On Fri, Sep 02, 2022 at 09:12:38AM +0200, Sophie Brun wrote:
> Hello Steve,

> We had already had a bug report about this issue:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=986666

> To short: we moved the package to contrib because we had to download
> modules during the build.

> We also had a discussion on debian-devel:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2020/12/threads.html#00215

> I know it is really not an ideal solution.
> If you think Debian can't keep this package in contrib, please let us know.

It's ultimately a decision of the ftp team if the package can't be in
contrib.  However, there is an expectation that the Debian source package
contains the complete source of what you're distributing in the archive,
including for contrib packages.

Raphael's original message in that thread suggests that "it's just
impossible to write a copyright file to document the source package".  But
copyright files exist to document the copyright of the *binary* packages
you're distributing, so if no work was done here to generate correct
copyright files, that is also a bug.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                   https://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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