On Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 01:05:51PM -0700, Josh Triplett wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jul 2022 11:38:46 +0200 Marc Haber 
> <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de> wrote:
> > It is really sad that you didn't participate in the discussion in march,
> > where this part of the changes didnt get much attention and noone came
> > up with any arguments against sgid home directories. I personally am at
> > a loss here since I am just a server jockey who doesn't have many
> > unprivileged shell account users on my boxes.
> I'm not subscribed to -devel. I saw that some discussion about adduser
> took place, and saw some of the topics, but I didn't see any mention of
> sgid home directories. I would have been happy to participate in such a
> discussion, had I known about it. The first I heard about this was via
> apt-listchanges. :(

Then at least apt-listchanges has done its job. I must admit that I
rarely read what it offers.

> > > One of the issues links to
> > > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=64806 , which talks
> > > about easing the setup of shared directories for users who don't feel
> > > comfortable running `chmod 2770` or similar themselves. That seems like
> > > a relatively small justification, given that anyone setting up a shared
> > > work directory *can* run `chmod 2770` or similar themselves, and doing
> > > so does not require any special permission.
> > 
> > A local admin who doesn't like the behavior is free to change the
> > default by setting an appropriate DIR_MODE in adduser.conf. There is a
> > NEWS.Debian entry pointing the local administrator to this new behavior.
> I understand this, and I understand that there's no one default that
> will make everyone happy. I'm hoping to make the case for what the
> default should be, to both minimize surprises and minimize the impact on
> the most users.

I think you have the team almost convinced. I would appreciate if you
could give more detaile examples, so that we can put less FUDdish
rationale for the non-gid home directory in the docs? Matt has asked a
few interesting questions on Thursday, and I would love to get feedback
to them.

> > > The more recent issue 643559 suggests that
> > > > Those "bad side-effects", if they were ever relevant and important
> > > > enough to make personal groups not work properly, have now been fixed.
> > > 
> > > However, this is not the case; this change does in fact have bad
> > > side-effects. This change breaks some common use cases that apply to
> > > users on many systems, both single-user and multi-user.
> > 
> > Can we please have more information than just "bad side-effects"?
> The use case below, and any other tools that create files and know to
> set their permissions appropriately but don't expect unusual ownership
> by default:

I would like to have someting like "in an sgid directory, a deboostrap
chroot will be broken because the frobnification will not work".

> I'm also hoping to make a case for "this change is a surprise and a
> regression, and changing it *back* shouldn't have the burden of
> 'changing the default' but rather 'reverting this change and returning to the
> previous default'". But either way, I'm willing to make the case
> regarding the default itself.

This default happened to have changed at least twice over the history of

> > We can also talk to the ctte if the discussion on -devel doesn't bring
> > any more consensus.
> I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that.

I'd really like to have more advice from the ctte without having an
actual dispute, more like an oracle or a Council of the Wise People.

"On devel, noone seemed to really care either way" is often bad advice.


Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Leimen, Germany    |  lose things."    Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 6224 1600402
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 6224 1600421

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