Source: libobject-pad-perl, libtickit-widget-scrollbox-perl
Control: found -1 libobject-pad-perl/0.61-1
Control: found -1 libtickit-widget-scrollbox-perl/0.11-1
Severity: serious
Tags: sid bookworm
Usertags: breaks needs-update

Dear maintainer(s),

With a recent upload of libobject-pad-perl the autopkgtest of libtickit-widget-scrollbox-perl fails in testing when that autopkgtest is run with the binary packages of libobject-pad-perl from unstable. It passes when run with only packages from testing. In tabular form:

                       pass            fail
libobject-pad-perl     from testing    0.61-1
libtickit-widget-scrollbox-perl from testing    0.11-1
all others             from testing    from testing

I copied some of the output at the bottom of this report.

Currently this regression is blocking the migration of libobject-pad-perl to testing [1]. Due to the nature of this issue, I filed this bug report against both packages. Can you please investigate the situation and reassign the bug to the right package?

More information about this bug and the reason for filing it can be found on



t/00use.t ................... ok 1 - use Tickit::Widget::ScrollBox;
t/01scrollbox-horizontal.t .. ok 1 - defined $widget
ok 2 - $widget has refcount 1 initially
ok 3 - $widget has refcount 1 after adding child
ok 4 - $widget wants 11 lines
ok 5 - $widget wants 159 cols
ok 6 - $widget has ->hextent
ok 7 - $static has window after $widget->set_window
ok 8 - $static window starts on line 0
ok 9 - $static window starts on column 0
ok 10 - $static given 24 line window
ok 11 - $static given 159 column window
ok 12 - $hextent->total is 159
ok 13 - $hextent->viewport is 80
ok 14 - $hextent->start is 0
ok 15 - Display initially
ok 16 - $static window starts on column -10 after ->scroll +10
ok 17 - $hextent->start is now 10 after ->scroll +10
ok 18 - Display after scroll +10
ok 19 - $static window starts on column -10 after ->scroll_to 25
ok 20 - $hextent->start is now 10 after ->scroll_to 25
ok 21 - Display after $vextent->scroll_to 25
ok 22 - $widget has refcount 1 at EOF
t/01scrollbox-vertical.t .... ok 1 - defined $widget
ok 2 - $widget has refcount 1 initially
ok 3 - $widget has refcount 1 after adding child
ok 4 - $widget wants 100 lines
ok 5 - $widget wants 20 cols
ok 6 - $widget has ->vextent
ok 7 - $static has window after $widget->set_window
ok 8 - $static window starts on line 0
ok 9 - $static window starts on column 0
ok 10 - $static given 100 line window
ok 11 - $static given 79 column window
ok 12 - $vextent->total is 100
ok 13 - $vextent->viewport is 25
ok 14 - $vextent->start is 0
ok 15 - Display initially
ok 16 - $static window starts on line -10 after ->scroll +10
ok 17 - $vextent->start is now 10 after ->scroll +10
ok 18 - Display after scroll +10
ok 19 - $static window starts on line -25 after ->scroll_to 25
ok 20 - $vextent->start is now 25 after ->scroll_to 25
ok 21 - Display after $vextent->scroll_to 25
ok 22 - $widget has refcount 1 at EOF
t/02input-key.t ............. ok 1 - start is 0 initially
ok 2 - hextent start is 0 initially
ok 3 - start moves down +1 after <Down>
ok 4 - start moves down +12 after <PageDown>
ok 5 - start moves up -1 after <Up>
ok 6 - start moves up -12 after <PageUp>
ok 7 - start moves to 76 after <C-End>
ok 8 - start moves to 0 after <C-Home>
ok 9 - start moves right +1 after <Right>
ok 10 - start moves right +39 after <C-Right>
ok 11 - start moves up -1 after <Left>
ok 12 - start moves up -39 after <C-Left>
ok 13 - start moves to 121 after <End>
ok 14 - start moves to 0 after <Home>
malloc_consolidate(): unaligned fastbin chunk detected
All 14 subtests passed t/03input-mouse.t ........... ok 1 - vextent start is 0 initially
ok 2 - hextent start is 0 initially
ok 3 - start moves down +1 after mouse click down arrow
ok 4 - start moves down +12 after mouse click after area
ok 5 - start moves up -1 after mouse click up arrow
ok 6 - start moves up -12 after mouse click up arrow
ok 7 - start is 22 after mouse drag
ok 8 - start moves down +5 after wheel down
ok 9 - start moves up -5 after wheel up
ok 10 - start moves right +1 after mouse click right arrow
ok 11 - start moves right +39 after mouse click after area
ok 12 - start moves left -1 after mouse click left arrow
ok 13 - start moves left -39 after mouse click before area
ok 14 - start is 26 after mouse drag
malloc_consolidate(): unaligned fastbin chunk detected
All 14 subtests passed t/04on_demand.t ............. ok 1 - H invisible at 80x25
ok 2 - V invisible at 80x25
ok 3 - H invisible at 80x15
ok 4 - V visible at 80x15
ok 5 - H visible at 30x25
ok 6 - V invisible at 30x25
ok 7 - H visible at 30x15
ok 8 - V visible at 30x15
ok 9 - H invisible at 40x20
ok 10 - V invisible at 40x20
ok 11 - H visible at 39x20
ok 12 - V visible at 39x20
ok 13 - H visible at 40x19
ok 14 - V visible at 40x19
t/05smart.t ................. ok 1 - $vextent set
ok 2 - $hextent set
ok 3 - $child has window after $widget->set_window
ok 4 - $child window starts on line 0
ok 5 - $child window starts on column 0
ok 6 - $child given 25 line window
ok 7 - $child given 79 column window
ok 8 - Display initially
ok 9 - $child informed of scroll +10
ok 10 - $child window still starts on line 0 after scroll +10
ok 11 - $child informed of scroll_to 25
ok 12 - $child window still starts on line 0 after scroll_to 25
ok 13 - Display after scrolls
ok 14 - Display after ->set_total 50

Test Summary Report
t/02input-key.t           (Wstat: 6 Tests: 14 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero wait status: 6
t/03input-mouse.t         (Wstat: 6 Tests: 14 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero wait status: 6
Files=7, Tests=101, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 0.86 cusr 0.06 csys = 0.96 CPU)
Result: FAIL
autopkgtest [19:11:08]: test autodep8-perl-build-deps

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