Source: node-openpgp-asmcrypto.js
Version: 2.3.3~0-2
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: trixie sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20231212 ftbfs-trixie


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
>  debian/rules binary
> dh binary --with nodejs
>    dh_update_autotools_config
>    dh_autoreconf
>    dh_auto_configure --buildsystem=nodejs
> Link ./node_modules/fs-extra -> /usr/share/nodejs/fs-extra
> Link ./node_modules/typescript -> /usr/share/nodejs/typescript
> Link ./node_modules/rollup -> /usr/share/nodejs/rollup
> Link ./node_modules/@types/node -> /usr/share/nodejs/@types/node
> Link ./node_modules/chai -> /usr/share/nodejs/chai
>    dh_auto_build --buildsystem=nodejs
> Found debian/nodejs/./build
>       cd ./. && sh -ex debian/nodejs/./build
> + node build.js
> {
>   file: <ref *1> SourceFileObject {
>     pos: 0,
>     end: 12659,
>     flags: 18874432,
>     modifierFlagsCache: 0,
>     transformFlags: 1,
>     parent: undefined,
>     kind: 305,
>     statements: [
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            [NodeObject],      [NodeObject],
>       [NodeObject],            pos: 0,            end: 12658,
>       hasTrailingComma: false, transformFlags: 1
>     ],
>     endOfFileToken: TokenObject {
>       pos: 12658,
>       end: 12659,
>       flags: 16777216,
>       modifierFlagsCache: 0,
>       transformFlags: 0,
>       parent: [Circular *1],
>       kind: 1
>     },
>     fileName: '/usr/share/nodejs/@types/node/ts4.8/globals.d.ts',
>     text: '// Declare "static" methods in Error\n' +
>       'interface ErrorConstructor {\n' +
>       '    /** Create .stack property on a target object */\n' +
>       '    captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: 
> Function): void;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    /**\n' +
>       '     * Optional override for formatting stack traces\n' +
>       '     *\n' +
>       '     * @see 
>\n' +
>       '     */\n' +
>       '    prepareStackTrace?: ((err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) 
> => any) | undefined;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    stackTraceLimit: number;\n' +
>       '}\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '/*-----------------------------------------------*\n' +
>       ' *                                               *\n' +
>       ' *                   GLOBAL                      *\n' +
>       ' *                                               *\n' +
>       ' ------------------------------------------------*/\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '// For backwards compability\n' +
>       'interface NodeRequire extends NodeJS.Require {}\n' +
>       'interface RequireResolve extends NodeJS.RequireResolve {}\n' +
>       'interface NodeModule extends NodeJS.Module {}\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       'declare var process: NodeJS.Process;\n' +
>       'declare var console: Console;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       'declare var __filename: string;\n' +
>       'declare var __dirname: string;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       'declare var require: NodeRequire;\n' +
>       'declare var module: NodeModule;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '// Same as module.exports\n' +
>       'declare var exports: any;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '/**\n' +
>       ' * Only available if `--expose-gc` is passed to the process.\n' +
>       ' */\n' +
>       'declare var gc: undefined | (() => void);\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '// #region borrowed\n' +
>       '// from 
>  until moved to separate lib\n' +
>       '/** A controller object that allows you to abort one or more DOM 
> requests as and when desired. */\n' +
>       'interface AbortController {\n' +
>       '    /**\n' +
>       '     * Returns the AbortSignal object associated with this object.\n' +
>       '     */\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    readonly signal: AbortSignal;\n' +
>       '    /**\n' +
>       "     * Invoking this method will set this object's AbortSignal's 
> aborted flag and signal to any observers that the associated activity is to 
> be aborted.\n" +
>       '     */\n' +
>       '    abort(reason?: any): void;\n' +
>       '}\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '/** A signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request 
> (such as a Fetch) and abort it if required via an AbortController object. 
> */\n' +
>       'interface AbortSignal extends EventTarget {\n' +
>       '    /**\n' +
>       "     * Returns true if this AbortSignal's AbortController has signaled 
> to abort, and false otherwise.\n" +
>       '     */\n' +
>       '    readonly aborted: boolean;\n' +
>       '    readonly reason: any;\n' +
>       '    onabort: null | ((this: AbortSignal, event: Event) => any);\n' +
>       '    throwIfAborted(): void;\n' +
>       '}\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       'declare var AbortController: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: 
> any; AbortController: infer T } ? T\n' +
>       '    : {\n' +
>       '        prototype: AbortController;\n' +
>       '        new(): AbortController;\n' +
>       '    };\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       'declare var AbortSignal: typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; 
> AbortSignal: infer T } ? T\n' +
>       '    : {\n' +
>       '        prototype: AbortSignal;\n' +
>       '        new(): AbortSignal;\n' +
>       '        abort(reason?: any): AbortSignal;\n' +
>       '        timeout(milliseconds: number): AbortSignal;\n' +
>       '    };\n' +
>       '// #endregion borrowed\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '// #region Disposable\n' +
>       'interface SymbolConstructor {\n' +
>       '    /**\n' +
>       '     * A method that is used to release resources held by an object. 
