Control: tags 860557 + patch
Control: tags 860557 + pending
Control: tags 912880 + patch
Control: tags 912880 + pending

Dear maintainer,

I've prepared an NMU for gprename (versioned as 20201214-0.1) and 
uploaded it to DELAYED/1. Please feel free to tell me if I should
cancel it.

diff -Nru gprename-20140325/bin/gprename gprename-20201214/bin/gprename
--- gprename-20140325/bin/gprename	2014-03-26 00:47:15.000000000 +0200
+++ gprename-20201214/bin/gprename	2020-12-14 22:16:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -13,18 +13,13 @@
 # file COPYING that came with this software for details.
 # Home Page                        :
-# Wikipedia                        :
 # Subversion Web Browsing          :
-# Subversion Manual                :
-# GTK2-Perl FAQ                    :
-# GTK2-Perl Tutorials              :
-# GTK2-Perl POD                    :
-# Makefile tutorial                :
-# GNOME Human Interface Guidelines :
-# Linux Filesystem Hierarchy       :
+# Perl Gtk3                        :
+# Gtk-Perl                         :
+# GNOME Human Interface Guidelines :
 # Tutorial on gettext              :
-# Gnu gettext                      :
-# .desktop specification           :
+# GNU gettext                      :
+# .desktop specification           :
 # To create a gprename.po template file :
 # cd bin
@@ -45,32 +40,37 @@
 # Initialisation                                                     #
-use Gtk2 -init;
+use strict;                   # require variables to be declared before using them and distrust barewords
+use warnings;                 # print warning messages on the command line
+use Gtk3 -init;
 use File::Spec::Functions;    # for the tree
 use Cwd;                      # to get the current directory
 use Encode qw(decode encode); # to handle accents, with the encode and decode function
 use Fcntl ':flock';           # for the flock function in &read_settings
-use strict;                   # require variables to be declared before using them and distrust barewords
-use warnings;                 # print warning messages on the command line
 use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/;      # to use the bareword TRUE and FALSE
 use utf8;                     # Because this file is in UTF8 and because we're using hardcoded accent in Help/About
-use Gtk2::Pango;              # To use text markup in TextView
+use Pango;                    # To use text markup in TextView
 use POSIX;                    # for setlocale()
 use Locale::gettext;          # for l18n
-use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms;       # for keyboard shortcuts
 # set the locale
 setlocale(LC_ALL, '');
 bindtextdomain( 'gprename', '/usr/local/share/locale');
 textdomain( 'gprename' );
-# Change the font to courier new for the Tree and the SimpleList
-style 'my_text' { font_name ='courier new' }
-widget '*TreeView' style 'my_text'
+sub gtext {
+    my $text = shift;
+    my $local_text = decode('utf8', gettext($text));
+    if ($local_text && length($local_text) > 0) {
+       return $local_text;
+    }
+    return $text;
 # Declaration of global variables
+# TODO: This should respect XDG_CONFIG_HOME
+# See
+# for details.
 my $setting_file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config/gprename/gprename";
 my $log_file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config/gprename/gprename_log";
 if ( ! -e "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config" ) { `mkdir "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config"`; }
@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@
 my $status_bar_files=0;
 my $status_bar_dirs=0;
 my $status_bar_selected=0;
-my $str_gprename_version='5';
+my $str_gprename_version='20201214';
 # Hold a list of the Name and New Name column of files or directories
 # These are filled when calling &preview
 my @column_name=();
 my @column_new_name=();
-# Load settings file "~/.gprename"
+# Load settings
 $settings{'trim_spaces'}        = TRUE;
 $settings{'auto_preview'}       = 0;
 $settings{'zero_autofill'}      = TRUE;
@@ -110,33 +110,44 @@
 $settings{'show_hidden_files'}  = 0;
+# Override style for GtkTreeView to Courier New with fallback.
+my $css_provider = Gtk3::CssProvider->new;
+$css_provider->load_from_data("treeview { font-family: Courier New, Monospace; }", -1);
+my $display = Gtk3::Gdk::Display::get_default();
+my $screen = $display->get_default_screen;
+   $screen, $css_provider, Gtk3::STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
 # Main window                                                        #
 # Create a window
-my $window = new Gtk2::Window( 'toplevel' );
+my $window = new Gtk3::Window( 'toplevel' );
 $window->set_position( 'none' );
 $window->set_title( 'GPRename' );
 $window->resize( $settings{'width'}, $settings{'height'} );
 $window->signal_connect( 'delete_event', \&quit );
-my $accel_group = new Gtk2::AccelGroup;
+my $accel_group = new Gtk3::AccelGroup;
 $window->add_accel_group( $accel_group );
 # Set the window icon
 my $icon = '/usr/share/icons/gprename.png';
-my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file( $icon );
+my $pixbuf = Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file( $icon );
 $window->set_icon( $pixbuf );
 # Create a vertical main pane
-my $main_paned = new Gtk2::VPaned();
+my $main_paned = new Gtk3::Paned('vertical');
 $window->add( $main_paned );
 # Create a vbox for menubar and pane
-my $top_vbox = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 0 );
+# TODO: GtkVBox/GtkBox should be migrated to GtkGrid
+my $top_vbox = new Gtk3::Box( 'vertical', 0 ); $top_vbox->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
 $main_paned->pack1( $top_vbox, TRUE, TRUE );
@@ -144,76 +155,77 @@
 # Menubar                                                            #
 # Create the menubar
-my $menubar = new Gtk2::MenuBar();
+my $menubar = new Gtk3::MenuBar();
 $top_vbox->pack_start( $menubar, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
 # Menu : File
-my $file_mm = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('_File')) );
+my $file_mm = new Gtk3::MenuItem( gtext('_File') );
 $menubar->append( $file_mm );
-my $file_menu = new Gtk2::Menu();
+my $file_menu = new Gtk3::Menu();
 $file_mm->set_submenu( $file_menu );
 # File - Quit
-my $quit_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Quit')) );
+my $quit_mi = new Gtk3::MenuItem( gtext('Quit') );
 $quit_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&quit );
-$quit_mi->add_accelerator( 'activate', $accel_group, $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Q}, ['control-mask'], ['visible'] );
+$quit_mi->add_accelerator( 'activate', $accel_group, Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Q, ['control-mask'], ['visible'] );
 # Menu : Options
-my $options_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('_Options')) );
+my $options_mi = new Gtk3::MenuItem( gtext('_Options') );
 $menubar->append( $options_mi );
-my $options_menu = new Gtk2::Menu();
+my $options_menu = new Gtk3::Menu();
 $options_mi->set_submenu( $options_menu );
 # Options - Automatically trim spaces at the beginning
-my $trim_spaces_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Trim spaces')) );
+my $trim_spaces_rmi = new Gtk3::CheckMenuItem( gtext('Trim spaces') );
 if ( $settings{'trim_spaces'} ) { $trim_spaces_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); }
 $trim_spaces_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_trim_spaces );
 # Options - Zero auto-fill
-my $zero_autofill_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Zero auto-fill')) );
+my $zero_autofill_rmi = new Gtk3::CheckMenuItem( gtext('Zero auto-fill') );
 if ( $settings{'zero_autofill'} ) { $zero_autofill_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); }
 $zero_autofill_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_zero_autofill );
 # Options - Automatic preview
-my $auto_preview_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Automatic preview')) );
+my $auto_preview_rmi = new Gtk3::CheckMenuItem( gtext('Automatic preview') );
 if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} ) { $auto_preview_rmi->set_active( TRUE  ); }
 $auto_preview_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_auto_preview );
 # Options - Remember last directory
-my $remember_last_directory_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Remember last directory')) );
+my $remember_last_directory_rmi = new Gtk3::CheckMenuItem( gtext('Remember last directory') );
 if ( $settings{'remember_last_directory'} ) { $remember_last_directory_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); }
 $remember_last_directory_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_remember_last_directory );
 # Options - Show hidden files
-my $show_hidden_files_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Show hidden files')) );
+my $show_hidden_files_rmi = new Gtk3::CheckMenuItem( gtext('Show hidden files') );
 if ( $settings{'show_hidden_files'} ) { $show_hidden_files_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); }
 $show_hidden_files_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_show_hidden_files );
 # Options - Show Path
-my $show_path_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Show path')) );
+my $show_path_rmi = new Gtk3::CheckMenuItem( gtext('Show path') );
 $show_path_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_show_path );
 # Options - Recursive renaming
-my $recursive_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Show contents of subdirectories')) );
+my $recursive_rmi = new Gtk3::CheckMenuItem( gtext('Show contents of subdirectories') );
 $recursive_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_recursive );
 # Options - Fullscreen
-my $fullscreen_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Fullscreen')) );
+my $fullscreen_rmi = new Gtk3::CheckMenuItem( gtext('Fullscreen') );
 if ( $settings{'fullscreen'} ) { $fullscreen_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); $window->fullscreen; }
 $fullscreen_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_fullscreen );
 # Options - Disable security check
-my $security_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Disable security check')) );
+my $security_rmi = new Gtk3::CheckMenuItem( gtext('Disable security check') );
 $security_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_security );
 # Options - Filter
-my $filter_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Filter')) . '...' );
+my $filter_mi = new Gtk3::MenuItem( gtext('Filter') . '...' );
 $filter_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_filter );
 # Options - View Log
-my $view_log_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('View log')) . '...' );
+my $view_log_mi = new Gtk3::MenuItem( gtext('View log') . '...' );
 $view_log_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_view_log );
 $options_menu->append( $trim_spaces_rmi );
@@ -225,24 +237,24 @@
 $options_menu->append( $show_path_rmi );
 $options_menu->append( $fullscreen_rmi );
 $options_menu->append( $security_rmi );
-$options_menu->append( Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new() );
+$options_menu->append( Gtk3::SeparatorMenuItem->new() );
 $options_menu->append( $filter_mi );
-$options_menu->append( Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new() );
+$options_menu->append( Gtk3::SeparatorMenuItem->new() );
 $options_menu->append( $view_log_mi );
 # Menu : Help
-my $help_mm = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('_Help')) );
+my $help_mm = new Gtk3::MenuItem( gtext('_Help') );
-my $help_menu = new Gtk2::Menu();
+my $help_menu = new Gtk3::Menu();
 # Help - Contents
-my $contents_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Contents')) );
+my $contents_mi = new Gtk3::MenuItem( gtext('Contents') );
 $contents_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&help_contents );
 # Help - About
-my $about_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('About')) );
+my $about_mi = new Gtk3::MenuItem( gtext('About') );
 $about_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&help_about );
@@ -252,55 +264,55 @@
 # Create the list of Files
-my $sw_filelist = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
+my $sw_filelist = new Gtk3::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
 $sw_filelist->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
-my $ls_files = Gtk2::ListStore->new( qw(Glib::String), qw(Glib::String) );
-my $tv_files = Gtk2::TreeView->new( $ls_files );
+my $ls_files = Gtk3::ListStore->new( qw(Glib::String), qw(Glib::String) );
+my $tv_files = Gtk3::TreeView->new( $ls_files );
 $tv_files->set_rules_hint ( TRUE ); # property to draw rows in alternate colors
 $tv_files->set_headers_visible ( TRUE );
-$tv_files->append_column ( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 0 ) );
-$tv_files->append_column ( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 1 ) );
+$tv_files->append_column ( Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk3::CellRendererText->new(), text => 0 ) );
+$tv_files->append_column ( Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk3::CellRendererText->new(), text => 1 ) );
 $tv_files->get_column(0)->set_resizable ( TRUE );
 $tv_files->get_column(1)->set_resizable ( TRUE );
-$tv_files->get_column(0)->set_title( decode('utf8',gettext('Name')) );
-$tv_files->get_column(1)->set_title( decode('utf8',gettext('New name')) );
+$tv_files->get_column(0)->set_title( gtext('Name') );
+$tv_files->get_column(1)->set_title( gtext('New name') );
 $tv_files->get_selection->signal_connect( 'changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
 $tv_files->get_selection->set_mode( 'multiple' );
 $sw_filelist->add( $tv_files );
 # Create the list of Directories
-my $sw_dirlist = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
+my $sw_dirlist = new Gtk3::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
 $sw_dirlist->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
-my $ls_dirs = Gtk2::ListStore->new( qw(Glib::String), qw(Glib::String) );
-my $tv_dirs = Gtk2::TreeView->new( $ls_dirs );
+my $ls_dirs = Gtk3::ListStore->new( qw(Glib::String), qw(Glib::String) );
+my $tv_dirs = Gtk3::TreeView->new( $ls_dirs );
 $tv_dirs->set_rules_hint( TRUE ); # property to draw rows in alternate colors
 $tv_dirs->set_headers_visible( TRUE );
-$tv_dirs->append_column( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 0 ) );
-$tv_dirs->append_column( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 1 ) );
+$tv_dirs->append_column( Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk3::CellRendererText->new(), text => 0 ) );
+$tv_dirs->append_column( Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk3::CellRendererText->new(), text => 1 ) );
 $tv_dirs->get_column(0)->set_resizable( TRUE );
 $tv_dirs->get_column(1)->set_resizable( TRUE );
-$tv_dirs->get_column(0)->set_title( decode('utf8',gettext('Name')) );
-$tv_dirs->get_column(1)->set_title( decode('utf8',gettext('New name')) );
+$tv_dirs->get_column(0)->set_title( gtext('Name') );
+$tv_dirs->get_column(1)->set_title( gtext('New name') );
 $tv_dirs->get_selection->signal_connect( 'changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
 $tv_dirs->get_selection->set_mode( 'multiple' );
 $sw_dirlist->add( $tv_dirs );
 # Create the Notebook and put the Files and Directories list in it
-my $file_dir_notebook = new Gtk2::Notebook();
-$file_dir_notebook->append_page( $sw_filelist, decode('utf8',gettext('Files')) );
-$file_dir_notebook->append_page( $sw_dirlist,  decode('utf8',gettext('Directories')) );
+my $file_dir_notebook = new Gtk3::Notebook();
+$file_dir_notebook->append_page( $sw_filelist, Gtk3::Label->new(gtext('Files')) );
+$file_dir_notebook->append_page( $sw_dirlist,  Gtk3::Label->new(gtext('Directories')) );
 $file_dir_notebook->set_current_page (0);
 $file_dir_notebook->signal_connect_after( 'switch-page', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
 # Create the Tree
-my $sw_tree = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
+my $sw_tree = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new;
 $sw_tree->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
-my $ts_tree = Gtk2::TreeStore->new( qw(Glib::String) );
-my $tv_tree = Gtk2::TreeView->new( $ts_tree );
+my $ts_tree = Gtk3::TreeStore->new( qw(Glib::String) );
+my $tv_tree = Gtk3::TreeView->new( $ts_tree );
 my $iter = $ts_tree->append( undef );
 $ts_tree->set( $iter, 0 => File::Spec->rootdir() );
-$tv_tree->append_column( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 0 ) );
+$tv_tree->append_column( Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk3::CellRendererText->new(), text => 0 ) );
 $tv_tree->set_headers_visible( FALSE );
 $sw_tree->add_with_viewport( $tv_tree );
 $tv_tree->signal_connect( 'row_expanded',   \&populate_tree    );
@@ -310,30 +322,33 @@
 $ts_tree->set( $ts_tree->append( $tv_tree->get_model->get_iter_first ), 0, 'anything' );
