Le 24/07/2023 à 14:07, Pierre Gruet a écrit :
Hi Sylvestre,

Le 24/07/2023 à 13:54, Sylvestre Ledru a écrit :
Cool stuff. Could you please push your change to the repo ? :)

Sure, done!

> Any opinion from you on that matter will be appreciated :)

As it is changing the behavior of the language, I feel that it is a bit risky 
to do such changes this way.
It might break scilab script between the upstream implementation and the 
Debian/Ubuntu packages.

For example:
-[Mss, comments] = csvRead(filename, ";" , [] , "string" , [] ,"/foo bar/");
+[Mss, comments] = csvRead(filename, ";" , [] , "string" , [] ,"foo bar");

Maybe you could automatically remove the trailing and ending "/" before passing 
them to PCRE, no?


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