> Called by the semantics of the `using` statement.\n' +
>       '     */\n' +
>       '    readonly dispose: unique symbol;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    /**\n' +
>       '     * A method that is used to asynchronously release resources held 
> by an object. Called by the semantics of the `await using` statement.\n' +
>       '     */\n' +
>       '    readonly asyncDispose: unique symbol;\n' +
>       '}\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       'interface Disposable {\n' +
>       '    [Symbol.dispose](): void;\n' +
>       '}\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       'interface AsyncDisposable {\n' +
>       '    [Symbol.asyncDispose](): PromiseLike<void>;\n' +
>       '}\n' +
>       '// #endregion Disposable\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '// #region\n' +
>       'interface RelativeIndexable<T> {\n' +
>       '    /**\n' +
>       '     * Takes an integer value and returns the item at that index,\n' +
>       '     * allowing for positive and negative integers.\n' +
>       '     * Negative integers count back from the last item in the 
> array.\n' +
>       '     */\n' +
>       '    at(index: number): T | undefined;\n' +
>       '}\n' +
>       'interface String extends RelativeIndexable<string> {}\n' +
>       'interface Array<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}\n' +
>       'interface ReadonlyArray<T> extends RelativeIndexable<T> {}\n' +
>       'interface Int8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}\n' +
>       'interface Uint8Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}\n' +
>       'interface Uint8ClampedArray extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}\n' +
>       'interface Int16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}\n' +
>       'interface Uint16Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}\n' +
>       'interface Int32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}\n' +
>       'interface Uint32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}\n' +
>       'interface Float32Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}\n' +
>       'interface Float64Array extends RelativeIndexable<number> {}\n' +
>       'interface BigInt64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}\n' +
>       'interface BigUint64Array extends RelativeIndexable<bigint> {}\n' +
>       '// #endregion end\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '/**\n' +
>       ' * @since v17.0.0\n' +
>       ' *\n' +
>       ' * Creates a deep clone of an object.\n' +
>       ' */\n' +
>       'declare function structuredClone<T>(\n' +
>       '    value: T,\n' +
>       '    transfer?: { transfer: 
> ReadonlyArray<import("worker_threads").TransferListItem> },\n' +
>       '): T;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '/*----------------------------------------------*\n' +
>       '*                                               *\n' +
>       '*               GLOBAL INTERFACES               *\n' +
>       '*                                               *\n' +
>       '*-----------------------------------------------*/\n' +
>       'declare namespace NodeJS {\n' +
>       '    interface CallSite {\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Value of "this"\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        getThis(): unknown;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Type of "this" as a string.\n' +
>       '         * This is the name of the function stored in the constructor 
> field of\n' +
>       `         * "this", if available.  Otherwise the object's [[Class]] 
> internal\n` +
>       '         * property.\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        getTypeName(): string | null;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Current function\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        getFunction(): Function | undefined;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Name of the current function, typically its name 
> property.\n' +
>       '         * If a name property is not available an attempt will be made 
> to try\n' +
>       "         * to infer a name from the function's context.\n" +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        getFunctionName(): string | null;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Name of the property [of "this" or one of its prototypes] 
> that holds\n' +
>       '         * the current function\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        getMethodName(): string | null;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Name of the script [if this function was defined in a 
> script]\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        getFileName(): string | undefined;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Current line number [if this function was defined in a 
> script]\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        getLineNumber(): number | null;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Current column number [if this function was defined in a 
> script]\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        getColumnNumber(): number | null;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * A call site object representing the location where eval was 
> called\n' +
