severity 1036737 normal
tags 1036737 - patch

[resend just to the bug because it was still archived before]

On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 03:08:22AM +0200, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> The soapysdr library stacks from bullseye and bookworm are not
> co-installable, but the transitive conflict behind longer dependency
> chains is not always easy detectable by apt. Therefore several upgrade
> paths result in old libraries being kept installed and some upgradable
> packages being kept at an older version.

It is unfortunate that I neglected the package at that time and did not
look at the underlying issue. I reverted the Breaks added in the team
upload now, in any case.

The SoapySDR library and module packages are designed to be
co-installable across SONAME versions and if something prevents that it
is an issue that needs fixing. Could you tell me what the specific
issue was that prevented co-installation?

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