tag 376166 patch
thanks سلام שבת שלום

On Fri, Jun 30, 2006, Daniel Schepler wrote:
> /tmp/buildd/sablotron-1.0.2/src/engine/parser.cpp:381: undefined reference to 
> `XML_SetEncoding'
> ...

Here is a patch that fix the FTBFS bug. I also provide a manpage as
required for any binary in /usr/bin.

It may be applied and the package uploaded as part of the current 0-day
NMU policy.

I hope it helps,
Mohammed Adnène Trojette
diff -u sablotron-1.0.2/debian/control sablotron-1.0.2/debian/control
--- sablotron-1.0.2/debian/control
+++ sablotron-1.0.2/debian/control
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 Source: sablotron
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Ondřej Surý <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-Build-Depends: libexpat1-dev (>= 1.95.6), debhelper, libxml-parser-perl, cdbs, 
build-essential (>= 11)
-Standards-Version: 3.6.1
+Build-Depends: libexpat1-dev (>= 1.95.6), debhelper, libxml-parser-perl, cdbs
+Standards-Version: 3.7.2
 Package: sablotron
 Architecture: any
 Section: text
-Depends: libsablot0 (= ${Source-Version})
+Depends: libsablot0 (= ${source:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: an XSL processor fully implemented in C++
  Sablotron is a fast, compact and portable XML toolkit implementing
  XSLT 1.0, DOM Level2 and XPath 1.0.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 Package: libsablot0-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
-Depends: libsablot0 (= ${Source-Version}), libc6-dev, libexpat1-dev (>= 1.95.6)
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libsablot0 (= ${source:Version}), libc6-dev, 
libexpat1-dev (>= 1.95.6)
 Replaces: sablotron (<< 1.0.2-1)
 Description: an XSL processor fully implemented in C++ [development]
  Sablotron is a fast, compact and portable XML toolkit implementing
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 Conflicts: libsablot0c102
 Architecture: any
 Section: libs
-Depends: libexpat1 (>= 1.95.6), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Description: an XSL processor fully implemented in C++
  Sablotron is a fast, compact and portable XML toolkit implementing
  XSLT 1.0, DOM Level2 and XPath 1.0.
diff -u sablotron-1.0.2/debian/changelog sablotron-1.0.2/debian/changelog
--- sablotron-1.0.2/debian/changelog
+++ sablotron-1.0.2/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+sablotron (1.0.2-5.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * debian/rules: add explicit -lexpat (Closes: #376166).
+  * Add debian/sabcmd.1 from sabcmd --help output.
+  * debian/control:
+    + Remove useless Build-Depends on build-essentials.
+    + Bump Standards-Versions to 3.7.2.
+    + Add ${shlib:Depends} and ${misc:Depends} here and there.
+    + Change ${Source-Version} to ${Source:Version}.
+ -- Mohammed Adnène Trojette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sat,  8 Jul 2006 00:34:29 
 sablotron (1.0.2-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * [FTBFS] Add back manual page for sablot-config (Closes: 360720)
diff -u sablotron-1.0.2/debian/rules sablotron-1.0.2/debian/rules
--- sablotron-1.0.2/debian/rules
+++ sablotron-1.0.2/debian/rules
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/gnome.mk
+DEB_INSTALL_MANPAGES_sablotron := debian/sabcmd.1
+CXXFLAGS := -Wall -g -D_REENTRANT -lexpat
 # Ensure at build time that the library has no dependencies on undefined
 # symbols.
only in patch2:
--- sablotron-1.0.2.orig/debian/sabcmd.1
+++ sablotron-1.0.2/debian/sabcmd.1
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.36.
+.TH SABCMD "1" "July 2006" "sabcmd " "User Commands"
+sabcmd \- manual page for sabcmd 
+.SS "Usage for single XSLT:"
+sabcmd [options] <stylesheet> [<input> [<output>]] [assignments]
+.SS "Usage in batch processing:"
+chain multiple stylesheets, starting with a single input file:
+sabcmd [options] \fB\-\-chain\-xsl\fR <input> <output> [<stylesheet>]+ 
+run multiple stylesheets on a single input file:
+sabcmd [options] \fB\-\-batch\-xml\fR <input> [<stylesheet> <output>]+ 
+run a single stylesheet on multiple input files:
+sabcmd [options] \fB\-\-batch\-xsl\fR <stylesheet> [<input> <output>]+ 
+\fB\-\-chain\-xsl\fR, \fB\-c\fR
+single input file, multiple chained stylesheets
+\fB\-\-batch\-xml\fR, \fB\-x\fR
+single input file, multiple stylesheets
+\fB\-\-batch\-xsl\fR, \fB\-s\fR
+multiple input files, single stylesheet
+\fB\-\-base\fR=\fINAME\fR, \fB\-b\fR
+set the hard base URI to NAME
+display information on debugging options
+\fB\-\-help\fR, \-?
+display this help message
+\fB\-\-log\-file\fR=\fINAME\fR, \fB\-L\fR
+set the log file, turn logging on
+\fB\-\-measure\fR, \fB\-m\fR
+measure the processing time
+\fB\-\-version\fR, \fB\-v\fR
+display version information
+.SS "Defaults:"
+<input> = stdin, <output> = stdout
+logging off, no hard base URI
+.SS "Notes:"
+\- assignments define named buffers (name=value)
+and top\-level params ($name=value).
+\- to specify value in an option, use \fB\-b\fR=\fINAME\fR or \fB\-b\fR NAME
+(correspondingly for the equivalent long options)
+sabcmd 1.0.2 (December 29, 2004)
+copyright (C) 2000 \- 2004 Ginger Alliance (www.gingerall.com)
+The Sablotron XSLT Processor comes with NO WARRANTY.
+It is subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1.
+Alternatively, you may use Sablotron under the GNU General Public License.
+The full documentation for
+.B sabcmd
+is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the
+.B info
+.B sabcmd
+programs are properly installed at your site, the command
+.B info sabcmd
+should give you access to the complete manual.

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