On Wed, 1 Feb 2023 21:10:57 +0100
Matej Zagiba <matej.zag...@fmph.uniba.sk> wrote:

> I believe real problem lies in package management procedures - there 
> should be trigger to recompile and repackage (and retest) 
> bind9-dyndb-ldap after each version change and/or repackage of 
> bind9-libs. This action should be done automatically. Otherwise 
> bind9-dyndb-ldap will be permanently broken.

This is, unfortunately, not as simple as you write there.
bind9-dyndb-ldap is not as independent from bind9 upstream as we all would
like. To make it compile with bind9 9.18.11, a tiny change is required,
see [1].

So even if Debian packaging would do things like "recompile triggers",
it wouldn't help here.

> Should I open another bug?

I don't think it's necessary, but if you want this tracked in the BTS
then it needs to be a new one as it's a different issue, even if
similar in nature.


[1] https://pagure.io/bind-dyndb-ldap/pull-request/218

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