d98ff6966b]  main + 0x11b
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_record_text_fastq_no_qual FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:356 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareTextFiles(toCString(pathToExpected), toCString(filePath)) 
> should be true but was 0 (Output should match example.)
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffba6de]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_record_text_fastq_with_qual<true>()
>  + 0x6be
>   2    [0x55d98ff69681]  main + 0x131
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_record_text_fastq_with_qual FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:385 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareTextFiles(toCString(pathToExpected), toCString(filePath)) 
> should be true but was 0 (Output should match example.)
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb9c7f]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_all_text_fastq_no_qual<true>() + 
> 0x2ef
>   2    [0x55d98ff69697]  main + 0x147
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_all_text_fastq_no_qual FAILED
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_sequence_stream.h:418 Assertion failed : 
> seqan::_compareTextFiles(toCString(pathToExpected), toCString(filePath)) 
> should be true but was 0 (Output should match example.)
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffbae1e]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_all_text_fastq_with_qual<true>() 
> + 0x6be
>   2    [0x55d98ff696ad]  main + 0x15d
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_sequence_stream_write_all_text_fastq_with_qual FAILED
> test_seq_io_genomic_region_default_constructed OK
> test_seq_io_genomic_region_from_string OK
> test_seq_io_genomic_region_clear OK
> test_seq_io_genomic_region_parse_chrom OK
> test_seq_io_genomic_region_parse_chrom_begin OK
> test_seq_io_genomic_region_parse_chrom_begin_end OK
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/seq_io/adeno_genome.fa: "No such file or 
> directory"
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_fai_index.h:46 Assertion failed : build(faiIndex, 
> toCString(filePath)) == 0 was: 1 != 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb65d5]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_build<true>() + 0x4d5
>   2    [0x55d98ff69747]  main + 0x1f7
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_build FAILED
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/seq_io/adeno_genome.fa: "No such file or 
> directory"
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_fai_index.h:61 Assertion failed : build(faiIndex, 
> toCString(filePath)) == 0 was: 1 != 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb68b2]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_write<true>() + 0x262
>   2    [0x55d98ff6975d]  main + 0x20d
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_write FAILED
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/seq_io/adeno_genome.fa: "No such file or 
> directory"
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_fai_index.h:78 Assertion failed : read(faiIndex, 
> toCString(filePath)) == 0 was: 1 != 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb6dcb]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_read<true>() + 0x4ab
>   2    [0x55d98ff69773]  main + 0x223
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_read FAILED
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/seq_io/adeno_genome.fa: "No such file or 
> directory"
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_fai_index.h:93 Assertion failed : read(faiIndex, 
> toCString(filePath)) == 0 was: 1 != 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb70ee]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_read_sequence<true>() + 0x2ae
>   2    [0x55d98ff69789]  main + 0x239
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_read_sequence FAILED
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/seq_io/adeno_genome.fa: "No such file or 
> directory"
> ./core/tests/seq_io/test_fai_index.h:109 Assertion failed : read(faiIndex, 
> toCString(filePath)) == 0 was: 1 != 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55d98ff75aa5]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x55d98ffb77ba]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_read_region<true>() + 0x67a
>   2    [0x55d98ff6979f]  main + 0x24f
>   3    [0x7ff5c7f69d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x55d98ff6a20a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_seq_io_genomic_fai_index_read_region FAILED
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_single_fstream OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_double_fstream OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_batch_single_fstream OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_batch_double_fstream OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_single_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_double_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_batch_single_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_batch_single_concat_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_batch_double_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_batch_double_concat_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_single_fstream OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_double_fstream OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_batch_single_fstream OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_batch_double_fstream OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_single_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_double_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_batch_single_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_batch_single_concat_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_batch_double_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_batch_double_concat_mmap OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fastq_check_stream_format OK
> test_stream_read_embl_single_char_array_stream OK
> test_stream_read_embl_record_char_array_stream OK
> test_stream_read_embl_batch_char_array_stream OK
> test_stream_read_embl_single_mmap OK
> test_stream_read_embl_single_batch_mmap OK
