On 2021-01-24 14:59:03, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems like rapid-photo-downloader will not make it into the next
> Debian stable release (bullseye). It depends on "rawkit" (which I happen
> to maintain for some reason), and *that* package fails with newer libraw
> versions:
> https://bugs.debian.org/978079
> I'm not sure how to fix this, and I don't have the cycles to do so right
> now. But since you're the RPD maintainer, I figured you might have extra
> motivation to fix this... Otherwise I'm afraid we won't be able to ship
> RPD with Debian starting with bullseye, which would really be a shame...
> It might be worth bringing this up with upstream as well, if you can
> find the time...

Actually, I just found out that there's an active fork which fixes those
problems, called rawpy:


There's a patch in Arch to port rawkit to libraw19, but I feel it would
be ill-advised to carry such a hack through a stable Debian release.

So I think the way forward for RPD is to package rawpy, remove rawkit,
and have RPD depend on rawpy. I don't have time to do this work myself
and, since RPD is the only thing that needs rawkit in Debian, I would
suggest you take on the dependency as well.

Unfortunately, this would need to happen in the coming week, otherwise
we'll miss the NEW window before the soft freeze (2021-02-12). Do you
have time to deal with this until then?



The flesh you so fancifully fry
Is not succulent, tasty or kind
It's death for no reason
And death for no reason is murder
                        - Morrissey

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