Control: severity -1 grave


Guess who just spent two hours chasing this down in a big upgrade with
a half-bootable system in the mean-time :)

Retagging as grave ("unusable by most or all users, or causes data loss"
feels more appropriate than "severe violation of Debian policy").
I cannot tell you just how /tempting/ critical ‒ "makes unrelated
software on the system (or the whole system) break" is,
probably would be even more so if I weren't on battery :)

My system's on ZFS. Needs ZFS to boot, actually. It's very cool to see
"<sys/types.h> doesn't exist" in the log. Much cooler still to find that
I can run make myself in the build directory and it works! Very cool and
fun to spend multiple minutes per iteration with ZFS's long
configuration times!

The dkms bit from apt-listchanges is
-- >8 --
dkms (3.0.8-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * export-CC, exact-cc: Merge and improve the two patches. Ensure that
    compiler is set and exported as early in the prepartion stage as
    possible, is not subsequently unset (already unset at the start of the
    dkms script), and also export MAKEFLAGS to ensure that environment CC
    variable is used by kernel's Makefile. Fixes LP: #1997841
  * Drop dangling unapplied patch from git.

 -- Dimitri John Ledkov <>  Thu, 24 Nov 2022 
14:59:45 +0000

dkms (3.0.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Andreas Beckmann ]
  * update watch file
  * message consistency

  [ Gianfranco Costamagna ]
  * New upstream version 3.0.8
  * Drop upstream patches:
    - 2b76d4aa29e65ae4ed8e89685c4e729f1276c5fc
    - 3ca52f8769bdf7ebdc83735355fff7c5c0664152
    - 7f3c4b03c506e40f0a5ce9315a8ade88b108ce0f
    - 8d60956f6dcda0679066954215eb8be4045413b4
    - 985bfd584f0e87bc726865bfdc17887d4713c854
  * Refresh patches

 -- Gianfranco Costamagna <>  Fri, 18 Nov 2022 22:34:50 
-- >8 --

I downgraded to 3.0.8-1 from snapshot.d.o (which surprisingly didn't
explode despite how fucked my dpkg config state was). That worked.

Please consider verifying whether an "improvement" doesn't straight-up
break every user before uploading.
This graph shows that the nvidia driver /alone/ is /4%/ of all reporting
installations (unfiltered rdeps for dkms):

At least it didn't migrate to testing.


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