> test_stream_read_embl_single_batch_concat_mmap OK
> test_stream_read_genbank_single_char_array_stream OK
> test_stream_read_genbank_record_char_array_stream OK
> test_stream_read_genbank_batch_char_array_stream OK
> test_stream_read_genbank_single_mmap OK
> test_stream_read_genbank_single_batch_mmap OK
> test_stream_read_genbank_single_batch_concat_mmap OK
> test_stream_guess_stream_format_auto_fasta OK
> test_stream_guess_stream_format_auto_fastq OK
> test_stream_guess_stream_format_auto_bogus OK
> test_stream_read_record_auto_format_quals_fasta OK
> test_stream_read_record_auto_format_quals_fastq OK
> test_stream_read_record_auto_format_no_quals_fasta OK
> test_stream_read_record_auto_format_no_quals_fastq OK
> test_stream_read_auto_format_quals_fasta OK
> test_stream_read_auto_format_quals_fastq OK
> test_stream_read_auto_format_no_quals_fasta OK
> test_stream_read_auto_format_no_quals_fastq OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_protein_single_fstream OK
> test_stream_record_reader_fasta_annotated_protein_single_fstream OK
> test_stream_write_record_fasta_default OK
> test_stream_write_record_fasta_no_empty_lines OK
> test_stream_write_record_fasta_nolinebreaks OK
> test_stream_write_record_fastq_default_separate_qual OK
> test_stream_write_record_fastq_default_qual_in_seq OK
> test_stream_write_record_fastq_linebreaks_qualmeta OK
> test_stream_write2_fasta_default OK
> test_stream_write2_fastq_default_separate_qual OK
> test_stream_write2_fastq_default_qual_in_seq OK
> **************************************
>  Total Check Points : 0
>  Found Check Points : 0
>  Lost Check Points  : 0
> --------------------------------------
>  Total Tests: 81
>  Skipped:     0
>  Errors:      19
> **************************************
>       Start 89: test_test_sequence
> 86/93 Test #89: test_test_sequence 
> .................................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 90: test_test_sequence_journaled
> 87/93 Test #83: test_test_parallel 
> .................................................   Passed    0.75 sec
>       Start 91: test_test_store
> 88/93 Test #90: test_test_sequence_journaled 
> .......................................   Passed    0.05 sec
>       Start 92: test_test_stream
> 89/93 Test #91: test_test_store 
> ....................................................***Failed    0.01 sec
> TEST SUITE test_store
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:52 Assertion failed : f.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fd0888]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_ucsc_known_genes<true>() + 0x19d8
>   2    [0x557631f8ee54]  main + 0x24
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_ucsc_known_genes FAILED
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:175 Assertion failed : fin.good() should 
> be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fd1861]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_write_ucsc_known_genes<true>() + 0xe21
>   2    [0x557631f8ee6a]  main + 0x3a
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_write_ucsc_known_genes FAILED
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:198 Assertion failed : f.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fd21d0]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_gff<true>() + 
> 0x8d0
>   2    [0x557631f8ee80]  main + 0x50
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_gff FAILED
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:248 Assertion failed : fin.good() should 
> be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fd32a9]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_write_gff<true>() + 
> 0x1029
>   2    [0x557631f8ee96]  main + 0x66
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_write_gff FAILED
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:272 Assertion failed : f.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fd4cf8]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_gtf<true>() + 
> 0x1988
>   2    [0x557631f8eeac]  main + 0x7c
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_gtf FAILED
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:394 Assertion failed : fin.good() should 
> be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fd63e0]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_write_gtf<true>() + 
> 0x1530
>   2    [0x557631f8eec2]  main + 0x92
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_write_gtf FAILED
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:544 Assertion failed : fAmosIn.good() 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fd990a]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_amos<true>() + 
> 0x310a
>   2    [0x557631f8eed8]  main + 0xa8
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_amos FAILED
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:587 Assertion failed : fFastaIn.good() 
> should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fe2571]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_write_amos<true>() + 
> 0x1c91
>   2    [0x557631f8eeee]  main + 0xbe
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_write_amos FAILED
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/store/ex1.fa: "No such file or directory"
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:430 Assertion failed : f.good() should be 
> true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fe07f9]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_sam<true>() + 0xee9
>   2    [0x557631f8ef04]  main + 0xd4
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_sam FAILED
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/store/ex1.fa: "No such file or directory"
> Open failed on file ./core/tests/store/ex1.bam. (No such file or directory)
> lseek returned -1. (Bad file descriptor)
> lseek returned -1. (Bad file descriptor)
> lseek returned -1. (Bad file descriptor)
> seek returned ffffffffffffffff instead of 0
> ./core/tests/store/test_store_io.h:488 Assertion failed : open(stream, 
> toCString(bamFileName), "r") should be true but was 0
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x557631f9fd45]  seqan::ClassTest::fail() + 0x15
>   1    [0x557631fdf7d9]  void SEQAN_TEST_test_store_io_read_bam<true>() + 
> 0xf89
>   2    [0x557631f8ef1a]  main + 0xea
>   3    [0x7fb15f69cd0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   4    [0x557631f8f14a]  _start + 0x2a
