On 2022-12-05 21:23:50 +0100, Philip Rinn wrote:
> On 05.12.22 at 17:26, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> > On 12/5/22 16:51, Philip Rinn wrote:
> > > thanks for fixing gsequencer! Did you actually upload the NMU, I
> > > don't see it in the queue. If not, could you please upload DELAYED/5
> > > as per
> > > https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.html#nmu
> > > so fftw3 can migrate?
> > 
> > Earlier today I contacted Joël Krähemann to ask if he has time to upload
> > a new revision of gsequencer. There is no need for an NMU if he does.
> Fair enough, up to you of course. I just don't see why not uploading the NMU
> now - it seems, you already did all/most work needed anyway - and if Joël
> has a new version ready earlier than DELAYED/5 his upload will end up in the
> archive.
> What I see is that this is currently blocking fftw3 migration which in turn
> blocks quite many packages (soon) - with the freeze not that far away, I
> just don't like these easily preventable delays.

If that was a concern, maybe those bugs should have been filed before
changing this in fftw3. In any case, the bug was filed three days ago.
That's too early to NMU. Please have some patience.


> Thanks for your work & best regards
> Philip

Sebastian Ramacher

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