I think you might be missing one md5sum - I found 4 versions in the git repos

for x in $(git log debian/header.txt | awk '/commit/{print $2}'); do
git show $x:debian/header.txt | md5sum ; done

d9206d89f2f8d85d346a23da90459862  -
a32fc12d69628d96756fd3af3f8b3ecd  -
dbc1e8d136180d247b572f6a19c4e92e  -
1bc54d3bfb0d1e61104d5780a318ced2  -

the top one being the current version, the middle two the same as you
found and the one at the end '1bc54...' is from a commit dated
2004-04-19 (which might mean when woody was stable, i think, although
this seems to be the date cvs2svn was run)

presumably, we can then remove all this in trixie (if anyone remembers)

On Wed, 28 Jun 2023 at 13:29, Andreas Beckmann <a...@debian.org> wrote:
> New version of the patch fixing a wrong checksum. Now logcheck upgrade
> paths starting from ancient releases look clean ;-)
> Andreas

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