> test_store_io_read_bam FAILED
> **************************************
>  Total Check Points : 0
>  Found Check Points : 0
>  Lost Check Points  : 0
> --------------------------------------
>  Total Tests: 10
>  Skipped:     0
>  Errors:      10
> **************************************
>       Start 93: test_test_find_swift
> 90/93 Test #93: test_test_find_swift 
> ...............................................   Passed    0.01 sec
> 91/93 Test #84: test_test_pipe 
> .....................................................   Passed    0.70 sec
> 92/93 Test #92: test_test_stream 
> ...................................................***Exception: SegFault  
> 3.60 sec
> TEST SUITE test_stream
> test_stream_char_array_metafunctions OK
> test_stream_char_array_read_simple_usage OK
> test_stream_char_array_read_complex_usage OK
> test_stream_char_array_write_simple_usage OK
> test_stream_char_array_write_complex_usage OK
> test_stream_char_array_eof OK
> test_stream_char_array_peek OK
> test_stream_char_array_read_char OK
> test_stream_char_array_read_block OK
> test_stream_char_array_write_block OK
> test_stream_char_array_streamPut OK
> test_stream_char_array_write_char OK
> test_stream_char_array_flush OK
> test_stream_char_array_seek OK
> test_stream_char_array_tell OK
> test_stream_file_stream_metafunctions_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_metafunctions_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_simple_usage_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_simple_usage_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_complex_usage_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_complex_usage_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_simple_usage_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_simple_usage_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_complex_usage_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_complex_usage_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_eof_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_eof_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_peek_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_peek_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_char_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_char_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_block_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_block_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_block_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_block_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_streamPut_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_streamPut_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_char_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_char_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_flush_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_flush_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_seek_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_seek_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_tell_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_tell_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_large_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_read_large_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_large_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_write_large_mmap OK
> test_stream_file_stream_seek_large_file OK
> test_stream_file_stream_seek_large_mmap OK
> test_stream_gz_file_metafunctions OK
> test_stream_gz_file_read_simple_usage OK
> test_stream_gz_file_read_complex_usage OK
> test_stream_gz_file_write_simple_usage OK
> test_stream_gz_file_write_complex_usage OK
> test_stream_gz_file_eof OK
> test_stream_gz_file_peek OK
> test_stream_gz_file_read_char OK
> test_stream_gz_file_read_block OK
> test_stream_gz_file_write_block OK
> test_stream_gz_file_streamPut OK
> test_stream_gz_file_write_char OK
> test_stream_gz_file_flush OK
> test_stream_gz_file_seek OK
> test_stream_gz_file_tell OK
> test_stream_bgzf_metafunctions OK
> test_stream_bgzf_read_simple_usage OK
> test_stream_bgzf_read_complex_usage OK
> test_stream_bgzf_write_simple_usage OK
> test_stream_bgzf_write_complex_usage OK
> test_stream_bgzf_eof OK
> test_stream_bgzf_peek OK
> test_stream_bgzf_read_char OK
> test_stream_bgzf_read_block OK
> test_stream_bgzf_write_block OK
> test_stream_bgzf_streamPut OK
> test_stream_bgzf_write_char OK
> test_stream_bgzf_flush OK
> test_stream_bgzf_seek OK
> test_stream_bgzf_tell OK
> stack trace:
>   0    [0x55f53a4309e4]  
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/test_stream(+0x179e4)
>   1    [0x7faaf8a06d60]  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
>   2    [0x7faaf8a47750]  _IO_feof + 0
>   3    [0x55f53a44df9a]  void 
> SEQAN_TEST_test_stream_bgzf_write_large_and_compare_with_file<true>() + 0x26a
>   4    [0x55f53a42ea82]  main + 0xa52
>   5    [0x7faaf89f1d0a]  __libc_start_main + 0xea
>   6    [0x55f53a42feca]  _start + 0x2a
> 93/93 Test #69: test_test_index_creation 
> ...........................................   Passed    7.22 sec
> 86% tests passed, 13 tests failed out of 93
> Total Test time (real) =   7.78 sec
> The following tests FAILED:
>         7 - test_demo_bam_io_bam_stream (Failed)
>        41 - test_demo_seq_io_fai_index_example (Failed)
>        42 - test_demo_seq_io_sequence_stream_read (Failed)
>        46 - test_test_arg_parse (Failed)
>        47 - test_test_bam_io (Failed)
>        61 - test_test_consensus (Failed)
>        62 - test_test_file (Failed)
>        64 - test_test_gff_io (Failed)
>        75 - test_test_index_sa_bwtwalk (Failed)
>        86 - test_test_score (Failed)
>        88 - test_test_seq_io (Failed)
>        91 - test_test_store (Failed)
>        92 - test_test_stream (SEGFAULT)
> Errors while running CTest
> make[2]: *** [Makefile:106: test] Error 8
> make[2]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'
> dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && make -j4 test ARGS\+=-j4 
> returned exit code 2

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please marking it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with me
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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