 $tv_tree->expand_to_path( $tv_tree->get_model->get_path( $tv_tree->get_model->get_iter_first ) );
-# Create an HPaned and put the Tree and Notebook in it
-my $hpaned = Gtk2::HPaned->new; 
+# Create an Panned horizontal and put the Tree and Notebook in it
+my $hpaned = Gtk3::Paned->new('horizontal');
 $top_vbox->pack_end( $hpaned, TRUE, TRUE, 2 );
-$hpaned->pack1( $sw_tree, TRUE, TRUE );
-$hpaned->pack2( $file_dir_notebook, FALSE, TRUE );
+$hpaned->pack1( $sw_tree, FALSE, FALSE );
+$hpaned->pack2( $file_dir_notebook, TRUE, FALSE );
 $hpaned->set_position( $settings{'hpaned_width'} );
-$hpaned->child1_resize( 0 );
+# Set minimal sizes
+$sw_tree->set_size_request(180, 180);
+$tv_tree->set_size_request(180, 180);
 # Create manipulation items                                          #
 # Create a vbox for menubar and pane
-my $bottom_vbox = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 2);
+my $bottom_vbox = new Gtk3::Box( 'vertical', 2); $bottom_vbox->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
 $main_paned->pack2( $bottom_vbox, FALSE, TRUE );
-my $status_bar = new Gtk2::Label( '' );
+my $status_bar = new Gtk3::Label( '' );
 $status_bar->set_justify( 'left' );
 $bottom_vbox->pack_start( $status_bar, TRUE, TRUE, 0 );
-my $table = new Gtk2::Table( 1, 2, FALSE );
+my $table = new Gtk3::Table( 1, 2, FALSE );
 $bottom_vbox->pack_end( $table, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
-my $notebook = new Gtk2::Notebook();
+my $notebook = Gtk3::Notebook->new();
 $notebook->set_current_page (0);
 $table->attach_defaults( $notebook, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
 $notebook->signal_connect_after( 'switch-page', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} ) { &preview; } } );
@@ -343,18 +358,19 @@
 # Case change                                                        #
-my $case_hbox1 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $case_hbox2 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $case_vbox1 = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $case_vbox2 = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-$notebook->append_page( $case_hbox1, decode('utf8',gettext('Case Change')) );
-my $case_all_up_radio     = new Gtk2::RadioButton( undef, decode('utf8',gettext('ALL UPPERCASE')) );
-my $case_all_lo_radio     = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $case_all_up_radio, decode('utf8',gettext('all lowercase')) );
-my $case_only_first_radio = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $case_all_up_radio, decode('utf8',gettext('Only the first letter')) );
-my $case_first_radio      = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $case_all_up_radio, decode('utf8',gettext('Only The First Letter And After')) );
+my $case_hbox1 = new Gtk3::Box( 'horizontal', 4 ); $case_hbox1->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+my $case_hbox2 = new Gtk3::Box( 'horizontal', 4 ); $case_hbox2->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+my $case_vbox1 = new Gtk3::Box( 'vertical', 4 ); $case_vbox1->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+my $case_vbox2 = new Gtk3::Box( 'vertical', 4 ); $case_vbox2->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+$notebook->append_page( $case_hbox1, Gtk3::Label->new_with_mnemonic(gtext('Case Change')) );
+my $case_all_up_radio     = Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget( undef, gtext('ALL UPPERCASE') );
+my $case_all_lo_radio     = Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget( $case_all_up_radio, gtext('all lowercase') );
+my $case_only_first_radio = Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget( $case_all_up_radio, gtext('Only the first letter') );
+my $case_first_radio      = Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget( $case_all_up_radio, gtext('Only The First Letter And After') );
-my $case_first_after_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
+my $case_first_after_entry = Gtk3::Entry->new();
 $case_first_after_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $case_first_after_entry->get_position+1;} );
 $case_first_after_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $case_first_after_entry->get_position+1;} );
 $case_first_after_entry->set_text(' _-\([');
@@ -379,34 +395,35 @@
 # Insert / Delete                                                    #
-my $insdel_vbox  = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $insdel_hbox1 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $insdel_hbox2 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-$notebook->append_page( $insdel_vbox, decode('utf8',gettext('Insert / Delete')) );
+my $insdel_vbox  = new Gtk3::Box( 'vertical', 4 ); $insdel_vbox->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+my $insdel_hbox1 = new Gtk3::Box( 'horizontal', 4 ); $insdel_hbox1->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+my $insdel_hbox2 = new Gtk3::Box( 'horizontal', 4 ); $insdel_hbox2->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+$notebook->append_page( $insdel_vbox, Gtk3::Label->new(gtext('Insert / Delete')) );
 # in hbox1
-my $insert_radio = new Gtk2::RadioButton( undef, decode('utf8',gettext('Insert')) );
+my $insert_radio = Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget( undef, gtext('Insert') );
 $insert_radio->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $insert_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
+my $insert_entry = Gtk3::Entry->new();
 $insert_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $insert_entry->get_position+1;} );
 $insert_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $insert_entry->get_position+1;} );
-my $insert_at_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('at position')) );
-my $insert_adj = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 0, -256.0, 256.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
+my $insert_at_label = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('at position') );
+my $insert_adj = new Gtk3::Adjustment( 0, -256.0, 256.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
 $insert_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $insert_spin = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $insert_adj, 0, 0 );
+my $insert_spin = new Gtk3::SpinButton( $insert_adj, 0, 0 );
 # in hbox2
-my $delete_radio = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $insert_radio, decode('utf8',gettext('Delete between')) );
+my $delete_radio = Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget( $insert_radio, gtext('Delete between') );
 $delete_radio->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $delete_btw1_adj = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 0, -256.0, 256.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
+my $delete_btw1_adj = new Gtk3::Adjustment( 0, -256.0, 256.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
 $delete_btw1_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $delete_btw1_spin = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $delete_btw1_adj, 0, 0 );
+my $delete_btw1_spin = new Gtk3::SpinButton( $delete_btw1_adj, 0, 0 );
-my $delete_btw2_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('and')) );
-my $delete_btw2_adj = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 1, -256.0, 256.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
+my $delete_btw2_label = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('and') );
+my $delete_btw2_adj = new Gtk3::Adjustment( 1, -256.0, 256.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
 $delete_btw2_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $delete_btw2_spin = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $delete_btw2_adj, 0, 0 );
+my $delete_btw2_spin = new Gtk3::SpinButton( $delete_btw2_adj, 0, 0 );
 $insdel_vbox ->pack_start( $insdel_hbox1,      FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
@@ -425,21 +442,27 @@
 # Replace / Remove                                                   #
-my $reprem_vbox  = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $reprem_hbox  = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-$notebook->append_page( $reprem_vbox, decode('utf8',gettext('Replace / Remove')) );
-my $replace_this_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Replace')) );
-my $replace_this_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(99);
+my $reprem_vbox  = new Gtk3::Box( 'vertical', 4 ); $reprem_vbox->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+my $reprem_hbox  = new Gtk3::Box( 'horizontal', 4 ); $reprem_hbox->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+$notebook->append_page( $reprem_vbox, Gtk3::Label->new(gtext('Replace / Remove')) );
+my $replace_this_label = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('Replace') );
+my $replace_this_entry = Gtk3::Entry->new();
 $replace_this_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $replace_this_entry->get_position+1;} );
 $replace_this_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $replace_this_entry->get_position+1;} );
-my $replace_with_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('with')) );
-my $replace_with_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(99);
+my $replace_with_label = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('with') );
+my $replace_with_entry = Gtk3::Entry->new();
 $replace_with_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $replace_with_entry->get_position+1;} );
 $replace_with_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $replace_with_entry->get_position+1;} );
-my $replace_opt_case  = new Gtk2::CheckButton( decode('utf8',gettext('Case sensitive')) );
+my $replace_opt_case  = Gtk3::CheckButton->new_with_label( gtext('Case sensitive') );
 $replace_opt_case->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $replace_opt_regex = new Gtk2::CheckButton( decode('utf8',gettext('Regular expression')) );
+my $replace_opt_regex = Gtk3::CheckButton->new_with_label( gtext('Regular expression') );
 $replace_opt_regex->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
 $reprem_vbox->pack_start( $reprem_hbox,        FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
@@ -455,41 +478,43 @@
 # Numerical                                                          #
-my $numeric_vbox  = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $numeric_hbox1 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $numeric_hbox2 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $numeric_hbox3 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-$notebook->append_page( $numeric_vbox, decode('utf8',gettext('Numerical')) );
+my $numeric_vbox  = new Gtk3::Box( 'vertical', 4 ); $numeric_vbox->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+my $numeric_hbox1 = new Gtk3::Box( 'horizontal', 4 ); $numeric_hbox1->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+my $numeric_hbox2 = new Gtk3::Box( 'horizontal', 4 ); $numeric_hbox2->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+my $numeric_hbox3 = new Gtk3::Box( 'horizontal', 4 ); $numeric_hbox3->set_homogeneous(FALSE);
+$notebook->append_page( $numeric_vbox, Gtk3::Label->new(gtext('Numerical')) );
 # in hbox1
-my $numeric_start_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Add numbers starting at')) );
-my $numeric_start_adj   = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 1, 0.0, 999999.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
+my $numeric_start_label = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('Add numbers starting at') );
+my $numeric_start_adj   = new Gtk3::Adjustment( 1, 0.0, 999999.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
 $numeric_start_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $numeric_start_spin  = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $numeric_start_adj, 0, 0 );
+my $numeric_start_spin  = new Gtk3::SpinButton( $numeric_start_adj, 0, 0 );
-my $numeric_increment_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('and increment by')) );
-my $numeric_increment_adj   = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 1, 1.0, 9999.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
+my $numeric_increment_label = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('and increment by') );
+my $numeric_increment_adj   = new Gtk3::Adjustment( 1, 1.0, 9999.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
 $numeric_increment_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $numeric_increment_spin = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $numeric_increment_adj, 0, 0 );
+my $numeric_increment_spin = new Gtk3::SpinButton( $numeric_increment_adj, 0, 0 );
 # in hbox2 
-my $numeric_prefix_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Insert before the numbers')) );
-my $numeric_prefix_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
+my $numeric_prefix_label = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('Insert before the numbers') );
+my $numeric_prefix_entry = Gtk3::Entry->new();
 $numeric_prefix_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $numeric_prefix_entry->get_position+1;} );
 $numeric_prefix_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $numeric_prefix_entry->get_position+1;} );
 $numeric_prefix_entry->set_width_chars (9);
-my $numeric_suffix_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('and after')) );
-my $numeric_suffix_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
+my $numeric_suffix_label = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('and after') );
+my $numeric_suffix_entry = Gtk3::Entry->new();
 $numeric_suffix_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $numeric_suffix_entry->get_position+1;} );
 $numeric_suffix_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $numeric_suffix_entry->get_position+1;} );
 $numeric_suffix_entry->set_width_chars (9);
 # in hbox3
-my $numeric_keep_filenames1 = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Keep existing names')) );
-my $numeric_keep_filenames2 = new Gtk2::RadioButton( undef, decode('utf8',gettext('Before the numbers')) );
-my $numeric_keep_filenames3 = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $numeric_keep_filenames2, decode('utf8',gettext('After the numbers')) );
-my $numeric_keep_filenames4 = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $numeric_keep_filenames2, decode('utf8',gettext('No')) );
+my $numeric_keep_filenames1 = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('Keep existing names') );
+my $numeric_keep_filenames2 = Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget( undef, gtext('Before the numbers') );
+my $numeric_keep_filenames3 = Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget( $numeric_keep_filenames2, gtext('After the numbers') );
+my $numeric_keep_filenames4 = Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget( $numeric_keep_filenames2, gtext('No') );
 $numeric_keep_filenames4->set_active( TRUE );
 $numeric_keep_filenames2->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
@@ -517,35 +542,35 @@
 # Buttons                                                            #
-my $button_box = new Gtk2::VButtonBox();
-$button_box->set_layout_default( 'spread' );
+my $button_box = new Gtk3::ButtonBox('vertical');
 $table->attach_defaults( $button_box, 1, 2, 0, 1 );
-my $preview_button = new Gtk2::Button( decode('utf8',gettext('_Preview')) );
+my $preview_button = Gtk3::Button->new_with_mnemonic( gtext('_Preview') );
 $preview_button->set_sensitive( TRUE );
 if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { $preview_button->set_sensitive( FALSE ); }
 $preview_button->signal_connect( 'clicked', \&preview );
-my $apply_button = new Gtk2::Button( decode('utf8',gettext('_Rename')) );
+my $apply_button = Gtk3::Button->new_with_mnemonic( gtext('_Rename') );
 $apply_button->set_sensitive( TRUE );
 if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == FALSE ) { $apply_button->set_sensitive( FALSE ); }
 $apply_button->signal_connect( 'clicked', \&rename_now );
-my $undo_button = new Gtk2::Button( decode('utf8',gettext('_Undo')) );
+my $undo_button = Gtk3::Button->new_with_mnemonic( gtext('_Undo') );
 $undo_button->set_sensitive( FALSE );
 $undo_button->signal_connect( 'clicked', \&undo );
-my $refresh_button = new Gtk2::Button( decode('utf8',gettext('Refre_sh')) );
+my $refresh_button = Gtk3::Button->new_with_mnemonic( gtext('Refre_sh') );
 $refresh_button->set_sensitive( TRUE );
 $refresh_button->signal_connect( 'clicked', \&refresh );
 &open_tree; # automatically open the tree at start for the user
@@ -578,15 +603,15 @@
    # Append all the new directories that just opened up from the tree
    foreach my $i (@path) {
-      # Append only if it's a directory, not a file, and it's not the directory '.' or '..' and that we have permissions to access the directory
-      if ( -d decode('utf8',"$path$i") and $i ne '.' and $i ne '..' and -x decode('utf8',"$path$i") ) {
+      # Append only if it's a directory, not a file, and it's not the directory '.' or '..'
