On 22.07.06 Frank Küster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hilmar Preuße <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 21.07.06 Frank K?ster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


> >> - non-commercial
> >> - renamed copies may not be distributed at all, only "fragments",
> >>   whatever that is.
> >> 
> > There is already a bug open. The author stated, that the non-free
> > license statement is obsolete. He agreed, that anybody can upload an
> > updated version to CTAN and about a year ago I promised to do so.
> > Yes, it is still on my list.
> Ah, I didn't know this (or forgot).  What's the new license?
#327741 -> LPPL.

> Any idea when you will manage to to the upload (days, weeks,
> months, before the freeze date?).
I guess, I have just to sit down and do it. I hope the Sommerloch is
coming soon...

> Do you know whether teTeX 3.0 has the current version (I guess so)?
Well, the files on CTAN have changed recently (Sept 05), but I guess
these are still the old ones. I'll have a look at that.

sigmentation fault

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