Control: fixed -1 sylpheed/3.8.0~beta1-1

On Sat, 20 May 2023 14:17:43 +0200 José Luis González
<> wrote:

> It turns out the bug doesn't happen when email is received, but rather
> when it was checked by sylpheed, which makes it even more grave, since
> it's resetting it every X minutes, 10 in my case.

I am another user of Sylpheed (in Debian).

For what is worth, I do not experience this bug.
I would at least say that the bug is not present in an up-to-date
Debian testing system.

But, to be honest, I do not remember to have ever experienced this bug,
not even when sylpheed/3.7.0-8 was installed on my boxes...

I have more than one e-mail account configured in Sylpheed and I
usually check them all (with the "Get all" button or with the "Get from
all account" systray icon context menu entry).
The currently selected account does not change.
Not even when I receive e-mail messages from different accounts.

I even tried to enable the e-mail auto-check (which I usually keep
disabled) and to select an account other than the first one.
Still, the selected account did not change, until I explicitly selected
another one...

Maybe there's something weird with your Sylpheed configuration?
I am not familiar enough with Sylpheed internals to be able to help you
in debugging the issue, but I wanted to speak up, since I am not able
to reproduce the bug.

Bye and good luck!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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