+      if ( -d decode('utf8',"$path$i") and $i ne '.' and $i ne '..' ) {
          # Append only hidden files and directories if the option Show hidden files is checked
          if ( substr($i,0,1) ne '.' or ( substr($i,0,1) eq '.' and $settings{'show_hidden_files'} == 1 ) ) {
             # fill @path_child with a listing of all files/directories of $i
             my @path_child = '';
-            opendir( DIRHANDLE, decode('utf8',"$path$i") );
+            opendir( DIRHANDLE, decode('utf8',"$path$i") ) || next;
             @path_child = readdir(DIRHANDLE);
             @path_child = sort(@path_child);
@@ -622,7 +647,6 @@
    my @path;      # will store a listing of all files/directories of $path
    # set $path to be the full path name from the iter selected
    my $iter_tmp = $iter;
    while( $iter_tmp ) {
@@ -651,16 +675,18 @@
          if ( substr($t,0,1) ne '.' or ( substr($t,0,1) eq '.' and $settings{'show_hidden_files'} == 1 ) ) {
             my $iter_new = $ls_files->append;
-            if ( $showpath == 0 ) { $ls_files->set_value( $iter_new, 0, decode('utf8',$t) ); }
-            else { $ls_files->set_value( $iter_new, 0, decode('utf8',"$path$t") ); }
+            my $t2 = $t;
+            if ( $showpath != 0 ) { $t2 = "$path$t"; }
+            $ls_files->set_value( $iter_new, 0, Glib::Object::Introspection::GValueWrapper->new('Glib::String', decode('utf8', $t2)) );
       elsif ( -d $path . decode('utf8',$t) and index(lc($t), lc($filter)) != -1 and $t ne '.' and $t ne '..' ) {
          if ( substr($t,0,1) ne '.' or ( substr($t,0,1) eq '.' and $settings{'show_hidden_files'} == 1 ) ) {
             my $iter_new = $ls_dirs->append;
-            if ( $showpath == 0 ) { $ls_dirs->set_value( $iter_new, 0, decode('utf8',$t) ); }
-            else { $ls_dirs->set_value( $iter_new, 0, decode('utf8',"$path$t") ); }
+            my $t2 = $t;
+            if ( $showpath != 0 ) { $t2 = "$path$t"; }
+            $ls_dirs->set_value( $iter_new, 0, Glib::Object::Introspection::GValueWrapper->new('Glib::String', decode('utf8', $t2)) );
@@ -682,25 +708,25 @@
 sub refresh_status_bar {
-   my $temp_file = decode('utf8',gettext('_File'));
+   my $temp_file = gtext('_File');
    $temp_file =~ s/_//g;
    if ( $status_bar_files < 2 ) { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar_files . ' ' . $temp_file ); }
-   else                         { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar_files . ' ' . decode('utf8',gettext('Files')) ); } 
+   else                         { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar_files . ' ' . gtext('Files') ); } 
-   if ( $status_bar_dirs < 2 ) { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar->get_label . ' | ' . $status_bar_dirs . ' ' . decode('utf8',gettext('Directory'))  ); }
-   else                        { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar->get_label . ' | ' . $status_bar_dirs . ' ' . decode('utf8',gettext('Directories')) ); } 
+   if ( $status_bar_dirs < 2 ) { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar->get_label . ' | ' . $status_bar_dirs . ' ' . gtext('Directory')  ); }
+   else                        { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar->get_label . ' | ' . $status_bar_dirs . ' ' . gtext('Directories') ); } 
    my $page_file_or_dir = $file_dir_notebook->get_current_page;
    if    ( $page_file_or_dir == 0 ) { $status_bar_selected = $tv_files->get_selection->count_selected_rows; }
    if    ( $page_file_or_dir == 1 ) { $status_bar_selected = $tv_dirs->get_selection->count_selected_rows; }
-   $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar->get_label . ' | ' . $status_bar_selected . ' ' . decode('utf8',gettext('Selected')) );
+   $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar->get_label . ' | ' . $status_bar_selected . ' ' . gtext('Selected') );
 sub preview {
    # change the cursor
-   my $cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('watch');
-   $window->window->set_cursor($cursor);
+   my $cursor = Gtk3::Gdk::Cursor->new('watch');
+   $window->get_window()->set_cursor($cursor);
    # We need an Idle callback else the cursor will not display
    Glib::Idle->add( sub {
@@ -744,16 +770,16 @@
-   $cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('left-ptr');
-   $window->window->set_cursor($cursor);
+   $cursor = Gtk3::Gdk::Cursor->new('left-ptr');
+   $window->get_window()->set_cursor($cursor);
    return FALSE;
    }); # close Glib::Idle
 sub rename_now {
    # change the cursor
-   my $cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('watch');
-   $window->window->set_cursor($cursor);
+   my $cursor = Gtk3::Gdk::Cursor->new('watch');
+   $window->get_window()->set_cursor($cursor);
    # We need an Idle callback else the cursor will not display
    Glib::Idle->add( sub {
@@ -801,7 +827,7 @@
       # Check if a file or a directory already exist with the name we need
       if ( $security == 1 and $exist == 0 and -e $path . $name_new ) {
-         my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', decode('utf8',gettext('Cannot rename because it already exist.')) . "\n\n" . decode('utf8',gettext('Name')) . " : $path$name_old" . "\n" . decode('utf8',gettext('New name')) .  ": $path$name_new");
+         my $dialog = Gtk3::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', gtext('Cannot rename because it already exist.') . "\n\n" . gtext('Name') . " : $path$name_old" . "\n" . gtext('New name') .  ": $path$name_new");
@@ -809,7 +835,7 @@
       # Check if a file or a directory is more than 253 characters long, else after appending _gp the filename will be too long
       if ( (length($name_old) >= 253) || (length($name_new) >= 253) ) {
-        my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', decode('utf8',gettext('Cannot rename because the filename is too long.')) . "\n\n" . decode('utf8',gettext('Name')) . " : $path$name_old" . "\n\n" . decode('utf8',gettext('New name')) .  ": $path$name_new");
+        my $dialog = Gtk3::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', gtext('Cannot rename because the filename is too long.') . "\n\n" . gtext('Name') . " : $path$name_old" . "\n\n" . gtext('New name') .  ": $path$name_new");
@@ -889,8 +915,8 @@
    if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == FALSE ) { $apply_button->set_sensitive( FALSE ); }
-   $cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('left-ptr');
-   $window->window->set_cursor($cursor);
+   $cursor = Gtk3::Gdk::Cursor->new('left-ptr');
+   $window->get_window()->set_cursor($cursor);
    return FALSE;
    }); # close Glib::Idle
@@ -977,6 +1003,9 @@
       # Insert
       if ( $insert_radio->get_active and $insert_entry->get_text ne '' ) {
          my $insert_at = $insert_spin->get_value_as_int();
+         # TODO: There is an off by one insert here.
+         # If $insert_at == -1, we should insert the text at the end. Not 1 from the end.
+         # This is because there is no such thing as "-0".
          if ( $insert_at > length($new_name) or $insert_at < (length($new_name)-(length($new_name)*2)) ) { $insert_at = length($new_name); }
          my $tmp_string1 = substr( $new_name, 0, $insert_at );
          my $tmp_string2 = substr( $new_name, $insert_at, length($new_name) );
@@ -987,6 +1016,7 @@
       elsif ( $delete_radio->get_active ) {
          my $delete_to = $delete_btw2_spin->get_value_as_int();
          my $delete_from = $delete_btw1_spin->get_value_as_int();
+         # TODO: Same off by one issue as in Insert.
          if ( $delete_to > length($new_name) or $delete_to < (length($new_name)-(length($new_name)*2)) ) { $delete_to = length($new_name); }
          my $tmp_string1 = substr( $new_name, 0, $delete_from );
          my $tmp_string2 = substr( $new_name, $delete_to, length($new_name) );
@@ -1020,8 +1050,8 @@
       # Substitution with pattern metacharacters
       if ( $replace_opt_regex->get_active ) {
-         if ( $replace_opt_case->get_mode ) { $new_name =~ s/$replace_this/$replace_with/g;  }
-         else                               { $new_name =~ s/$replace_this/$replace_with/ig; }
+         if ( $replace_opt_case->get_active ) { $new_name = repl($replace_this, $replace_with, $new_name, FALSE); }
+         else                               { $new_name = repl($replace_this, $replace_with, $new_name, TRUE); }
       # Substitution without pattern metacharacters (hence the \Q)
@@ -1128,7 +1158,9 @@
       $path = $path .  '/' . $x;
       if ( -e $path ) {
-         while ( $x ne $tv_tree->get_model->get($iter) and $iter ) { $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_next($iter); }
+         while ( $x ne $tv_tree->get_model->get($iter) and $iter ) {
+            $tv_tree->get_model->iter_next($iter);
+         }
          if ( $iter )  {
             $tv_tree->get_selection->select_iter( $iter );
@@ -1148,7 +1180,7 @@
 sub check_log_size {
    if ( -s $log_file > 1000000 ) {
-      my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', decode('utf8',gettext('The log file is over 1M, you should clear it from the Options menu.')) );
+      my $dialog = Gtk3::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', gtext('The log file is over 1M, you should clear it from the Options menu.') );
@@ -1233,20 +1265,20 @@
 sub options_filter {
-   my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new ( decode('utf8',gettext('Filter')), $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'gtk-ok' => 'reject');
+   my $dialog = Gtk3::Dialog->new ( gtext('Filter'), $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'gtk-ok' => 'reject');
    $dialog->set_default_response ('reject');
-   $dialog->set_has_separator (TRUE);
-   my $label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Only show files or directories that contains')) );
+   my $label = new Gtk3::Label( gtext('Only show files or directories that contains') );
-   my $filter_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
+   my $filter_entry = Gtk3::Entry->new();
+   $filter_entry->set_max_length(254);
    $filter_entry->set_activates_default( TRUE );
    $filter_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { $filter = encode('utf8',$filter_entry->get_text); &populate_listing; return '', $filter_entry->get_position+1;} );
    $filter_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { $filter = encode('utf8',$filter_entry->get_text); &populate_listing; return '', $filter_entry->get_position+1;} );
    $filter_entry->set_text( decode('utf8',$filter) );
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start($label, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start($filter_entry, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
+   $dialog->get_content_area()->pack_start($label, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
+   $dialog->get_content_area()->pack_start($filter_entry, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
@@ -1256,16 +1288,15 @@
 sub options_view_log {
-   my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new ('', $window, 'destroy-with-parent', decode('utf8',gettext('Clear')) => 'accept', 'gtk-ok' => 'reject');
+   my $dialog = Gtk3::Dialog->new ('', $window, 'destroy-with-parent', gtext('Clear') => 'accept', 'gtk-ok' => 'reject');
    $dialog->set_default_response ('reject');
-   $dialog->set_has_separator (TRUE);
    $dialog->set_default_size ($settings{'width'}, $settings{'height'});
-   my $log_sw = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
+   my $log_sw = new Gtk3::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
    $log_sw->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
    $log_sw->set_shadow_type ('in');
-   my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new();
+   my $textview = Gtk3::TextView->new();
    $textview->set_editable( FALSE );
    $textview->set_cursor_visible( FALSE ) ;
    $textview->set_wrap_mode ( 'none' ) ;
@@ -1279,7 +1310,7 @@
    $textview->get_buffer()->apply_tag ($tag, $textview->get_buffer()->get_start_iter, $textview->get_buffer()->get_end_iter);
    $log_sw->add_with_viewport( $textview );
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start($log_sw, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
+   $dialog->get_content_area()->pack_start($log_sw, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
@@ -1382,37 +1413,38 @@
 sub help_contents {
-   my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new ( decode('utf8',gettext('Tips')), $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'gtk-ok' => 'accept');
-   $dialog->set_has_separator (TRUE);
+   my $dialog = Gtk3::Dialog->new ( gtext('Tips'), $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'gtk-ok' => 'accept');
    $dialog->set_default_response ('accept');
-   $dialog->set_default_size (470, 330);
+   $dialog->set_default_size (530, 440);
-   my $tips_sw = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
+   my $tips_sw = new Gtk3::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
    $tips_sw->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
    $tips_sw->set_shadow_type ('in');
-   my $buffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new();
-   $buffer->create_tag ("bold", weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD);
+   my $buffer = Gtk3::TextBuffer->new();
+   # my $bold = Pango::parse_weight("bold", 0);
+   my $bold = 700;  # Pango::Weight::bold
+   $buffer->create_tag ("bold", weight => $bold);
    $buffer->create_tag ("indent", 'left-margin' => 20);
    my $iter = $buffer->get_start_iter;
-   my $tmp_menu_options = decode('utf8',gettext('_Options'));
+   my $tmp_menu_options = gtext('_Options');
    $tmp_menu_options =~ s/_//;
    $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, $tmp_menu_options , "bold" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n- "   . decode('utf8',gettext('Trim spaces: Automatically trim double spaces to only one and remove spaces at the beginning or end of the names.')), "indent" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n- " . decode('utf8',gettext('Zero auto-fill: For the Numerical section, 1 will be named 01 if you go up to 99 and 001 if you go up to 999 and so on.')), "indent" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n- " . decode('utf8',gettext('Automatic preview: This option will be turned off automatically if there\'s more than 10,000 files or directories listed.')), "indent" );
+   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n- "   . gtext('Trim spaces: Automatically trim double spaces to only one and remove spaces at the beginning or end of the names.'), "indent" );
+   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n- " . gtext('Zero auto-fill: For the Numerical section, 1 will be named 01 if you go up to 99 and 001 if you go up to 999 and so on.'), "indent" );
+   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n- " . gtext('Automatic preview: This option will be turned off automatically if there\'s more than 10,000 files or directories listed.'), "indent" );
    $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n- " . decode('utf8',gettext('Disable security check: If used, this can delete files after renaming, only use this when you rename case on a VFAT (Windows) partition.')), "indent" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n"   . decode('utf8',gettext('Insert / Delete')), "bold" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n- "   . decode('utf8',gettext('To specify the end, use a negative number or a high number.')), "indent" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n"   . decode('utf8',gettext('Replace / Remove')), "bold" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n- "   . decode('utf8',gettext('Backreferences with Regular expression cannot be use as $1 is considered a Perl variable.')), "indent" );
+   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n"   . gtext('Insert / Delete'), "bold" );
+   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n- "   . gtext('To specify the end, use a negative number or a high number.'), "indent" );
+   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n"   . gtext('Replace / Remove'), "bold" );
+   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n- "   . gtext('Backreferences with Regular expression are :1, :2, ...'), "indent" );
-   my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer( $buffer );
+   my $textview = Gtk3::TextView->new_with_buffer( $buffer );
    $textview->set_editable( FALSE );
    $textview->set_cursor_visible( FALSE ) ;
    $textview->set_wrap_mode ( 'word' ) ;
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start( $tips_sw, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
+   $dialog->get_content_area()->pack_start( $tips_sw, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
    $tips_sw->add_with_viewport( $textview );
@@ -1426,22 +1458,22 @@
 sub help_about {
-   my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new( decode('utf8',gettext('About')), $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'gtk-ok' => 'accept' );
+   my $dialog = Gtk3::Dialog->new( gtext('About'), $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'gtk-ok' => 'accept' );
    $dialog->set_default_response( 'accept' );
-   $dialog->set_has_separator( TRUE );
-   $dialog->set_default_size( 450, 260 );
+   $dialog->set_default_size( 480, 280 );
-   my $about_sw = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
+   my $about_sw = new Gtk3::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
    $about_sw->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
    $about_sw->set_shadow_type ('in');
-   my $buffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new();
-   $buffer->create_tag( 'bold', weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD );
-   $buffer->create_tag( 'big', size => 15 * PANGO_SCALE );
+   my $buffer = Gtk3::TextBuffer->new();
+   my $bold = 700;  # Pango::Weight::bold
+   $buffer->create_tag( 'bold', weight => $bold );
+   $buffer->create_tag( 'big', size => 20 * 1024 );
    $buffer->create_tag( 'italic', style => 'italic' );
    my $iter = $buffer->get_start_iter;
-   my $icon = '/usr/local/share/pixmaps/gprename/gprename.png';
-   my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file( $icon );
+   my $icon = '/usr/share/icons/gprename.png';
+   my $pixbuf = Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file( $icon );
    $buffer->insert_pixbuf ($iter,  $pixbuf);
    $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n GPRename " . $str_gprename_version, 'bold', 'big' );
@@ -1450,16 +1482,14 @@
    $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, " - gprename-users\" );
    $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\nHome Page", 'bold' );
    $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, " -"; );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\nWikipedia", 'bold' );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, " -"; );
-   my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($buffer);
+   my $textview = Gtk3::TextView->new_with_buffer($buffer);
    $textview->set_editable( FALSE );
    $textview->set_cursor_visible( FALSE ) ;
    $textview->set_wrap_mode ( 'word' ) ;
    $textview->set_justification ( 'center' ) ;
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start($about_sw, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
+   $dialog->get_content_area()->pack_start($about_sw, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
    $about_sw->add_with_viewport( $textview );
@@ -1497,7 +1527,7 @@
    my $size = @paths; # need $size to get the last item of @paths
    $path = '';
    my $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->get_iter_first;
-   $tv_tree->get_selection->select_iter( $iter ); # select the first iter which is '/' in case the use has the remember last directory option check and wants to remember /
+   $tv_tree->get_selection->select_iter( $iter ); # select the first iter which is '/' in case the user has the remember last directory option check and wants to remember /
    $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_nth_child ($iter, 0); # set $iter to point to the first directory in /
    # Open up the tree where the user wants to be
@@ -1510,7 +1540,7 @@
          while ( defined $iter and decode('utf8',$x) ne $tv_tree->get_model->get($iter) ) {
-            $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_next($iter);
+            $tv_tree->get_model->iter_next($iter);
          if ( $iter ) {
             $tv_tree->get_selection->select_iter( $iter );
@@ -1530,3 +1560,29 @@
    # List the files/directories
+# inspired by Kent Fredric's answer in:
+sub repl { 
+    my $find = shift; 
+    my $replace = shift; 
+    my $var = shift;
+    my $caseInsensitive = shift;
+    my @items = ($caseInsensitive) ? ( $var =~ /$find/i ) : ( $var =~ $find ); 
+    if ($caseInsensitive) {
+        $var =~ s/$find/$replace/i; 
+    } else {
+        $var =~ s/$find/$replace/; 
+    }
+    my @tokens = split /(:[0-9])/, $var;
+    for( 0 .. $#tokens ) {
+        if ($tokens[$_] =~ m/:[0-9]/) {
+            my $num = $tokens[$_];
+            $num =~ s/^:(.)$/$1/;
+            if ($num > 0 && $num <= @items) {
+                @tokens[$_] = @items[($num - 1)];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return join('', @tokens); 
diff -Nru gprename-20140325/build/gprename gprename-20201214/build/gprename
--- gprename-20140325/build/gprename	2014-03-26 00:47:23.000000000 +0200
+++ gprename-20201214/build/gprename	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,1532 +0,0 @@
-# GPRename is a complete batch renamer for files and directories.
