On Tue, Dec 20, 2022 at 11:45:54PM +0100, Pierre Gruet wrote:
> Control: retitle -1 Please make liblog4j2-java depend on junit5
> Hello,
> In version 2.19.0-1 of liblog4j2-java, the file
> /usr/share/maven-repo/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j/debian/log4j-debian.pom
> declares the junit-bom artifact as a dependency. It is shipped in junit5.
> If this dependency is not added, reverse dependencies of liglog4j2-java fail
> to build (see logs above) as the junit-bom artifact is not found.

Hi Pierre,

I'm wondering if it wouldn't better to remove junit-bom from log4j pom.
I don't believe we actually need junit5 at runtime for log4j2, so
packages depending on liblog4j2-java should not have to install junit5.

Any concerns with taking that approach and addressing the bug by
adjusting the pom shipped with liblog4j2-java?


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