Control: tag + confirmed bookworm sid

On Mon, 30 May 2022 15:39:39 +0200, Stephan Lachnit wrote:

> The package does not seem to work anymore. Calling it results in `Connection
> failed:` with no further information. Tested on multiple networks and 
> machines.
> A debug log is given below. Probably an upstream issue.

> Debug log:
> $ leo --debug test
> %DEBUG: connecting to site: port 443
> %DEBUG: GET /dictQuery/m-vocab/ende/query.xml?lp=ende&search=test HTTP/1.0
> Connection failed:
> $

A bit of debugging in the code shows that the "only" problem is

216  close $conn or die "Connection failed: $!\n";

in /usr/share/perl5/WWW/Dict/Leo/ If I change the die() to a
warn() or comment out the line, everything works.

I have no idea why "close $conn" fails, it might be related to
changes in OpenSSL3 and/or IO::Socket::SSL ($conn = new
IO::Socket::SSL(...)). -- $conn->close() fails as well without any
further information.

So this is easy to workaround, I'd still appreciate if someone has
more clues what's going on here in order to produce a proper fix.


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