Control: tags -1 + upstream
Control: tags -1 + forwarded

El 13/04/22 a las 10:37, Michael Tokarev escribió:
> 13.04.2022 10:09, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> ..
> > But let's try.
> > 
> > How this utility is used in building of dns-root-data?  Lemme take a look
> > at this package.  If you can provide me some minimal testcase to produce
> > just the DS record which differs, it will be nice.
> I don't have time for this today.
> Thinking about this further, since there was absolutely no code changes
> in ldns itself, - how about building dns-root-data with ldns 1.7.1-2
> and 1.7.1-2.1 WITHOUT ANYTHING ELSE CHANGING, and comparing the results?
> The thing is that it just can not be this change. Yes it can be a change
> in some other tool. Like libssl I already wrote about, or maybe gcc
> generating different code, or something different.

Like wrong SHA256 on GCC11:

> And since I don't have any idea about how ldns works, and don't even
> know what a DS record is, that would be difficult and definitely time-
> consuming for me to understand all this.
> If it's an issue with gcc code generation, we'll have to address this
> upstream most likely. Or maybe it's fixed in 1.8 already.

It seems it was fixed on 1.8.0.


 -- Santiago

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