Control: retitle -1 spek: Please transition to wxwidgets3.2

On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 10:05:39AM -0400, wrote:
> Your package appears to be using the wxWidgets GTK 2 implementation.  In 
> Debian, we have had a GTK 3 implementation of wxWidgets for some time.  
> For the bullseye release, the wxWidgets package maintainers plan to 
> remove the GTK 2 version, so we kindly request that you switch your 
> package to use the GTK 3 version.

This transition happened and the GTK-2-using packages of wxwidgets3.0
were removed some time ago.

This bug was closed when spek was removed from unstable - presumably it
was reopened motivated by the ITP for spek (#1007814) to ensure it's
addressed by the reintroduced package, though really it will have to be
addressed because there just isn't a GTK 2 version to build against in
unstable any more.

However we're now in the most of the way through a transition to
wxwidgets3.2 and a bug to ensure a reintroduced package uses that
rather than wxwidgets3.0 does seem useful, so updating the bug to be
for that purpose.

The main build-dependency to use is libwxgtk3.2-dev - if you use
any of the wxWidgets libraries which we have separate binary packages
for you will also need the corresponding libwxgtk-*3.2-dev packages

Transition tracker is:


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