-# GPRename Copyright (C) 2014
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License or
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# file COPYING that came with this software for details.
-# Home Page                        :
-# Wikipedia                        :
-# Subversion Web Browsing          :
-# Subversion Manual                :
-# GTK2-Perl FAQ                    :
-# GTK2-Perl Tutorials              :
-# GTK2-Perl POD                    :
-# Makefile tutorial                :
-# GNOME Human Interface Guidelines :
-# Linux Filesystem Hierarchy       :
-# Tutorial on gettext              :
-# Gnu gettext                      :
-# .desktop specification           :
-# To create a gprename.po template file :
-# cd bin
-# xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 -o gprename.po --no-wrap --language=Perl gprename
-# To start GPRename with another language :
-# LANGUAGE=fr gprename
-# How-to make a timer (debug purpose) :
-# use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
-# my $timer1=0;
-# my $timer2=0;
-# if ( $debug == 1 ) { print "\nentering preview\n"; $timer1 = [gettimeofday]; }
-# if ( $debug == 1 ) { print "leaving preview\n"; $timer2 = [gettimeofday]; printf "time : %.3fs\n", tv_interval($timer1, $timer2);}
-# Initialisation                                                     #
-use Gtk2 -init;
-use File::Spec::Functions;    # for the tree
-use Cwd;                      # to get the current directory
-use Encode qw(decode encode); # to handle accents, with the encode and decode function
-use Fcntl ':flock';           # for the flock function in &read_settings
-use strict;                   # require variables to be declared before using them and distrust barewords
-use warnings;                 # print warning messages on the command line
-use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/;      # to use the bareword TRUE and FALSE
-use utf8;                     # Because this file is in UTF8 and because we're using hardcoded accent in Help/About
-use Gtk2::Pango;              # To use text markup in TextView
-use POSIX;                    # for setlocale()
-use Locale::gettext;          # for l18n
-use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms;       # for keyboard shortcuts
-# set the locale
-setlocale(LC_ALL, '');
-bindtextdomain( 'gprename', '/usr/local/share/locale');
-textdomain( 'gprename' );
-# Change the font to courier new for the Tree and the SimpleList
-style 'my_text' { font_name ='courier new' }
-widget '*TreeView' style 'my_text'
-# Declaration of global variables
-my $setting_file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config/gprename/gprename";
-my $log_file = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config/gprename/gprename_log";
-if ( ! -e "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config" ) { `mkdir "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config"`; }
-if ( ! -e "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config/gprename" ) { `mkdir "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config/gprename"`; }
-if ( ! -e $log_file ) { `touch $log_file`; }
-our %langs;                   # Hash of all the different languages
-my %settings;                 # Hash of all the different options that can be saved 
-my @undo_oldname=();          # Hold a list of all the names renamed so that it can be undo
-my @undo_newname=();
-my $max_length_undo_old=0;    # Hold the biggest length of the old names, the log needs it
-my $max_length_undo_new=0;    # Hold the biggest length of the new names, the log needs it
-my $undo_path;                # Hold the path that was just renamed
-my $showpath=0;               # For the option Show path
-my $recursive=0;              # For the option Show recursive
-my $security=1;               # For the option Disable security
-my $filter='';                # For the option Filter
-my $exist=0;                  # For security check, if a name already exist
-my $status_bar_files=0;
-my $status_bar_dirs=0;
-my $status_bar_selected=0;
-my $str_gprename_version='5';
-# Hold a list of the Name and New Name column of files or directories
-# These are filled when calling &preview
-my @column_name=();
-my @column_new_name=();
-# Load settings file "~/.gprename"
-$settings{'trim_spaces'}        = TRUE;
-$settings{'auto_preview'}       = 0;
-$settings{'zero_autofill'}      = TRUE;
-$settings{'fullscreen'}         = 0;
-$settings{'width'}              = 640;
-$settings{'height'}             = 480;
-$settings{'security'}           = 0;
-$settings{'hpaned_width'}       = 200;
-$settings{'show_hidden_files'}  = 0;
-# Main window                                                        #
-# Create a window
-my $window = new Gtk2::Window( 'toplevel' );
-$window->set_position( 'none' );
-$window->set_title( 'GPRename' );
-$window->resize( $settings{'width'}, $settings{'height'} );
-$window->signal_connect( 'delete_event', \&quit );
-my $accel_group = new Gtk2::AccelGroup;
-$window->add_accel_group( $accel_group );
-# Set the window icon
-my $icon = '/usr/share/icons/gprename.png';
-my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file( $icon );
-$window->set_icon( $pixbuf );
-# Create a vertical main pane
-my $main_paned = new Gtk2::VPaned();
-$window->add( $main_paned );
-# Create a vbox for menubar and pane
-my $top_vbox = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 0 );
-$main_paned->pack1( $top_vbox, TRUE, TRUE );
-# Menubar                                                            #
-# Create the menubar
-my $menubar = new Gtk2::MenuBar();
-$top_vbox->pack_start( $menubar, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
-# Menu : File
-my $file_mm = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('_File')) );
-$menubar->append( $file_mm );
-my $file_menu = new Gtk2::Menu();
-$file_mm->set_submenu( $file_menu );
-# File - Quit
-my $quit_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Quit')) );
-$quit_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&quit );
-$quit_mi->add_accelerator( 'activate', $accel_group, $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Q}, ['control-mask'], ['visible'] );
-# Menu : Options
-my $options_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('_Options')) );
-$menubar->append( $options_mi );
-my $options_menu = new Gtk2::Menu();
-$options_mi->set_submenu( $options_menu );
-# Options - Automatically trim spaces at the beginning
-my $trim_spaces_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Trim spaces')) );
-if ( $settings{'trim_spaces'} ) { $trim_spaces_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); }
-$trim_spaces_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_trim_spaces );
-# Options - Zero auto-fill
-my $zero_autofill_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Zero auto-fill')) );
-if ( $settings{'zero_autofill'} ) { $zero_autofill_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); }
-$zero_autofill_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_zero_autofill );
-# Options - Automatic preview
-my $auto_preview_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Automatic preview')) );
-if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} ) { $auto_preview_rmi->set_active( TRUE  ); }
-$auto_preview_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_auto_preview );
-# Options - Remember last directory
-my $remember_last_directory_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Remember last directory')) );
-if ( $settings{'remember_last_directory'} ) { $remember_last_directory_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); }
-$remember_last_directory_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_remember_last_directory );
-# Options - Show hidden files
-my $show_hidden_files_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Show hidden files')) );
-if ( $settings{'show_hidden_files'} ) { $show_hidden_files_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); }
-$show_hidden_files_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_show_hidden_files );
-# Options - Show Path
-my $show_path_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Show path')) );
-$show_path_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_show_path );
-# Options - Recursive renaming
-my $recursive_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Show contents of subdirectories')) );
-$recursive_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_recursive );
-# Options - Fullscreen
-my $fullscreen_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Fullscreen')) );
-if ( $settings{'fullscreen'} ) { $fullscreen_rmi->set_active( TRUE ); $window->fullscreen; }
-$fullscreen_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_fullscreen );
-# Options - Disable security check
-my $security_rmi = new Gtk2::CheckMenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Disable security check')) );
-$security_rmi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_security );
-# Options - Filter
-my $filter_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Filter')) . '...' );
-$filter_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_filter );
-# Options - View Log
-my $view_log_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('View log')) . '...' );
-$view_log_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&options_view_log );
-$options_menu->append( $trim_spaces_rmi );
-$options_menu->append( $zero_autofill_rmi );
-$options_menu->append( $auto_preview_rmi );
-$options_menu->append( $remember_last_directory_rmi );
-#$options_menu->append( $recursive_rmi );
-$options_menu->append( $show_hidden_files_rmi );
-$options_menu->append( $show_path_rmi );
-$options_menu->append( $fullscreen_rmi );
-$options_menu->append( $security_rmi );
-$options_menu->append( Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new() );
-$options_menu->append( $filter_mi );
-$options_menu->append( Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new() );
-$options_menu->append( $view_log_mi );
-# Menu : Help
-my $help_mm = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('_Help')) );
-my $help_menu = new Gtk2::Menu();
-# Help - Contents
-my $contents_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('Contents')) );
-$contents_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&help_contents );
-# Help - About
-my $about_mi = new Gtk2::MenuItem( decode('utf8',gettext('About')) );
-$about_mi->signal_connect( 'activate', \&help_about );
-# Tree and files/directories list                                    #
-# Create the list of Files
-my $sw_filelist = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
-$sw_filelist->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
-my $ls_files = Gtk2::ListStore->new( qw(Glib::String), qw(Glib::String) );
-my $tv_files = Gtk2::TreeView->new( $ls_files );
-$tv_files->set_rules_hint ( TRUE ); # property to draw rows in alternate colors
-$tv_files->set_headers_visible ( TRUE );
-$tv_files->append_column ( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 0 ) );
-$tv_files->append_column ( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 1 ) );
-$tv_files->get_column(0)->set_resizable ( TRUE );
-$tv_files->get_column(1)->set_resizable ( TRUE );
-$tv_files->get_column(0)->set_title( decode('utf8',gettext('Name')) );
-$tv_files->get_column(1)->set_title( decode('utf8',gettext('New name')) );
-$tv_files->get_selection->signal_connect( 'changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$tv_files->get_selection->set_mode( 'multiple' );
-$sw_filelist->add( $tv_files );
-# Create the list of Directories
-my $sw_dirlist = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
-$sw_dirlist->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
-my $ls_dirs = Gtk2::ListStore->new( qw(Glib::String), qw(Glib::String) );
-my $tv_dirs = Gtk2::TreeView->new( $ls_dirs );
-$tv_dirs->set_rules_hint( TRUE ); # property to draw rows in alternate colors
-$tv_dirs->set_headers_visible( TRUE );
-$tv_dirs->append_column( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 0 ) );
-$tv_dirs->append_column( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 1 ) );
-$tv_dirs->get_column(0)->set_resizable( TRUE );
-$tv_dirs->get_column(1)->set_resizable( TRUE );
-$tv_dirs->get_column(0)->set_title( decode('utf8',gettext('Name')) );
-$tv_dirs->get_column(1)->set_title( decode('utf8',gettext('New name')) );
-$tv_dirs->get_selection->signal_connect( 'changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$tv_dirs->get_selection->set_mode( 'multiple' );
-$sw_dirlist->add( $tv_dirs );
-# Create the Notebook and put the Files and Directories list in it
-my $file_dir_notebook = new Gtk2::Notebook();
-$file_dir_notebook->append_page( $sw_filelist, decode('utf8',gettext('Files')) );
-$file_dir_notebook->append_page( $sw_dirlist,  decode('utf8',gettext('Directories')) );
-$file_dir_notebook->set_current_page (0);
-$file_dir_notebook->signal_connect_after( 'switch-page', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-# Create the Tree
-my $sw_tree = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
-$sw_tree->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
-my $ts_tree = Gtk2::TreeStore->new( qw(Glib::String) );
-my $tv_tree = Gtk2::TreeView->new( $ts_tree );
-my $iter = $ts_tree->append( undef );
-$ts_tree->set( $iter, 0 => File::Spec->rootdir() );
-$tv_tree->append_column( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( '', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => 0 ) );
-$tv_tree->set_headers_visible( FALSE );
-$sw_tree->add_with_viewport( $tv_tree );
-$tv_tree->signal_connect( 'row_expanded',   \&populate_tree    );
-$tv_tree->signal_connect( 'cursor_changed', \&populate_listing );
-# Add only one item in the tree, anything, and open it up, this will call the populate_tree function
-$ts_tree->set( $ts_tree->append( $tv_tree->get_model->get_iter_first ), 0, 'anything' );
-$tv_tree->expand_to_path( $tv_tree->get_model->get_path( $tv_tree->get_model->get_iter_first ) );
-# Create an HPaned and put the Tree and Notebook in it
-my $hpaned = Gtk2::HPaned->new; 
-$top_vbox->pack_end( $hpaned, TRUE, TRUE, 2 );
-$hpaned->pack1( $sw_tree, TRUE, TRUE );
-$hpaned->pack2( $file_dir_notebook, FALSE, TRUE );
-$hpaned->set_position( $settings{'hpaned_width'} );
-$hpaned->child1_resize( 0 );
-# Create manipulation items                                          #
-# Create a vbox for menubar and pane
-my $bottom_vbox = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 2);
-$main_paned->pack2( $bottom_vbox, FALSE, TRUE );
-my $status_bar = new Gtk2::Label( '' );
-$status_bar->set_justify( 'left' );
-$bottom_vbox->pack_start( $status_bar, TRUE, TRUE, 0 );
-my $table = new Gtk2::Table( 1, 2, FALSE );
-$bottom_vbox->pack_end( $table, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
-my $notebook = new Gtk2::Notebook();
-$notebook->set_current_page (0);
-$table->attach_defaults( $notebook, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
-$notebook->signal_connect_after( 'switch-page', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} ) { &preview; } } );
-# Case change                                                        #
-my $case_hbox1 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $case_hbox2 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $case_vbox1 = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $case_vbox2 = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-$notebook->append_page( $case_hbox1, decode('utf8',gettext('Case Change')) );
-my $case_all_up_radio     = new Gtk2::RadioButton( undef, decode('utf8',gettext('ALL UPPERCASE')) );
-my $case_all_lo_radio     = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $case_all_up_radio, decode('utf8',gettext('all lowercase')) );
-my $case_only_first_radio = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $case_all_up_radio, decode('utf8',gettext('Only the first letter')) );
-my $case_first_radio      = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $case_all_up_radio, decode('utf8',gettext('Only The First Letter And After')) );
-my $case_first_after_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
-$case_first_after_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $case_first_after_entry->get_position+1;} );
-$case_first_after_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $case_first_after_entry->get_position+1;} );
-$case_first_after_entry->set_text(' _-\([');
-$case_first_after_entry->set_width_chars( 8 );
-$case_all_up_radio    ->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$case_all_lo_radio    ->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$case_only_first_radio->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$case_first_radio     ->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$case_hbox1->pack_start( $case_vbox1,             FALSE, TRUE, 4 );
-$case_hbox1->pack_start( $case_vbox2,             FALSE, TRUE, 4 );
-$case_vbox1->pack_start( $case_all_up_radio,      FALSE, TRUE, 4 );
-$case_vbox1->pack_start( $case_all_lo_radio,      FALSE, TRUE, 4 );
-$case_vbox2->pack_start( $case_only_first_radio,  FALSE, TRUE, 4 );
-$case_hbox2->pack_start( $case_first_radio,       FALSE, TRUE, 0 );
-$case_hbox2->pack_start( $case_first_after_entry, FALSE, TRUE, 0 );
-$case_vbox2->pack_start( $case_hbox2,             FALSE, TRUE, 4 );
-# Insert / Delete                                                    #