>       '         * [if this function was created using a call to eval]\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Is this a toplevel invocation, that is, is "this" the 
> global object?\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        isToplevel(): boolean;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Does this call take place in code defined by a call to 
> eval?\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        isEval(): boolean;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Is this call in native V8 code?\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        isNative(): boolean;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * Is this a constructor call?\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        isConstructor(): boolean;\n' +
>       '    }\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    interface ErrnoException extends Error {\n' +
>       '        errno?: number | undefined;\n' +
>       '        code?: string | undefined;\n' +
>       '        path?: string | undefined;\n' +
>       '        syscall?: string | undefined;\n' +
>       '    }\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    interface ReadableStream extends EventEmitter {\n' +
>       '        readable: boolean;\n' +
>       '        read(size?: number): string | Buffer;\n' +
>       '        setEncoding(encoding: BufferEncoding): this;\n' +
>       '        pause(): this;\n' +
>       '        resume(): this;\n' +
>       '        isPaused(): boolean;\n' +
>       '        pipe<T extends WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { 
> end?: boolean | undefined }): T;\n' +
>       '        unpipe(destination?: WritableStream): this;\n' +
>       '        unshift(chunk: string | Uint8Array, encoding?: 
> BufferEncoding): void;\n' +
>       '        wrap(oldStream: ReadableStream): this;\n' +
>       '        [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<string | 
> Buffer>;\n' +
>       '    }\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    interface WritableStream extends EventEmitter {\n' +
>       '        writable: boolean;\n' +
>       '        write(buffer: Uint8Array | string, cb?: (err?: Error | null) 
> => void): boolean;\n' +
>       '        write(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: (err?: 
> Error | null) => void): boolean;\n' +
>       '        end(cb?: () => void): this;\n' +
>       '        end(data: string | Uint8Array, cb?: () => void): this;\n' +
>       '        end(str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, cb?: () => void): 
> this;\n' +
>       '    }\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    interface ReadWriteStream extends ReadableStream, WritableStream 
> {}\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    interface RefCounted {\n' +
>       '        ref(): this;\n' +
>       '        unref(): this;\n' +
>       '    }\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    type TypedArray =\n' +
>       '        | Uint8Array\n' +
>       '        | Uint8ClampedArray\n' +
>       '        | Uint16Array\n' +
>       '        | Uint32Array\n' +
>       '        | Int8Array\n' +
>       '        | Int16Array\n' +
>       '        | Int32Array\n' +
>       '        | BigUint64Array\n' +
>       '        | BigInt64Array\n' +
>       '        | Float32Array\n' +
>       '        | Float64Array;\n' +
>       '    type ArrayBufferView = TypedArray | DataView;\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    interface Require {\n' +
>       '        (id: string): any;\n' +
>       '        resolve: RequireResolve;\n' +
>       '        cache: Dict<NodeModule>;\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * @deprecated\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        extensions: RequireExtensions;\n' +
>       '        main: Module | undefined;\n' +
>       '    }\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    interface RequireResolve {\n' +
>       '        (id: string, options?: { paths?: string[] | undefined }): 
> string;\n' +
>       '        paths(request: string): string[] | null;\n' +
>       '    }\n' +
>       '\n' +
>       '    interface RequireExtensions extends Dict<(m: Module, filename: 
> string) => any> {\n' +
>       '        ".js": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;\n' +
>       '        ".json": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;\n' +
>       '        ".node": (m: Module, filename: string) => any;\n' +
>       '    }\n' +
>       '    interface Module {\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * `true` if the module is running during the Node.js 
> preload\n' +
>       '         */\n' +
>       '        isPreloading: boolean;\n' +
>       '        exports: any;\n' +
>       '        require: Require;\n' +
>       '        id: string;\n' +
>       '        filename: string;\n' +
>       '        loaded: boolean;\n' +
>       '        /** @deprecated since v14.6.0 Please use `require.main` and 
> `module.children` instead. */\n' +
>       '        parent: Module | null | undefined;\n' +
>       '        children: Module[];\n' +
>       '        /**\n' +
>       '         * @since v11.14.0\n' +
>       '         *\n' +
>       '         * The directory name of the m'... 2659 more characters,
>     languageVersion: 4,
>     languageVariant: 0,
>     scriptKind: 3,
>     isDeclarationFile: true,
>     hasNoDefaultLib: false,
