On Sat, 1 Apr 2023 20:34:04 -0400 Federico Grau <donf...@casagrau.org>
> Adding to this thread/bug-report per salt project and Debian
packaging, salt
> is unfortunately probably not a good candidate for the Debian
> The salt project current (2023-04) published lifecycle only lists 1.5
years of
> support for typical releases.  After that their "extended life
support" is
> really "best-effort technical support for customers" with "No bug
fixes, [or]
> security fixes".
> This is clearly short of the Debian stable target support period of 3

GNOME has way less official security support a period.
If Debian only shipped programs that have upstream security support for
3 years then we could as well stop shipping most of Debian.

The point of Debian is to provide the security support.


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