-my $insdel_vbox  = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $insdel_hbox1 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $insdel_hbox2 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-$notebook->append_page( $insdel_vbox, decode('utf8',gettext('Insert / Delete')) );
-# in hbox1
-my $insert_radio = new Gtk2::RadioButton( undef, decode('utf8',gettext('Insert')) );
-$insert_radio->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $insert_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
-$insert_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $insert_entry->get_position+1;} );
-$insert_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $insert_entry->get_position+1;} );
-my $insert_at_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('at position')) );
-my $insert_adj = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 0, -256.0, 256.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
-$insert_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $insert_spin = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $insert_adj, 0, 0 );
-# in hbox2
-my $delete_radio = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $insert_radio, decode('utf8',gettext('Delete between')) );
-$delete_radio->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $delete_btw1_adj = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 0, -256.0, 256.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
-$delete_btw1_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $delete_btw1_spin = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $delete_btw1_adj, 0, 0 );
-my $delete_btw2_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('and')) );
-my $delete_btw2_adj = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 1, -256.0, 256.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
-$delete_btw2_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $delete_btw2_spin = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $delete_btw2_adj, 0, 0 );
-$insdel_vbox ->pack_start( $insdel_hbox1,      FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$insdel_vbox ->pack_start( $insdel_hbox2,      FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$insdel_hbox1->pack_start( $insert_radio,      FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$insdel_hbox1->pack_start( $insert_entry,      FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$insdel_hbox1->pack_start( $insert_at_label,   FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$insdel_hbox1->pack_start( $insert_spin,       FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$insdel_hbox2->pack_start( $delete_radio,      FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$insdel_hbox2->pack_start( $delete_btw1_spin,  FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$insdel_hbox2->pack_start( $delete_btw2_label, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$insdel_hbox2->pack_start( $delete_btw2_spin,  FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-# Replace / Remove                                                   #
-my $reprem_vbox  = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $reprem_hbox  = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-$notebook->append_page( $reprem_vbox, decode('utf8',gettext('Replace / Remove')) );
-my $replace_this_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Replace')) );
-my $replace_this_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(99);
-$replace_this_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $replace_this_entry->get_position+1;} );
-$replace_this_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $replace_this_entry->get_position+1;} );
-my $replace_with_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('with')) );
-my $replace_with_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(99);
-$replace_with_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $replace_with_entry->get_position+1;} );
-$replace_with_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $replace_with_entry->get_position+1;} );
-my $replace_opt_case  = new Gtk2::CheckButton( decode('utf8',gettext('Case sensitive')) );
-$replace_opt_case->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $replace_opt_regex = new Gtk2::CheckButton( decode('utf8',gettext('Regular expression')) );
-$replace_opt_regex->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$reprem_vbox->pack_start( $reprem_hbox,        FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$reprem_hbox->pack_start( $replace_this_label, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$reprem_hbox->pack_start( $replace_this_entry, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$reprem_hbox->pack_start( $replace_with_label, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$reprem_hbox->pack_start( $replace_with_entry, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$reprem_vbox->pack_start( $replace_opt_case,   FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$reprem_vbox->pack_start( $replace_opt_regex,  FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-# Numerical                                                          #
-my $numeric_vbox  = new Gtk2::VBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $numeric_hbox1 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $numeric_hbox2 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-my $numeric_hbox3 = new Gtk2::HBox( FALSE, 4 );
-$notebook->append_page( $numeric_vbox, decode('utf8',gettext('Numerical')) );
-# in hbox1
-my $numeric_start_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Add numbers starting at')) );
-my $numeric_start_adj   = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 1, 0.0, 999999.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0 );
-$numeric_start_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $numeric_start_spin  = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $numeric_start_adj, 0, 0 );
-my $numeric_increment_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('and increment by')) );
-my $numeric_increment_adj   = new Gtk2::Adjustment( 1, 1.0, 9999.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
-$numeric_increment_adj->signal_connect( 'value_changed', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-my $numeric_increment_spin = new Gtk2::SpinButton( $numeric_increment_adj, 0, 0 );
-# in hbox2 
-my $numeric_prefix_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Insert before the numbers')) );
-my $numeric_prefix_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
-$numeric_prefix_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $numeric_prefix_entry->get_position+1;} );
-$numeric_prefix_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $numeric_prefix_entry->get_position+1;} );
-$numeric_prefix_entry->set_width_chars (9);
-my $numeric_suffix_label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('and after')) );
-my $numeric_suffix_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
-$numeric_suffix_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $numeric_suffix_entry->get_position+1;} );
-$numeric_suffix_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } return '', $numeric_suffix_entry->get_position+1;} );
-$numeric_suffix_entry->set_width_chars (9);
-# in hbox3
-my $numeric_keep_filenames1 = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Keep existing names')) );
-my $numeric_keep_filenames2 = new Gtk2::RadioButton( undef, decode('utf8',gettext('Before the numbers')) );
-my $numeric_keep_filenames3 = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $numeric_keep_filenames2, decode('utf8',gettext('After the numbers')) );
-my $numeric_keep_filenames4 = new Gtk2::RadioButton( $numeric_keep_filenames2, decode('utf8',gettext('No')) );
-$numeric_keep_filenames4->set_active( TRUE );
-$numeric_keep_filenames2->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$numeric_keep_filenames3->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$numeric_keep_filenames4->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview; } } );
-$numeric_vbox->pack_start(  $numeric_hbox1,           FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_vbox->pack_start(  $numeric_hbox2,           FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_vbox->pack_start(  $numeric_hbox3,           FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox1->pack_start( $numeric_start_label,     FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox1->pack_start( $numeric_start_spin,      FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox1->pack_start( $numeric_increment_label, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox1->pack_start( $numeric_increment_spin,  FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox2->pack_start( $numeric_prefix_label,    FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox2->pack_start( $numeric_prefix_entry,    FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox2->pack_start( $numeric_suffix_label,    FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox2->pack_start( $numeric_suffix_entry,    FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox3->pack_start( $numeric_keep_filenames1, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox3->pack_start( $numeric_keep_filenames2, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox3->pack_start( $numeric_keep_filenames3, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-$numeric_hbox3->pack_start( $numeric_keep_filenames4, FALSE, FALSE, 4 );
-# Buttons                                                            #
-my $button_box = new Gtk2::VButtonBox();
-$button_box->set_layout_default( 'spread' );
-$table->attach_defaults( $button_box, 1, 2, 0, 1 );
-my $preview_button = new Gtk2::Button( decode('utf8',gettext('_Preview')) );
-$preview_button->set_sensitive( TRUE );
-if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { $preview_button->set_sensitive( FALSE ); }
-$preview_button->signal_connect( 'clicked', \&preview );
-my $apply_button = new Gtk2::Button( decode('utf8',gettext('_Rename')) );
-$apply_button->set_sensitive( TRUE );
-if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == FALSE ) { $apply_button->set_sensitive( FALSE ); }
-$apply_button->signal_connect( 'clicked', \&rename_now );
-my $undo_button = new Gtk2::Button( decode('utf8',gettext('_Undo')) );
-$undo_button->set_sensitive( FALSE );
-$undo_button->signal_connect( 'clicked', \&undo );
-my $refresh_button = new Gtk2::Button( decode('utf8',gettext('Refre_sh')) );
-$refresh_button->set_sensitive( TRUE );
-$refresh_button->signal_connect( 'clicked', \&refresh );
-&open_tree; # automatically open the tree at start for the user
-# Functions                                                          #
-sub populate_tree{
-   my ( $tree_view, $iter, $tree_path ) = @_;
-   my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
-   my $path = ''; # current path selected
-   my @path;      # will store a listing of all files/directories of $path
-   my $iter_to_remove = $tree_model->iter_n_children( $iter ); # number of child to remove at the end
-   # set $path to be the full path name from the iter selected
-   my $iter_tmp = $iter;
-   while( $iter_tmp ) {
-      $path = $tree_model->get($iter_tmp) . '/' . $path;
-      $iter_tmp = $tree_model->iter_parent( $iter_tmp );
-   }
-   $path =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g; # replace double slash to only one
-   $path = encode('utf8',$path);
-   # fill @path with a list of files and directories
-   opendir( DIRHANDLE, $path );
-   @path = readdir(DIRHANDLE);
-   closedir(DIRHANDLE);
-   @path = sort(@path);
-   # Append all the new directories that just opened up from the tree
-   foreach my $i (@path) {
-      # Append only if it's a directory, not a file, and it's not the directory '.' or '..' and that we have permissions to access the directory
-      if ( -d decode('utf8',"$path$i") and $i ne '.' and $i ne '..' and -x decode('utf8',"$path$i") ) {
-         # Append only hidden files and directories if the option Show hidden files is checked
-         if ( substr($i,0,1) ne '.' or ( substr($i,0,1) eq '.' and $settings{'show_hidden_files'} == 1 ) ) {
-            # fill @path_child with a listing of all files/directories of $i
-            my @path_child = '';
-            opendir( DIRHANDLE, decode('utf8',"$path$i") );
-            @path_child = readdir(DIRHANDLE);
-            closedir(DIRHANDLE);
-            @path_child = sort(@path_child);
-            # add a new directory to the tree which is $i
-            my $iter_new = $ts_tree->append( $iter );
-            $ts_tree->set( $iter_new, 0 => decode('utf8',$i) );
-            # we have to loop again to add new directories to the child of $i so that we can
-            # have a little arrow to open up $i since it contains other directories inside
-            foreach my $j (@path_child) {
-               if ( -d decode('utf8',"$path$i/$j") and $j ne '.' and $j ne '..'  ) {
-                  my $iter_child = $ts_tree->append( $iter_new );
-                  $ts_tree->set( $iter_child, 0 => decode('utf8',$j) );
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   # remove all the old directories since we just put new ones
-   foreach my $h ( 1...$iter_to_remove ) {
-      my $child = $ts_tree->iter_children( $iter );
-      $ts_tree->remove( $child );
-   }
-sub populate_listing {
-   my $tree_view = $tv_tree;
-   my $iter = $tree_view->get_selection->get_selected;
-   my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
-   my $path = ''; # current path selected
-   my @path;      # will store a listing of all files/directories of $path
-   $status_bar_files=0;
-   $status_bar_dirs=0;
-   # set $path to be the full path name from the iter selected
-   my $iter_tmp = $iter;
-   while( $iter_tmp ) {
-      $path = $tree_model->get($iter_tmp) . '/' . $path;
-      $iter_tmp = $tree_model->iter_parent( $iter_tmp );
-   }
-   $path =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g; # replace double slash to only one
-   # fill @path with a list of files and directory, make sure to use the
-   # opendir function and not the glob function for this because glob
-   # cannot handle directory with text inside brackets : "some[thing]", google
-   # for 'glob bug bracket' for more information on this behavior
-   opendir( DIRHANDLE, $path );
-   @path = readdir(DIRHANDLE);
-   closedir(DIRHANDLE);
-   @path = sort(@path);
-   # clear the ListStore before we put the new ones in
-   $ls_files->clear;
-   $ls_dirs->clear;
-   # Append all the new files and directories names to each list if it's a
-   # file or a directory and it matches the filter and depending on the Show hidden files options
-   foreach my $t (@path) {
-      if ( -f $path . decode('utf8',$t) and index(lc($t), lc($filter)) != -1 ) {
-         if ( substr($t,0,1) ne '.' or ( substr($t,0,1) eq '.' and $settings{'show_hidden_files'} == 1 ) ) {
-            my $iter_new = $ls_files->append;
-            $status_bar_files+=1;
-            if ( $showpath == 0 ) { $ls_files->set_value( $iter_new, 0, decode('utf8',$t) ); }
-            else { $ls_files->set_value( $iter_new, 0, decode('utf8',"$path$t") ); }
-         }
-      }
-      elsif ( -d $path . decode('utf8',$t) and index(lc($t), lc($filter)) != -1 and $t ne '.' and $t ne '..' ) {
-         if ( substr($t,0,1) ne '.' or ( substr($t,0,1) eq '.' and $settings{'show_hidden_files'} == 1 ) ) {
-            my $iter_new = $ls_dirs->append;
-            $status_bar_dirs+=1;
-            if ( $showpath == 0 ) { $ls_dirs->set_value( $iter_new, 0, decode('utf8',$t) ); }
-            else { $ls_dirs->set_value( $iter_new, 0, decode('utf8',"$path$t") ); }
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   # Turn off Automatic Preview if there's more than 10,000 files or directories
-   if ( $status_bar_files >= 10000 or $status_bar_dirs >= 10000 ) { 
-      $auto_preview_rmi->set_active( FALSE  );
-      $settings{'auto_preview'} = 0; 
-      $preview_button->set_sensitive(TRUE);
-      $apply_button->set_sensitive( FALSE );
-   }
-   if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview };
-   $tv_files->columns_autosize;
-   $tv_dirs->columns_autosize;
-   &refresh_status_bar;
-sub refresh_status_bar {
-   $status_bar_selected=0;
-   my $temp_file = decode('utf8',gettext('_File'));
-   $temp_file =~ s/_//g;
-   if ( $status_bar_files < 2 ) { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar_files . ' ' . $temp_file ); }
-   else                         { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar_files . ' ' . decode('utf8',gettext('Files')) ); } 
-   if ( $status_bar_dirs < 2 ) { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar->get_label . ' | ' . $status_bar_dirs . ' ' . decode('utf8',gettext('Directory'))  ); }
-   else                        { $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar->get_label . ' | ' . $status_bar_dirs . ' ' . decode('utf8',gettext('Directories')) ); } 
-   my $page_file_or_dir = $file_dir_notebook->get_current_page;
-   if    ( $page_file_or_dir == 0 ) { $status_bar_selected = $tv_files->get_selection->count_selected_rows; }
-   if    ( $page_file_or_dir == 1 ) { $status_bar_selected = $tv_dirs->get_selection->count_selected_rows; }
-   $status_bar->set_label( $status_bar->get_label . ' | ' . $status_bar_selected . ' ' . decode('utf8',gettext('Selected')) );
-sub preview {
-   # change the cursor
