I just found the bug and the fix! It's not in podman but in conmon!

See https://github.com/containers/conmon/releases/tag/v2.0.29 and

On Tue, 29 Jun 2021 00:08:48 +0900 Hideki Yamane <henr...@iijmio-mail.jp> wrote:
>  Well, I've tested it too with bullseye on KVM and reproduced it, however,
>  it's only under root privilege. Just run "$ podman run -it --rm debian sh"
>  via normal user and it returns 0.

Yes, when running as normal user it just doesn't have the permissions to set 
negative OOM score adjustments, that's why
it's 0.

>  And also tested with my daily driver unstable system I cannot reproduce it.
>  (But sid on KVM can reproduce it, hmm...)

Probably because it's the conmon version that matters. I can reproduce it on 
Archlinux as well by downgrading conmon to
>  It may be better to downgrade as important if it's only root privilege, IMO.

I'm new to debian bug reports and only saw the "breaks the whole system" 
criterium in the list that "reportbug" printed.
So feel free to downgrade. Not sure if I have the permission to do so as the 
bug reporter, but if so I don't even know
how to.

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