> On Aug 1, 2022, at 12:33 PM, Chris Lamb <la...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hmpf, this is deeply unfortunate. I was working under the incorrect
> belief that the 4.0.x series was now the LTS branch. A number of
> things encouraged this interpretation, including that the 4.0.x and
> 4.1.x were the release streams that were receiving security and
> targeted bugfix releases, and this was happening as a relatively
> consistent pair. (As in, not the 3.x stream.)

To clarify: the LTS is always the third and final (X.2) release of a major 
version. So 3.2 is the current LTS; the next LTS will be 4.2, then 5.2, etc.

At this stage in the cycle:

* 4.1 receives full support for bugs of most levels of severity.
* 4.0 receives only fixes for security and data-loss bugs, and will become 
unsupported once 4.2 is released, expected April 2023.
* 3.2 LTS receives only fixes for security and data-loss bugs, and will become 
unsupported in April 2024, approximately 30 months after its initial release.

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