Control: severity -1 normal
Control: retitle -1 pandas/pytables: ignored test fails with Python 3.12
Control: found -1 2.1.3+dfsg-1
Control: tags 1057805 pending

In 1.5.3+dfsg-8, these are ignored, so are no longer an FTBFS but are still a bug. I don't know whether they're a pandas bug or a pytables bug; they don't appear to be known to either upstream.

(The build failure on armhf, #1057805, was because this xfail took precedence over the existing run=False xfail and hence exposed a long-known crash, #790925. This should be fixed in -9.)

If the 'affects' is because you were trying to test those reverse dependencies in Python 3.12, this should now be possible.

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