
On 25.04.21 00:36, Judit Foglszinger wrote:

can you reproduce this bug on bullseye? (4.1-11)
If so, what is your configuration (VM used, type of RAID)?
Are all three conditions (/proc, /dev and /sys not mounted) required
or does this also happen, if eg /dev and /sys are there but not /proc?

If it still occurs until there would be a proper fix by upstream,
a workaround like "are we in a chroot, if so,
are the required things mounted, if not, fail",
could be used to avoid the file system corruption.

My own observations:

Could not reproduce in virtualbox (both chroot and host system using recent 
using RAID1,  /dev/md0 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)

# chroot chroot
/ # mdadm --examine --scan --config=partitions
/ # mdadm: cannot open /proc/partitions
/ # mdadm: No devices listed in partitions

(in background on host running the mentioned find / command)

No filesystem corruption after over 15 minutes,
running the mdadm command in chroot several times didn't make a difference on 

I'm really sorry: Somehow I missed this mail when it came in my inbox 6 weeks ago. I only recognized the answer when I checked bugs.debian.org last week.

I tried to reproduce the bug again and discovered, that my description contained a serious error: In fact /proc MUST be mounted in the chroot to observe the bug!

I also could reproduce the bug with mdadm-4.1-11 (from bullseye) installed in the buster chroot (all other packages still from buster).

I will try to reproduce the bug now with one of /dev or /sys mounted and check if it still occurs or not. I will send my report about this later as this will take some time again.

Sorry for the delayed answer and the error in my initial bug report.

Best Regards,
Patrick Cernko <pcer...@mpi-klsb.mpg.de>
Joint Administration: Information Services and Technology
Max-Planck-Institute fuer Informatik & Softwaresysteme

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