On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 4:27 PM PaulLiu <paul...@debian.org> wrote:

> > Question: is this package useful ? No reverse dependencies in Debian, no
> > new version for 2 years even if there are 116 open bugs, low and
> > decreasing weekly downloads
> Hi Yadd,
> This package is used by me for a personal project. That project is not worth 
> being packed in Debian. I think opencv is quite a leaf library that is used 
> by users to make their own customized project.
> I picked this library just because it works. There are some other nodejs 
> opencv bindings but they have different problems that need to be solved for 
> packaging in Debian. If you have any better replacement I can package it and 
> migrate my personal project to it.
> I think I can migrate the deprecated API calls to "Maybe" ones and fix this 
> bug. I'll do it soon.

you're probably going to postpone the inevitable: opencv is now being
packaged as a webassembly,
in another project.
Maybe you could use that other project directly (through npm) instead ?
If you plan to really do something for this package, i suggest porting it
to napi (the C interface), much easier to deal with in the long term.

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