-   my $cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('watch');
-   $window->window->set_cursor($cursor);
-   # We need an Idle callback else the cursor will not display
-   Glib::Idle->add( sub {
-   my $page = $notebook->get_current_page;
-   my $page_file_or_dir = $file_dir_notebook->get_current_page;
-   my $tree_view; # TreeView of files or directories
-   my $store;     # ListStore of files or directories
-   if    ( $page_file_or_dir == 0 ) { $tree_view = $tv_files; $store = $ls_files; }
-   elsif ( $page_file_or_dir == 1 ) { $tree_view = $tv_dirs ; $store = $ls_dirs ; }
-   @column_name    =();
-   @column_new_name=();
-   my $selected_rows = $tree_view->get_selection->count_selected_rows;
-   if ( defined $apply_button ) { $apply_button->set_sensitive( TRUE ); }
-   # Fill @column_name
-   if ( defined $tree_view ) { $tree_view->get_model->foreach( sub 
-      {
-         my ($model, $path, $iter, $tree_view) =@_;
-         # If there's no selection or there is and it's this iter, then add
-         # a string to @column_name, else set it empty with ''
-         if ( $selected_rows == 0 or $tree_view->get_selection->iter_is_selected( $iter ) ) { push(@column_name, $model->get($iter,0) ); }
-         else { push(@column_name, '' ); }
-      return FALSE;
-      }, $tree_view); }
-   # Fill @column_new_name
-   if    ( $page == 0 ) { &case;    }
-   elsif ( $page == 1 ) { &insdel;  }
-   elsif ( $page == 2 ) { &replace; }
-   elsif ( $page == 3 ) { &numeric; }
-   # Append the new name in the column New Name
-   if ( defined $tree_view ) { $tree_view->get_model->foreach( sub {
-      my ($model, $path, $iter, $store) =@_;
-      $store->set( $iter, 1, $column_new_name[0] );
-      push(@column_new_name, shift(@column_new_name));
-      return FALSE;
-   }, $store); }
-   &refresh_status_bar;
-   $cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('left-ptr');
-   $window->window->set_cursor($cursor);
-   return FALSE;
-   }); # close Glib::Idle
-sub rename_now {
-   # change the cursor
-   my $cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('watch');
-   $window->window->set_cursor($cursor);
-   # We need an Idle callback else the cursor will not display
-   Glib::Idle->add( sub {
-   my $rename=0;
-   my $name_old='';
-   my $name_new='';
-   my $name_tmp='';
-   my $path='';
-   my $a=0;
-   my $a_undo=0;
-   $exist=0;
-   $max_length_undo_old=0;
-   $max_length_undo_new=0;
-   @undo_oldname=();
-   @undo_newname=();
-   my @selected;
-   my $treeview;
-   my $page_file_or_dir = $file_dir_notebook->get_current_page;
-   if ( $page_file_or_dir == 0 ) { $treeview = $tv_files; }
-   if ( $page_file_or_dir == 1 ) { $treeview = $tv_dirs; }
-   @selected = $treeview->get_selection->get_selected_rows;
-   # Set $path
-   $path = '';
-   my $iter_tmp = $tv_tree->get_selection->get_selected;
-   while( $iter_tmp ) {
-      $path = $tv_tree->get_model->get($iter_tmp) . '/' . $path;
-      $iter_tmp = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_parent( $iter_tmp );
-   }
-   # replace double dash to only one
-   $path =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g;
-   $undo_path = $path;
-   while ( $a < @column_new_name ) {
-   if ( $column_new_name[$a] ne '' ) {
-      # Set $name_old and $name_new without the path
-      if ( $showpath == 0 ) { $name_old = $column_name[$a]; }
-      else { $name_old = substr( $column_name[$a], rindex($column_name[$a],'/')+1, length($column_name[$a]) ); }
-      $name_new = $column_new_name[$a];
-      # Check if a file or a directory already exist with the name we need
-      if ( $security == 1 and $exist == 0 and -e $path . $name_new ) {
-         my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', decode('utf8',gettext('Cannot rename because it already exist.')) . "\n\n" . decode('utf8',gettext('Name')) . " : $path$name_old" . "\n" . decode('utf8',gettext('New name')) .  ": $path$name_new");
-         $dialog->run;
-         $dialog->destroy;
-         $exist=1;
-      }
-      # Check if a file or a directory is more than 253 characters long, else after appending _gp the filename will be too long
-      if ( (length($name_old) >= 253) || (length($name_new) >= 253) ) {
-        my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', decode('utf8',gettext('Cannot rename because the filename is too long.')) . "\n\n" . decode('utf8',gettext('Name')) . " : $path$name_old" . "\n\n" . decode('utf8',gettext('New name')) .  ": $path$name_new");
-        $dialog->run;
-        $dialog->destroy;
-        $exist=1;
-      }
-      # If the file or directory doesn't exist, then start renaming
-      if ( $exist == 0 ) {
-         # If the setting Trim Spaces is checked, then trim it
-         if ( $settings{'trim_spaces'} == TRUE ) { 
-            $name_new =~ s/^\s+//;     # trim spaces at start
-            $name_new =~ s/\s+$//;     # trim spaces at end
-            $name_new =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g; # replace more than 2 spaces to only 1
-         }
-         # Set $max_length for the log file
-         if ( $max_length_undo_old < length($name_old) ) { $max_length_undo_old = length($name_old); }
-         if ( $max_length_undo_new < length($name_new) ) { $max_length_undo_new = length($name_new); }
-         $undo_oldname[$a_undo] = $name_old;
-         $undo_newname[$a_undo] = $name_new;
-         $a_undo++;
-         # We have to rename the files/dirs 2 times with "_gp" because you can't
-         # rename the file "a" to "A" in one shot on a Windows filesystem
-         $name_old = "$path$name_old";
-         $name_tmp = "$name_old" . "_gp";
-         $name_new = "$path$name_new";
-         rename( $name_old, $name_tmp ) || print $! . "\n";
-         rename( $name_tmp, $name_new );
-         $rename=1;
-      } # end if $exist
-   } # end if
-      $a++;
-   } # end while
-   # if there was a rename with no error then print to the log file
-   if ( $rename == 1 and $exist == 0 ) {
-      open( OUTPUT, '>>', $log_file ) or die "Couldn't open $log_file for writing: $!\n";
-      flock( OUTPUT, LOCK_EX );
-      if ( $path ne '/' ) { print OUTPUT localtime() . " - " . substr($path, 0, length($path)-1) . "\n"; }
-      else                { print OUTPUT localtime() . " - $path\n"; }
-      my $x=0;
-      my $y=0;
-      while ( $x < @undo_newname ) {
-         print OUTPUT $undo_oldname[$x];
-         $y=length( decode('utf8',$undo_oldname[$x]) );
-         while ( $y < $max_length_undo_old ) { print OUTPUT " "; $y++; }
-         print OUTPUT " => $undo_newname[$x]\n";
-         $x++;
-      }
-      print OUTPUT "\n";
-      flock( OUTPUT, LOCK_UN );
-      close( OUTPUT );
-      $undo_button->set_sensitive( TRUE );
-   }
-   # if there was a renaming and there was an error then call undo
-   if ( $rename == 1 and $exist == 1 ) { &undo; }
-   @column_name=();
-   @column_new_name=();
-   &populate_listing;
-   $tv_files->columns_autosize;
-   $tv_dirs->columns_autosize;
-   # if there was an error, keep the selection of the user
-   if ( $exist == 1 ) { foreach my $x (@selected) { $treeview->get_selection->select_path( $x ); } }
-   &check_log_size;
-   if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == FALSE ) { $apply_button->set_sensitive( FALSE ); }
-   $cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new('left-ptr');
-   $window->window->set_cursor($cursor);
-   return FALSE;
-   }); # close Glib::Idle
-sub case {
-   my @case_first_after = split( //, $case_first_after_entry->get_text);
-   my $new_name='';
-   my $name_check='';
-   my $a=0;
-   while ( $a < @column_name ) {
-   if ( $column_name[$a] ne '' ) {
-      # Trim the spaces and the path if the option Show path is selected
-      if ( $showpath == 0 ) { $new_name = $column_name[$a]; }
-      else { $new_name = substr( $column_name[$a] , rindex($column_name[$a],'/')+1, length($column_name[$a])) };
-      $name_check = $new_name;
-      $new_name = &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name);
-      # To UPPERCASE
-      if    ( $case_all_up_radio->get_active ) { $new_name = "\U$new_name"; }
-      # to lowercase
-      elsif ( $case_all_lo_radio->get_active ) { $new_name = "\L$new_name"; }
-      # Only the first letter
-      # loop through each character, when it finds the first character that can
-      # be converted to uppercase, set it and exit the loop, this function can
-      # then convert "05 something" to "05 Something"
-      elsif ( $case_only_first_radio->get_active ) {
-         $new_name = "\L$new_name";
-         my $exit=0;
-         my @tmp = split( //, $new_name );
-         foreach my $x (@tmp) {
-            if ( $exit == 0 ) {
-               if ( $x =~ /\p{Ll}\p{M}*/ ) { $x = "\U$x"; $exit = 1; }
-            }
-         }
-         $new_name = join( "", @tmp );
-      }
-      # Each First Letter
-      # Loop two times for each string for each character, if it's equal then
-      # set the next character in uppercase
-      elsif ( $case_first_radio->get_active ) {
-         $new_name = "\L$new_name";
-         my @temp1 = split( //, $new_name); # to loop
-         my @temp2 = split( //, $new_name); # to modify
-         foreach my $x (@case_first_after) {
-         my $y=0;
-            foreach my $z (@temp1) {
-               if ( $x eq $z and defined $temp1[$y+1] ) { $temp2[$y+1] = "\U$temp2[$y+1]"; }
-               $y++;
-            }
-         }
-         $temp2[0] = "\U$temp2[0]";
-         $new_name = join( "", @temp2 );
-      }
-   } # end if
-      $column_new_name[$a]='';
-      if ( $name_check ne &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name) ) { $column_new_name[$a] = &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name); }
-      $new_name='';
-      $a++;
-   } # end while
-sub insdel {
-   my $new_name='';
-   my $name_check='';
-   my $a=0;
-   while ( $a < @column_name ) {
-   if ( $column_name[$a] ne '' ) {
-      # Trim the spaces and the path if the option Show path is selected
-      if ( $showpath == 0 ) { $new_name = $column_name[$a]; }
-      else { $new_name = substr( $column_name[$a] , rindex($column_name[$a],'/')+1, length($column_name[$a])) };
-      $name_check = $new_name;
-      $new_name = &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name);
-      # Insert
-      if ( $insert_radio->get_active and $insert_entry->get_text ne '' ) {
-         my $insert_at = $insert_spin->get_value_as_int();
-         if ( $insert_at > length($new_name) or $insert_at < (length($new_name)-(length($new_name)*2)) ) { $insert_at = length($new_name); }
-         my $tmp_string1 = substr( $new_name, 0, $insert_at );
-         my $tmp_string2 = substr( $new_name, $insert_at, length($new_name) );
-         $new_name = $tmp_string1 . $insert_entry->get_text . $tmp_string2;
-      }
-      # Delete
-      elsif ( $delete_radio->get_active ) {
-         my $delete_to = $delete_btw2_spin->get_value_as_int();
-         my $delete_from = $delete_btw1_spin->get_value_as_int();
-         if ( $delete_to > length($new_name) or $delete_to < (length($new_name)-(length($new_name)*2)) ) { $delete_to = length($new_name); }
-         my $tmp_string1 = substr( $new_name, 0, $delete_from );
-         my $tmp_string2 = substr( $new_name, $delete_to, length($new_name) );
-         $new_name = $tmp_string1 . $tmp_string2;
-      }
-   } # end if
-      $column_new_name[$a]='';
-      if ( $name_check ne &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name) ) { $column_new_name[$a] = &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name); }
-      $new_name='';
-      $a++;
-   } # end while
-sub replace {
-   my $new_name='';
-   my $name_check='';
-   my $a=0;
-   my $replace_this = $replace_this_entry->get_text;
-   my $replace_with = $replace_with_entry->get_text;
-   while ( $a < @column_name ) {
-   if ( $column_name[$a] ne '' and $replace_this ne '' ) {
-      # Trim the spaces and the path if the option Show path is selected
-      if ( $showpath == 0 ) { $new_name = $column_name[$a]; }
-      else { $new_name = substr( $column_name[$a] , rindex($column_name[$a],'/')+1, length($column_name[$a])) };
-      $name_check = $new_name;
-      $new_name = &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name);
-      # Substitution with pattern metacharacters
-      if ( $replace_opt_regex->get_active ) {
-         if ( $replace_opt_case->get_mode ) { $new_name =~ s/$replace_this/$replace_with/g;  }
-         else                               { $new_name =~ s/$replace_this/$replace_with/ig; }
-      }
-      # Substitution without pattern metacharacters (hence the \Q)
-      else {
-         if ( $replace_opt_case->get_active ) { $new_name =~ s/\Q$replace_this/$replace_with/g;  }
-         else                                 { $new_name =~ s/\Q$replace_this/$replace_with/ig; }
-      }
-   } # end if
-      $column_new_name[$a]='';
-      if ( $name_check ne &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name) ) { $column_new_name[$a] = &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name); }
-      $new_name='';
-      $a++;
-   } # end while
-sub numeric {
-   my $numeric_start     = $numeric_start_spin->get_value_as_int();
-   my $numeric_increment = $numeric_increment_spin->get_value_as_int();
-   my $numeric_prefix    = $numeric_prefix_entry->get_text;
-   my $numeric_suffix    = $numeric_suffix_entry->get_text;
-   my $name_before='';
-   my $name_after='';
-   my $new_name='';
-   my $name_check='';
-   my $a=0;
-   my $max_no=0;                        # Used for the zero-autofill 
-   my $numeric_number=0;                # Used for the zero-autofill 
-   my $zero_autofill_no=$numeric_start; # Used for the zero-autofill 
-   # Calculate the number of items to rename and set $max_no
-   foreach my $x (@column_name) { if ( $x ne '' ) { $max_no++; } }
-   $max_no = ($max_no - 1) * $numeric_increment + $numeric_start;
-   $max_no = length($max_no);
-   while ( $a < @column_name ) {
-   if ( $column_name[$a] ne '' ) {
-      # Trim the spaces and the path if the option Show path is selected
-      if ( $showpath == 0 ) { $new_name = $column_name[$a]; }
-      else { $new_name = substr( $column_name[$a] , rindex($column_name[$a],'/')+1, length($column_name[$a])) };
-      $name_check = $new_name;
-      $new_name = &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name);
-      # Set the two name_before and name_after, doesn't matter if it's not use
-      # because their value is an empty string
-      if ( $numeric_keep_filenames2->get_active ) { $name_before = $new_name; }
-      if ( $numeric_keep_filenames3->get_active ) { $name_after  = $new_name; }
-      # If zero autofill is used, then fill $numeric_number with the right amount
-      # of '0' in it
-      $numeric_number = '';
-      if ( $zero_autofill_rmi->get_active ) {
-         while ( (length($numeric_number) + length($zero_autofill_no)) < $max_no ) { 
-               $numeric_number = '0' . $numeric_number;
-         }
-      }
-      $new_name = $name_before . $numeric_prefix . $numeric_number . $zero_autofill_no . $numeric_suffix . $name_after;
-      $zero_autofill_no = $zero_autofill_no + $numeric_increment;
-   } # end if
-      $column_new_name[$a]='';
-      if ( $name_check ne &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name) ) { $column_new_name[$a] = &options_trim_spaces_and_return($new_name); }
-      $new_name='';
-      $a++;
-   } # end while
-sub refresh {
-   # Set $path
-   my $path = '';
-   my $iter_tmp = $tv_tree->get_selection->get_selected;
-   while( $iter_tmp ) {
-      $path = $tv_tree->get_model->get($iter_tmp) . '/' . $path;
-      $iter_tmp = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_parent( $iter_tmp );
-   }
-   $path =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g; # replace double slash to only one
-   $path =~ s/\/^//g;      # remove last trailing slash
-   # Clear everything
-   $ls_files->clear;
-   $ls_dirs->clear;
-   $ts_tree->clear;
-   # Repopulate the tree with / and open it
-   $iter_tmp = $ts_tree->append( undef );
-   $ts_tree->set( $iter_tmp, 0 => File::Spec->rootdir() );
-   $ts_tree->set( $ts_tree->append( $tv_tree->get_model->get_iter_first ), 0, 'anything' );
-   $tv_tree->expand_to_path( $tv_tree->get_model->get_path( $tv_tree->get_model->get_iter_first ) );
-   # Set some useful variables
-   my @paths = split( /\//, $path);
-   shift(@paths); # remove the first item which is empty
-   my $size = @paths; # need $size to get the last item of @paths
-   $path = '';
-   my $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->get_iter_first;
-   $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_nth_child ($iter, 0); # set $iter to point to the first directory in /
-   # Re-open the tree where the user was
-   foreach my $x (@paths) { 
-      $path = $path .  '/' . $x;
-      if ( -e $path ) {
-         while ( $x ne $tv_tree->get_model->get($iter) and $iter ) { $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_next($iter); }
-         if ( $iter )  {
-            $tv_tree->get_selection->select_iter( $iter );
-            # expand the path only if it's not the last item
-            if ( $x ne $paths[$size-1] ) { 
-               $tv_tree->expand_to_path( $tv_tree->get_model->get_path( $iter ) );
-               $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_nth_child($iter, 0);
-            }
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   # List the files/directories
