I have something to add to this. This morning I was writing up a document on how to convert an existing Debian amd64 AWS VM to arm64 without reinstalling, which is something I was interested in doing in the future to a fairly complex system install that I wasn't excited about trying to reinstall/migrate. Everything worked with the conversion, except for the grub stage, grub failed to start on the ARM instance and was stuck at the grub-rescue prompt. When typing "insmod normal", it shows the "symbol `grub_is_lockdown` not found" error. I managed to get it working by copying grub modules from an existing Debian ARM VM over to it, I did that because I noticed that the modules were of a newer version and a different size.

I'm not sure if the "grub-install" step was needed, but after investigating I found that when I ran grub-install a standard Debian-provided ARM AWS community instance and rebooted, the instance fails to boot in the same way.

This is my document if you were interested, I mention the error in it:

Ryan Thoryk

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