On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 06:54:13PM +0200, Bastian Germann wrote:
> Am 11.07.22 um 18:40 schrieb Mark Brown:
> > On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 06:16:31PM +0200, Bastian Germann wrote:

> > > I have uploaded zlib 1.2.12.dfsg-0.1 with the changes attached to 
> > > DELAYED/3.

> > Why?  Please drop this.

> Okay. When are you going to address this bug then?
> It has been a month not reacting to the RC bug.
> I think this is not acceptable for a key package such as zlib.

I'm not sure what there is to react to here other than doing an upload;
it's a packaging thing more than something causing active breakage for
users and we're nowhere near to doing a release yet so there didn't seem
a huge sense of urgency here so I'd been going to roll it into packaging
the new upstream release.  The bug gives the air of being from an audit
and in those cases you do have to balance keeping people up to date with
creating noise for submitters and there's been no followup requests for
status or anything.

I have been hoping that we're going to get another upstream release
which rolls in some of the fixes for the string of problems that people
have been having with the security fix release that was recently done
though that is looking depressingly unlikely and so I need to figure out
what needs backporting.  Given the release schedule startng to kick off
at the beginning of next year it'll be some time this year, I'd guess
some time this quarter.

In any case this upload isn't a targetted fix for the individual issue,
it's got a whole bunch of other unrelated changes including a new
upstream release which are clearly out of scope.  Like I say I have
substantial concerns about the new upstream release so that having been
rolled in is especially worrying.

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