-   &populate_listing;
-sub check_log_size {
-   if ( -s $log_file > 1000000 ) {
-      my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new ($window, 'modal', 'info', 'ok', decode('utf8',gettext('The log file is over 1M, you should clear it from the Options menu.')) );
-      $dialog->run;
-      $dialog->destroy;
-   }
-sub quit {
-   &save_settings;
-   exit(0);
-sub options_trim_spaces {
-   if   ( $trim_spaces_rmi->get_active ) { $settings{'trim_spaces'} = TRUE;  }
-   else {                                  $settings{'trim_spaces'} = 0; }
-   if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview };
-sub options_trim_spaces_and_return {
-   my $i = $_[0];
-   if ( $settings{'trim_spaces'} == TRUE and $i ne '' ) { 
-      $i =~ s/^\s+//;
-      $i =~ s/\s+$//;
-      $i =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
-   }
-   return $i;
-sub options_zero_autofill {
-   if   ( $zero_autofill_rmi->get_active ) { $settings{'zero_autofill'} = TRUE; }
-   else {                                    $settings{'zero_autofill'} = 0;    }
-   if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview };
-sub options_auto_preview {
-   if ( $auto_preview_rmi->get_active ) { 
-      $settings{'auto_preview'} = TRUE;  
-      $preview_button->set_sensitive(FALSE); 
-      $apply_button->set_sensitive( TRUE );
-      &preview;
-   }
-   else {                                   
-      $settings{'auto_preview'} = 0; 
-      $preview_button->set_sensitive(TRUE);
-      $apply_button->set_sensitive( FALSE );
-      &populate_listing;
-   }
-sub options_remember_last_directory {
-   if   ( $remember_last_directory_rmi->get_active ) { $settings{'remember_last_directory'} = 1;  }
-   else {                                              $settings{'remember_last_directory'} = 0; }
-#sub options_recursive {
-#   if   ( $recursive_rmi->get_active ) { $recursive = TRUE;  }
-#   else {                                $recursive = FALSE; }
-#   if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview };
-sub options_show_hidden_files {
-   if   ( $show_hidden_files_rmi->get_active ) { $settings{'show_hidden_files'} = 1;  }
-   else {                                        $settings{'show_hidden_files'} = 0; }
-   &refresh;
-sub options_show_path {
-   if   ( $show_path_rmi->get_active ) { $showpath = 1; }
-   else {                                $showpath = 0; }
-   &populate_listing;
-   if ( $settings{'auto_preview'} == TRUE ) { &preview };
-sub options_fullscreen {
-   if   ( $fullscreen_rmi->get_active ) { $settings{'fullscreen'} = TRUE;  $window->fullscreen;   }
-   else {                                 $settings{'fullscreen'} = 0;     $window->unfullscreen; }
-sub options_security {
-   if   ( $security_rmi->get_active ) { $settings{'security'} = 0;    $security=0; }
-   else {                               $settings{'security'} = TRUE; $security=1; }
-sub options_filter {
-   my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new ( decode('utf8',gettext('Filter')), $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'gtk-ok' => 'reject');
-   $dialog->set_default_response ('reject');
-   $dialog->set_has_separator (TRUE);
-   my $label = new Gtk2::Label( decode('utf8',gettext('Only show files or directories that contains')) );
-   my $filter_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new_with_max_length(254);
-   $filter_entry->set_activates_default( TRUE );
-   $filter_entry->signal_connect_after( 'insert-text', sub { $filter = encode('utf8',$filter_entry->get_text); &populate_listing; return '', $filter_entry->get_position+1;} );
-   $filter_entry->signal_connect_after( 'delete-text', sub { $filter = encode('utf8',$filter_entry->get_text); &populate_listing; return '', $filter_entry->get_position+1;} );
-   $filter_entry->set_text( decode('utf8',$filter) );
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start($label, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start($filter_entry, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
-   $label->show;
-   $filter_entry->show;
-   $dialog->show;
-   $dialog->signal_connect(response =>  sub { if ( $_[1] =~ m/reject/ ) { $dialog->destroy; } } );
-sub options_view_log {
-   my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new ('', $window, 'destroy-with-parent', decode('utf8',gettext('Clear')) => 'accept', 'gtk-ok' => 'reject');
-   $dialog->set_default_response ('reject');
-   $dialog->set_has_separator (TRUE);
-   $dialog->set_default_size ($settings{'width'}, $settings{'height'});
-   my $log_sw = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
-   $log_sw->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
-   $log_sw->set_shadow_type ('in');
-   my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new();
-   $textview->set_editable( FALSE );
-   $textview->set_cursor_visible( FALSE ) ;
-   $textview->set_wrap_mode ( 'none' ) ;
-   $textview->set_justification ( 'left' ) ;
-   my $buffer = $textview->get_buffer();
-   my $content = '';
-   if ( -e $log_file ) { $content = `cat $log_file`; }
-   $textview->get_buffer()->set_text( $content );
-   if ( $content eq '' ) { $dialog->set_response_sensitive ('accept', FALSE) };
-   my $tag = $textview->get_buffer()->create_tag ('', 'font', 'courier new');
-   $textview->get_buffer()->apply_tag ($tag, $textview->get_buffer()->get_start_iter, $textview->get_buffer()->get_end_iter);
-   $log_sw->add_with_viewport( $textview );
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start($log_sw, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
-   $textview->show();
-   $log_sw->show();
-   $dialog->show;
-   $dialog->signal_connect(response => sub {
-      if ( $_[1] =~ m/accept/ ) {
-         if ( -e $log_file ) { `rm -f $log_file`; `touch $log_file`; }
-         $textview->get_buffer()->set_text( '' );
-         $dialog->set_response_sensitive ('accept', FALSE) 
-      }
-      elsif ( $_[1] =~ m/reject/ ) { $dialog->destroy; }
-   });
-sub undo {
-   my $a=0;
-   @undo_newname = reverse(@undo_newname);
-   @undo_oldname = reverse(@undo_oldname);
-   # We rename in reverse order to make sure we don't overwrite files/dirs
-   foreach my $x (@undo_newname) {
-      rename( $undo_path . $x, $undo_path . $x . '_gp' );
-      rename( $undo_path . $x . '_gp', $undo_path . $undo_oldname[$a] );
-      $a++;
-   }
-   @undo_newname = reverse(@undo_newname);
-   @undo_oldname = reverse(@undo_oldname);
-   $a=0;
-   # Then we print to the log file in sorted order
-   if ($exist == 0) {
-      open( OUTPUT, '>>', $log_file ) or die "Couldn't open $log_file for writing: $!\n";
-      flock( OUTPUT, LOCK_EX );
-      if ( $undo_path ne '/' ) { print OUTPUT localtime() . " - " . substr($undo_path, 0, length($undo_path)-1) . "\n"; }
-      else                     { print OUTPUT localtime() . " - $undo_path\n"; }
-      $a=0;
-      foreach my $y (@undo_newname) {
-         print OUTPUT $y;
-         my $z=length( decode('utf8',$y) );
-         while ( $z < $max_length_undo_new ) { print OUTPUT " "; $z++; }
-         print OUTPUT " => $undo_oldname[$a]\n";
-         $a++;
-      }
-      print OUTPUT "\n";
-      flock( OUTPUT, LOCK_UN );
-      close( OUTPUT );
-   }
-   $undo_button->set_sensitive(FALSE);
-   if ( defined $apply_button ) { $apply_button->set_sensitive( FALSE ); }
-   if ( $exist == 0 ) { &populate_listing; }
-sub read_settings {
-   if ( !-e $setting_file ) { return; }
-   open( INPUT, '<', $setting_file ) or die "Couldn't open $setting_file for reading: $!\n";
-   flock( INPUT, LOCK_EX );
-   while (my $line = <INPUT>) {
-      chomp($line);
-      (my $key, my $value) = split(/=/, $line);
-      $settings{$key} = $value;
-   }
-   flock( INPUT, LOCK_UN );
-   close( INPUT );
-sub save_settings {
-   my $width_tmp;
-   my $height_tmp;
-   ($width_tmp, $height_tmp) = $window->get_size;
-   $settings{'width'} = $width_tmp;
-   $settings{'height'} = $height_tmp;
-   $settings{'hpaned_width'} = $hpaned->get_position;
-   # set $path to be the full path name from the iter selected
-   my $tree_view = $tv_tree;
-   my $iter = $tree_view->get_selection->get_selected;
-   my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
-   my $path = ''; # current path selected
-   my $iter_tmp = $iter;
-   while( $iter_tmp ) {
-      $path = $tree_model->get($iter_tmp) . '/' . $path;
-      $iter_tmp = $tree_model->iter_parent( $iter_tmp );
-   }
-   $path =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g; # replace double slash to only one
-   if   ( $remember_last_directory_rmi->get_active ) { $settings{'remember_last_directory_path'} = encode('utf8',$path);  }
-   else {                                              $settings{'remember_last_directory_path'} = ''; }
-   my $key;
-   open( OUTPUT, '>', $setting_file ) or die "Couldn't open $setting_file for writing: $!\n";
-   flock( OUTPUT, LOCK_EX );
-   foreach $key ( sort keys %settings ) { print OUTPUT $key, '=', $settings{$key}, "\n"; }
-   flock( OUTPUT, LOCK_UN );
-   close( OUTPUT );
-sub help_contents {
-   my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new ( decode('utf8',gettext('Tips')), $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'gtk-ok' => 'accept');
-   $dialog->set_has_separator (TRUE);
-   $dialog->set_default_response ('accept');
-   $dialog->set_default_size (470, 330);
-   my $tips_sw = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
-   $tips_sw->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
-   $tips_sw->set_shadow_type ('in');
-   my $buffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new();
-   $buffer->create_tag ("bold", weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD);
-   $buffer->create_tag ("indent", 'left-margin' => 20);
-   my $iter = $buffer->get_start_iter;
-   my $tmp_menu_options = decode('utf8',gettext('_Options'));
-   $tmp_menu_options =~ s/_//;
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, $tmp_menu_options , "bold" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n- "   . decode('utf8',gettext('Trim spaces: Automatically trim double spaces to only one and remove spaces at the beginning or end of the names.')), "indent" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n- " . decode('utf8',gettext('Zero auto-fill: For the Numerical section, 1 will be named 01 if you go up to 99 and 001 if you go up to 999 and so on.')), "indent" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n- " . decode('utf8',gettext('Automatic preview: This option will be turned off automatically if there\'s more than 10,000 files or directories listed.')), "indent" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n- " . decode('utf8',gettext('Disable security check: If used, this can delete files after renaming, only use this when you rename case on a VFAT (Windows) partition.')), "indent" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n"   . decode('utf8',gettext('Insert / Delete')), "bold" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n- "   . decode('utf8',gettext('To specify the end, use a negative number or a high number.')), "indent" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\n"   . decode('utf8',gettext('Replace / Remove')), "bold" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n- "   . decode('utf8',gettext('Backreferences with Regular expression cannot be use as $1 is considered a Perl variable.')), "indent" );
-   my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer( $buffer );
-   $textview->set_editable( FALSE );
-   $textview->set_cursor_visible( FALSE ) ;
-   $textview->set_wrap_mode ( 'word' ) ;
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start( $tips_sw, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
-   $tips_sw->add_with_viewport( $textview );
-   $textview->show();
-   $tips_sw->show();
-   $dialog->show;
-   $dialog->signal_connect( response => sub {
-      my( $self, $response ) = @_;
-      $self->destroy;
-   });
-sub help_about {
-   my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new( decode('utf8',gettext('About')), $window, 'destroy-with-parent', 'gtk-ok' => 'accept' );
-   $dialog->set_default_response( 'accept' );
-   $dialog->set_has_separator( TRUE );
-   $dialog->set_default_size( 450, 260 );
-   my $about_sw = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow( undef, undef );
-   $about_sw->set_policy( 'automatic', 'automatic' );
-   $about_sw->set_shadow_type ('in');
-   my $buffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new();
-   $buffer->create_tag( 'bold', weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD );
-   $buffer->create_tag( 'big', size => 15 * PANGO_SCALE );
-   $buffer->create_tag( 'italic', style => 'italic' );
-   my $iter = $buffer->get_start_iter;
-   my $icon = '/usr/local/share/pixmaps/gprename/gprename.png';
-   my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file( $icon );
-   $buffer->insert_pixbuf ($iter,  $pixbuf);
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n GPRename " . $str_gprename_version, 'bold', 'big' );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\nA complete batch renamer for files and directories." );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\n\nMailing list", 'bold' );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, " - gprename-users\" );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\nHome Page", 'bold' );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, " -"; );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, "\nWikipedia", 'bold' );
-   $buffer->insert_with_tags_by_name( $iter, " -"; );
-   my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($buffer);
-   $textview->set_editable( FALSE );
-   $textview->set_cursor_visible( FALSE ) ;
-   $textview->set_wrap_mode ( 'word' ) ;
-   $textview->set_justification ( 'center' ) ;
-   $dialog->vbox->pack_start($about_sw, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
-   $about_sw->add_with_viewport( $textview );
-   $textview->show();
-   $about_sw->show();
-   $dialog->show;
-   $dialog->signal_connect (response => sub {
-      my ($self, $response) = @_;
-      $self->destroy;
-   });
-sub open_tree {
-   # Set $path to be the directory to open gprename in
-   my $path;
-   if ( defined($ARGV[0]) ) { 
-      if ( $ARGV[0] eq "/" ) { $path = $ARGV[0]; }
-      else {
-         if ( -e $ENV{PWD} . "/" . $ARGV[0] ) { $path = $ENV{PWD} . "/" . $ARGV[0]; }
-         else { $path = $ARGV[0]; } 
-      }
-   }
-   elsif ( $settings{'remember_last_directory'} ) { $path = $settings{'remember_last_directory_path'};   }
-   else { $path = $ENV{PWD}; }
-   $path =~ s/\s$//g;      # remove the last space
-   $path =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g; # replace double slash to only one
-   $path =~ s/\/^//g;      # remove last trailing slash
-   if ( -f $path ) { $path = `dirname "$path"`; } # remove the filename at the end of the path if there is one
-   $path =~ s/\n//g;       # dirname adds a newline (i.e. \n), so remove it
-   # Set some useful variables
-   my @paths = split( /\//, $path);
-   shift(@paths); # remove the first item which is empty
-   my $size = @paths; # need $size to get the last item of @paths
-   $path = '';
-   my $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->get_iter_first;
-   $tv_tree->get_selection->select_iter( $iter ); # select the first iter which is '/' in case the use has the remember last directory option check and wants to remember /
-   $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_nth_child ($iter, 0); # set $iter to point to the first directory in /
-   # Open up the tree where the user wants to be
-   foreach my $x (@paths) { 
-      $path = $path . '/' . $x;
-      if ( -e $path ) {
-	if ( !defined $iter ) {
-		print "Permission denied for this folder!" . "\n";
-		exit;
-	}
-         while ( defined $iter and decode('utf8',$x) ne $tv_tree->get_model->get($iter) ) {
-            $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_next($iter);
-         }
-         if ( $iter ) {
-            $tv_tree->get_selection->select_iter( $iter );
-            # expand the path only if it's not the last item
-            if ( $x ne $paths[$size-1] ) { 
-               $tv_tree->expand_to_path( $tv_tree->get_model->get_path( $iter ) );
-               $iter = $tv_tree->get_model->iter_nth_child($iter, 0);
-            }
-         }
-      }
-	else {
-		print "Path doesn't exist!" . "\n";
-		exit;
-	}
-   }
-   # List the files/directories
-   &populate_listing;
diff -Nru gprename-20140325/build/gprename.desktop gprename-20201214/build/gprename.desktop
--- gprename-20140325/build/gprename.desktop	2014-03-26 00:47:23.000000000 +0200
+++ gprename-20201214/build/gprename.desktop	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Comment=To rename files and directories in batch
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
Binary files /tmp/29WNLQP_D_/gprename-20140325/build/locale/ and /tmp/TZIhzrCoAh/gprename-20201214/build/locale/ differ
diff -Nru gprename-20140325/debian/changelog gprename-20201214/debian/changelog
--- gprename-20140325/debian/changelog	2015-05-07 18:30:25.000000000 +0300
+++ gprename-20201214/debian/changelog	2021-02-05 21:26:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+gprename (20201214-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * New upstream release. (Closes: #860557)
+    - Ported to libgtk3-perl. (Closes: #912880)
+  * debian/control: Added Homepage.
