Philipp Kern wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 22:58 +0200, Jeroen van Wolffelaar wrote:
>> I'm sorry, but this is not an adequare resolution for this bug for a
>> package in main. 
> I just revisited the bug report and I fully agree with you. The package
> really should be in contrib instead and possibly download the files in
> the postinst script with a warning attached to it.
> However, a quick glance shows that there is also some basic Westwood
> Online support in the package, and albeit still experimental it seems as
> it is usable without non-free data files. I don't know if this is really
> usable, though.
It's my fault more than Philipp's since i am the maintainer now.

Keeping the package in main was my choice, based on the fact that Robert
Millan asked debian-legal before uploading the package.

Tommorow, i will talk with a pvpgn developer to see if the package is
usable without the support files. If the answer is negative, i will
upload a new version to contrib and request removal from main.

Any suggestions ?


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