On Sat, Mar 06, 2021 at 06:46:25PM +0100, Sven Joachim wrote:
> Run xterm under valgrind and select some text.  Valgrind will be very
> unhappy with xterm 327-2+deb9u1 but should not show up any errors in

valgrind usually has something to say, but (noting that I'm only
interested in what it says when I configure --with-valgrind(*)),
I get a report of ~5000 lines using these options

OPTS="-v \
        --num-callers=10 \
        --error-limit=no \
        --show-reachable=yes \
        --leak-resolution=high \
        --track-origins=yes \
        --leak-check=yes \

...and almost all of that is stuff that I can't fix without adding
interfaces in X11, Xt and Xaw.

(*) asan2 also has things to say, but most of that is not useful
    without a complete set of debug-libraries (again, X11/Xt/Xaw).

Thomas E. Dickey <dic...@invisible-island.net>

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