Package: fakechroot
Version: 2.19-3.4
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable


since the upload of glibc 2.32 to unstable, adduser under fakechroot
fails because it is not wrapping some library call and thus read the
system's /etc/passwd instead of the chroot's.

Some bits from strace output:

$ adduser --force-badname --system --home /nonexistent --no-create-home _apt
[pid 2353931] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
[pid 2353931] fstat(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2902, ...}) = 0
[pid 2353931] lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET)     = 0
[pid 2353931] read(3, "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\n"..., 4096) = 2902
[pid 2353931] close(3)                  = 0
[pid 2353931] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/shadow", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 EACCES 
(Permission denied)
[pid 2353931] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
[pid 2353931] fstat(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2902, ...}) = 0
[pid 2353931] lseek(3, 0, SEEK_SET)     = 0
[pid 2353931] read(3, "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash\n"..., 4096) = 2902
[pid 2353931] close(3)                  = 0
[pid 2353931] write(1, "The system user `_apt' already e"..., 48The system user 
`_apt' already exists. Exiting.
) = 48

This means that one cannot anymore create a chroot with apt using
fakechroot. Thus marking this bug as RC.


cheers, josch

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