+ -- Adrian Bunk <>  Fri, 05 Feb 2021 21:26:21 +0200
 gprename (20140325-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release (Closes: #693118)
diff -Nru gprename-20140325/debian/control gprename-20201214/debian/control
--- gprename-20140325/debian/control	2015-05-05 12:49:48.000000000 +0300
+++ gprename-20201214/debian/control	2021-02-05 21:26:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
 Maintainer: Marvin Stark <>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.0.0), desktop-file-utils
 Standards-Version: 3.9.6
 Package: gprename
 Architecture: all
-Depends: ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libglib-perl, libgtk2-perl, liblocale-gettext-perl, libintl-perl
+Depends: ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libglib-perl, libpango-perl, libgtk3-perl, liblocale-gettext-perl, libintl-perl
 Description: Complete batch renamer for Linux
  GPRename is a complete batch renamer for files and directorys.
  GPRename easily can replace, remove, insert, delete and number
diff -Nru gprename-20140325/debian/patches/002-gprename-path-corrections gprename-20201214/debian/patches/002-gprename-path-corrections
--- gprename-20140325/debian/patches/002-gprename-path-corrections	2015-05-05 13:00:14.000000000 +0300
+++ gprename-20201214/debian/patches/002-gprename-path-corrections	2021-02-05 21:26:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -11,22 +11,4 @@
 +bindtextdomain( 'gprename', '@INSTALLDIR@/share/locale');
  textdomain( 'gprename' );
- # Change the font to courier new for the Tree and the SimpleList
-@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
- $window->add_accel_group( $accel_group );
- # Set the window icon
--my $icon = '/usr/share/icons/gprename.png';
-+my $icon = '@INSTALLDIR@/share/icons/gprename.png';
- my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file( $icon );
- $window->set_icon( $pixbuf );
-@@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@
-    $buffer->create_tag( 'big', size => 15 * PANGO_SCALE );
-    $buffer->create_tag( 'italic', style => 'italic' );
-    my $iter = $buffer->get_start_iter;
--   my $icon = '/usr/local/share/pixmaps/gprename/gprename.png';
-+   my $icon = '@INSTALLDIR@/share/pixmaps/gprename/gprename.png';
-    my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file( $icon );
-    $buffer->insert_pixbuf ($iter,  $pixbuf);
+ sub gtext {
diff -Nru gprename-20140325/locale/ro.po gprename-20201214/locale/ro.po
--- gprename-20140325/locale/ro.po	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ gprename-20201214/locale/ro.po	2020-12-14 22:12:45.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# French translation
+# Copyright (C) 2012 GPRename
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the GPRename package.
+#, 2012
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: GPRename 2.7\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fișier"
+msgid "Quit"
+msgstr "Abandon"
+msgid "_Options"
+msgstr "_Opțiuni"
+msgid "Trim spaces"
+msgstr "Înlătură spațiile"
+msgid "Zero auto-fill"
+msgstr "Inserează automat un zero"
+msgid "Automatic preview"
+msgstr "Previzualizare automată"
+msgid "Remember last directory"
+msgstr "Memorează ultimul director"
+msgid "Show hidden files"
+msgstr "Arată fișierele ascunse"
+msgid "Show path"
+msgstr "Arată calea"
+msgid "Show contents of subdirectories"
+msgstr "Arată conținutul sub-directoarelor"
+msgid "Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Ecran complet"
+msgid "Disable security check"
+msgstr "Dezactivează verificarea de securitate"
+msgid "Filter"
+msgstr "Filtru"
+msgid "View log"
+msgstr "Vezi jurnal"
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ajutor"
+msgid "Contents"
+msgstr "Conținut"
+msgid "About"
+msgstr "Despre"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nume"
+msgid "New name"
+msgstr "Nume nou"
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Fișiere"
+msgid "Directory"
+msgstr "Director"
+msgid "Directories"
+msgstr "Directoare"
+msgid "Selected"
+msgstr "Selectat"
+msgid "Case Change"
+msgstr "Schimbă Literele"
+msgstr "LITERE MARI"
+msgid "all lowercase"
+msgstr "litere mici"
+msgid "Only the first letter"
+msgstr "Numai prima literă"
+msgid "Only The First Letter And After"
+msgstr "Numai prima literă și următoarea"
+msgid "Insert / Delete"
+msgstr "Inserați / Ștergeți"
+msgid "Insert"
+msgstr "Inserați"
+msgid "at position"
+msgstr "la poziția"
+msgid "Delete between"
+msgstr "Șterge între"
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "și"
+msgid "Replace / Remove"
+msgstr "Înlocuire / Eliminare"
+msgid "Replace"
+msgstr "Înlocuire"
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "cu"
+msgid "Case sensitive"
+msgstr "Litere identice"
+msgid "Regular expression"
+msgstr "Expresie obișnuită"
+msgid "Numerical"
+msgstr "Numeric"
+msgid "Add numbers starting at"
+msgstr "Adăugați cifre de la"
+msgid "and increment by"
+msgstr "et incrémente de"
+msgid "Insert before the numbers"
+msgstr "Introduceți înaintea numerelor"
+msgid "and after"
+msgstr "și după"
+msgid "Keep existing names"
+msgstr "Păstrează numele actuale"
+msgid "Before the numbers"
+msgstr "Înaintea numerelor"
+msgid "After the numbers"
+msgstr "După numere"
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nu"
+msgid "_Preview"
+msgstr "_Previzualizare"
+msgid "_Rename"
+msgstr "_Redenumire"
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "A_nulare"
+msgid "Refre_sh"
+msgstr "Împro_spătare"
+msgid "Cannot rename because it already exist."
+msgstr "Nu se poate redenumi. Există deja."
+msgid "Cannot rename because the filename is too long."
+msgstr "Nu se poate redenumi. Numele este prea lung."
+msgid "The log file is over 1M, you should clear it from the Options menu."
+msgstr "Jurnalul este mai mare de 1MB, ar trebui curățat. Accesați meniul Opțiuni"
+msgid "Only show files or directories that contains"
+msgstr "Arată fișiere sau directoare care conțin"
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Curăță"
+msgid "Trim spaces: Automatically trim double spaces to only one and remove spaces at the beginning or end of the names."
+msgstr "Înlătură spațiile: Înlătura automat spațiile duble și spațiile de la începutul și sfârșitul numelui."
+msgid "Zero auto-fill: For the Numerical section, 1 will be named 01 if you go up to 99 and 001 if you go up to 999 and so on."
+msgstr "Introduce un zero automat: Pentru secțiunea Numeric, 1 va fi redenumit 01 dacă merge până la 99 și 001 dacă merge până la 999 ș.a.m.d."
+msgid "Automatic preview: This option will be turned off automatically if there's more than 10,000 files or directories listed."
+msgstr "Previzualizare automată: Acestă opțiune va fi dezactivată automat dacă vor exista mai mult de 10,000 fișiere sau directoare afișate."
+msgid "Disable security check: If used, this can delete files after renaming, only use this when you rename case on a VFAT (Windows) partition."
+msgstr "Dezactivează securitatea: Dacă se folosește, poate șterge fișierele după redenumire. A se folosi doar pe partiții VFAT (Windows)."
+msgid "To specify the end, use a negative number or a high number."
+msgstr "Pentru a indica sfârșitul, utilizați nnumere negative sau numere mari."
+msgid "Backreferences with Regular expression cannot be use as $1 is considered a Perl variable."
+msgstr "Nu se pot folosi expresii deoarece $1 este considerată o variabilă Perl."
diff -Nru gprename-20140325/Makefile gprename-20201214/Makefile
--- gprename-20140325/Makefile	2014-03-24 23:06:04.000000000 +0200
+++ gprename-20201214/Makefile	2020-12-14 22:12:45.000000000 +0200
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 	install -d "$(CURDIR)/build/locale/nl"
 	install -d "$(CURDIR)/build/locale/pl"
 	install -d "$(CURDIR)/build/locale/pt_BR"
+	install -d "$(CURDIR)/build/locale/ro"
 	install -d "$(CURDIR)/build/locale/ru"
 	install -d "$(CURDIR)/build/locale/sv"
 	install -d "$(CURDIR)/build/locale/zh_CN"
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@
 	msgfmt -o build/locale/ 	locale/nl.po
 	msgfmt -o build/locale/ 	locale/pl.po
 	msgfmt -o build/locale/	locale/pt_BR.po
+	msgfmt -o build/locale/	locale/ro.po
 	msgfmt -o build/locale/	locale/ru.po
 	msgfmt -o build/locale/	locale/sv.po
 	msgfmt -o build/locale/	locale/zh_CN.po
@@ -60,6 +62,7 @@
 	install -d "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES"
 	install -d "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES"
 	install -d "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES"
+	install -d "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES"
 	install -d "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES"
 	install -d "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES"
 	install -d "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES"
@@ -79,6 +82,7 @@
 	install -m 644 build/locale/            "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	install -m 644 build/locale/            "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	install -m 644 build/locale/         "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/"
+	install -m 644 build/locale/            "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	install -m 644 build/locale/            "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	install -m 644 build/locale/            "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	install -m 644 build/locale/         "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/"
@@ -101,6 +105,7 @@
 	rm -f  "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	rm -f  "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	rm -f  "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/"
+	rm -f  "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	rm -f  "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	rm -f  "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/"
 	rm -f  "$(DESTDIR)/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/"
diff -Nru gprename-20140325/README.TXT gprename-20201214/README.TXT
--- gprename-20140325/README.TXT	2014-03-26 00:54:26.000000000 +0200
+++ gprename-20201214/README.TXT	2020-12-14 23:05:40.000000000 +0200
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 GPRename is a complete batch renamer for files and directories.
-Copyright (C) 2014
+Copyright (C) 2001
 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -39,18 +39,16 @@
-GPRename is probably in your distribution's package manager, if it's not
-follow these direction to easily install it :
-After downloading GPRename, open up a terminal and type these commands:
-tar xvjf gprename-XXXXXXXX.tar.bz2
-cd gprename
-sudo make install
-For Ubuntu or Debian, run this command in a terminal before you install it:
-sudo apt-get install build-essential libintl-perl gettext nautilus-actions
+This should work but will probably install an old version:
+  sudo apt install gprename
+  sudo yum install gprename
+Better to install it manually:
+  sudo apt install build-essential libintl-perl gettext nautilus-actions
+  wget
+  tar xvjf gprename-????.tar.bz2
+  cd gprename
+  sudo make install
 Optional: If you're running Gnome and you're using Nautilus and you want
 the contextual menu with the right-click button to show GPRename, then
@@ -61,10 +59,6 @@
 Nautilus and open it up to be able to show the changes. If it doesn't you
 can always call 'nautilus -q' to force it to restart.
-GPRename will now be installed and can be opened by calling 'gprename'
-in a terminal or by selecting it in the Accessories menu in Gnome or with
-the contextual menus in Nautilus if you've installed nautilus-actions.
 To run GPRename in another language, you need to open the application
 like so : LANGUAGE=fr gprename
 The complete list of available languages is in the locale directory.
@@ -96,7 +90,7 @@
  - Salman Farisy           Translation: Indonesian (2.4)
  - Tristesse               Author (0.90-1.24)
  - Wayne E. Nail           Bugs and features reports (2.0-2.5)
- - Zurd                    Maintainer (1.0-20140325)
+ - Zurd                    Maintainer (1.0-20190221)
@@ -133,18 +127,28 @@
+GPRename 20201214
+Modified        Ported to GTK3-Perl -
+GPRename 20190221 - Zurd
+Added           Romanian translation (ro.po)
+GPRename 20160905 - Zurd
+Fixed           Problem where you couldn't enter into a mounted drive -
+Fixed           Location of gprename.png file at line 1443
 GPRename 20140325 - Zurd
-Modified  icon file location in gprename.desktop
-Added     "Permission denied" and "Path doesn't exist" error message
+Modified        Icon file location in gprename.desktop
+Added           "Permission denied" and "Path doesn't exist" error message
 GPRename 5      2013-06-29 - Zurd
-Modified  Field 'Add numbers starting at' from a maximum of 9,999 to 999,999
+Modified        Field 'Add numbers starting at' from a maximum of 9,999 to 999,999
 GPRename 4      2013-05-03 - Zurd
-Modified  How GPRename rename long filename over 253 characters
+Modified        How GPRename rename long filename over 253 characters
 GPRename 3      2013-01-19 - Zurd
-Modified  Translation : French
+Modified        Translation : French
 GPRename 2.7    2012-05-15 - Zurd
 Added		Translation : Lithuanian
@@ -247,12 +251,12 @@
 Added		Can now add text at the end with a checkbox
 Modified	Languages file, README, install script, website, tips
-GPRename 1.4 	2006-02-22 - Zurd
+GPRename 1.4	2006-02-22 - Zurd
 Added to easily uninstall GPRename completely
 Modified	Languages files, they now all have a standard. Some string in it are labeled 'x', since I can't translate them.
 Modified Automatic install so the Gentoo's ebuild can be done more easily.
-GPRename 1.3  	2006-01-27 - Zurd
+GPRename 1.3	2006-01-27 - Zurd
 Added		Tooltip for the Insert radio button
 Added		Option to use the preview button or not
 Added		Option to automatically trim spaces at the beginning
@@ -261,35 +265,35 @@
 Modified	About dialog
 Modified	The insert radio button is now the default
-GPRename 1.24 	2004-06-23 - Tristesse
+GPRename 1.24	2004-06-23 - Tristesse
 Added		Translation: Polish
-GPRename 1.23 	2004-03-18 - Tristesse
+GPRename 1.23	2004-03-18 - Tristesse
 Fixed		Language title so that it is translated in all language
 Fixed		Bug where 2 directories were selected at the opening
-GPRename 1.22 	2004-03-16 - Zurd
+GPRename 1.22	2004-03-16 - Zurd
 Fixed		A bug, now the starting directory will be deselected when another directory is selected
 Modified	Disabled the undo button when it can't be used
 Modified	Set default focus on the 'Close' button in a Dialog
-GPRename 1.21 	2004-03-14 - Zurd
+GPRename 1.21	2004-03-14 - Zurd
 Added		Translation: Spanish
 Added		Select the start directory in the tree
-GPRename 1.20 	2004-03-13 - Tristesse
+GPRename 1.20	2004-03-13 - Tristesse
 Added		Window icon
 Added		Language selection menu
 Added		Translation: Chinese
-GPRename 1.11 	2004-03-07 - Zurd
+GPRename 1.11	2004-03-07 - Zurd
 Added		Some tooltips for a better understanding of some options
 Modified        Location of some widget, looks better now
-GPRename 1.10 	2004-03-03 - Zurd
+GPRename 1.10	2004-03-03 - Zurd
 Modified	All the widgets on the four tabs at the bottom, takes now less space and there is more space available for the tree and the file/directory list
-GPRename 1.00 	2004-02-25 - Zurd
+GPRename 1.00	2004-02-25 - Zurd
 Added		Renaming directory
 Added		Translation: French
 Added		Combo box "Do not keep existing filenames" in the numerical section
@@ -300,7 +304,7 @@
 Modified	Installation file, cleaned it and it is now asking for a language to use
 Modified	Opening directory, either the current directory or the first argument
 Removed		Size and Modified time shown in the list of files
-Removed 	Chinese translation, too much new labels and I don't know chinese
+Removed		Chinese translation, too much new labels and I don't know chinese
 GPRename 0.92	2002-05-22 - Tristesse
 Added		The script

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