Control: tags -1 confirmed

Good Morning,

Étienne Mollier, on 2023-02-14:
> However, looking at the nature of the test, and the hour at
> which it ran (build log starts at 03:05:50 +0000), I'm under the
> impression that the build time test failure could occur every
> day in a window between 0:00 and 5:00 am local hour.  I
> scheduled an sbuild attempt `at 3am`, we may see the result
> tomorrow and whether the bug is confirmed or unreproducible.

So, the test ran at 02:00 +0000 and failed with same symptom.
My guess is upstream never intended to run the test out of
office hours.  It might be worth skipping the test as flaky, or
patching it to reduce the ftbfs time window to, say, 00:00 to
00:01 local hour.

Have a nice day,  :)
Étienne Mollier <>
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