Hi Fabian!

On Fr, 26 Aug 2022, fab...@greffrath.com wrote:

> Am 25.08.2022 19:23, schrieb Roland Rosenfeld:
> > I was curious, whether this is possible and so I just tried to patch
> > gsfonts-x11 to use fonts-urw-base35 instead of gsfonts and it worked
> > for me.  I kept all font names in fonts.scale and fonts.alias and only
> > changed the referenced file names.
> how cool is this? This is about exactly what I wanted to achieve today, so
> thank you very much! ;)
> My vision was to integrate the two files and the symlink farm that's
> gsfonts-x11 into src:fonts-urw-base35 and install them into the
> regular package, leaving gsfonts-x11 as a transitional dummy
> package.

Just go for it.
I never liked to have gsfonts-x11 as a separate package, but since it
was the only chance to use the fonts in old X11 applications, I built
this package in 1999 that way to make the fonts usable in xfig.

> It's already team-maintained in pkg-fonts, so I'd like to
> invite you to move efforts there. Or would you rather like to keep
> gsfonts-x11 as a separate package?

To say the truth, I still not fully understand how fonts work nowadays
(my knowledge is stuck in 1999), so I'm not sure whether the
fonts.scale/fonts.alias stuff in gsfonts-x11 is nowadays okay or an
ugly workaround.

If it's okay, integration into the fonts-urw-base35 binary package it
perfect.  If it's an ugly hack, a separate package may be good way to
work around fading out the hack.  You may have better font using
knowledge than me to decide this...

Anyway, you're free to take over all content of gsfonts-x11 into
src:fonts-urw-base35 (not that much content, only fonts.scale,
fonts.alias and a little voodoo in debian/rules to generate symlinks
(X11 doesn't seem to like .t1 suffix, so I symlinked to .pfb) and to
make fonts available as iso8859-2 and iso8859-15 in addition to
iso8859-1 (also an ugly hack but nobody complained, so it seems to
work).  Not to forget some small autopkgtests, checking that all fonts
in fonts.scale/fonts.alias really exist and do not point into nirvana.

I just pushed a fonts-urw-base35 branch (including my yesterdays
patch) of gsfonts-x11 to salsa, to make it easier for you to get
everything you need: git push --set-upstream origin fonts-urw-base35


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