>     bindDiagnostics: [],
>     bindSuggestionDiagnostics: undefined,
>     externalModuleIndicator: undefined,
>     setExternalModuleIndicator: [Function: callback],
>     pragmas: Map(0) {},
>     checkJsDirective: undefined,
>     referencedFiles: [],
>     typeReferenceDirectives: [],
>     libReferenceDirectives: [],
>     amdDependencies: [],
>     commentDirectives: undefined,
>     nodeCount: 1329,
>     identifierCount: 452,
>     identifiers: Map(180) {
>       'ErrorConstructor' => 'ErrorConstructor',
>       'captureStackTrace' => 'captureStackTrace',
>       'targetObject' => 'targetObject',
>       'constructorOpt' => 'constructorOpt',
>       'Function' => 'Function',
>       'prepareStackTrace' => 'prepareStackTrace',
>       'err' => 'err',
>       'Error' => 'Error',
>       'stackTraces' => 'stackTraces',
>       'NodeJS' => 'NodeJS',
>       'CallSite' => 'CallSite',
>       'any' => 'any',
>       'see' => 'see',
>       'https' => 'https',
>       'stackTraceLimit' => 'stackTraceLimit',
>       'NodeRequire' => 'NodeRequire',
>       'Require' => 'Require',
>       'RequireResolve' => 'RequireResolve',
>       'NodeModule' => 'NodeModule',
>       'Module' => 'Module',
>       'process' => 'process',
>       'Process' => 'Process',
>       'console' => 'console',
>       'Console' => 'Console',
>       '__filename' => '__filename',
>       '__dirname' => '__dirname',
>       'require' => 'require',
>       'module' => 'module',
>       'exports' => 'exports',
>       'gc' => 'gc',
>       'AbortController' => 'AbortController',
>       'signal' => 'signal',
>       'AbortSignal' => 'AbortSignal',
>       'abort' => 'abort',
>       'reason' => 'reason',
>       'EventTarget' => 'EventTarget',
>       'aborted' => 'aborted',
>       'onabort' => 'onabort',
>       'this' => 'this',
>       'event' => 'event',
>       'Event' => 'Event',
>       'throwIfAborted' => 'throwIfAborted',
>       'globalThis' => 'globalThis',
>       'onmessage' => 'onmessage',
>       'T' => 'T',
>       'prototype' => 'prototype',
>       'timeout' => 'timeout',
>       'milliseconds' => 'milliseconds',
>       'SymbolConstructor' => 'SymbolConstructor',
>       'dispose' => 'dispose',
>       'asyncDispose' => 'asyncDispose',
>       'Disposable' => 'Disposable',
>       'Symbol' => 'Symbol',
>       'AsyncDisposable' => 'AsyncDisposable',
>       'PromiseLike' => 'PromiseLike',
>       'RelativeIndexable' => 'RelativeIndexable',
>       'at' => 'at',
>       'index' => 'index',
>       'String' => 'String',
>       'Array' => 'Array',
>       'ReadonlyArray' => 'ReadonlyArray',
>       'Int8Array' => 'Int8Array',
>       'Uint8Array' => 'Uint8Array',
>       'Uint8ClampedArray' => 'Uint8ClampedArray',
>       'Int16Array' => 'Int16Array',
>       'Uint16Array' => 'Uint16Array',
>       'Int32Array' => 'Int32Array',
>       'Uint32Array' => 'Uint32Array',
>       'Float32Array' => 'Float32Array',
>       'Float64Array' => 'Float64Array',
>       'BigInt64Array' => 'BigInt64Array',
>       'BigUint64Array' => 'BigUint64Array',
>       'structuredClone' => 'structuredClone',
>       'value' => 'value',
>       'transfer' => 'transfer',
>       'TransferListItem' => 'TransferListItem',
>       'since' => 'since',
>       'getThis' => 'getThis',
>       'unknown' => 'unknown',
>       'getTypeName' => 'getTypeName',
>       'string' => 'string',
>       'getFunction' => 'getFunction',
>       'getFunctionName' => 'getFunctionName',
>       'getMethodName' => 'getMethodName',
>       'getFileName' => 'getFileName',
>       'getLineNumber' => 'getLineNumber',
>       'number' => 'number',
>       'getColumnNumber' => 'getColumnNumber',
>       'getEvalOrigin' => 'getEvalOrigin',
>       'isToplevel' => 'isToplevel',
>       'boolean' => 'boolean',
>       'isEval' => 'isEval',
>       'isNative' => 'isNative',
>       'isConstructor' => 'isConstructor',
>       'ErrnoException' => 'ErrnoException',
>       'errno' => 'errno',
>       'code' => 'code',
>       'path' => 'path',
>       'syscall' => 'syscall',
>       'ReadableStream' => 'ReadableStream',
>       'EventEmitter' => 'EventEmitter',
>       'readable' => 'readable',
>       'read' => 'read',
>       'size' => 'size',
>       'Buffer' => 'Buffer',
>       'setEncoding' => 'setEncoding',
>       'encoding' => 'encoding',
>       'BufferEncoding' => 'BufferEncoding',
>       'pause' => 'pause',
>       'resume' => 'resume',
>       'isPaused' => 'isPaused',
>       'pipe' => 'pipe',
>       'WritableStream' => 'WritableStream',
>       'destination' => 'destination',
>       'options' => 'options',
>       'end' => 'end',
>       'unpipe' => 'unpipe',
>       'unshift' => 'unshift',
>       'chunk' => 'chunk',
>       'wrap' => 'wrap',
>       'oldStream' => 'oldStream',
>       'asyncIterator' => 'asyncIterator',
>       'AsyncIterableIterator' => 'AsyncIterableIterator',
>       'writable' => 'writable',
>       'write' => 'write',
>       'buffer' => 'buffer',
>       'cb' => 'cb',
>       'str' => 'str',
>       'data' => 'data',
>       'ReadWriteStream' => 'ReadWriteStream',
>       'RefCounted' => 'RefCounted',
>       'ref' => 'ref',
>       'unref' => 'unref',
>       'TypedArray' => 'TypedArray',
>       'ArrayBufferView' => 'ArrayBufferView',
>       'DataView' => 'DataView',
>       'id' => 'id',
>       'resolve' => 'resolve',
>       'cache' => 'cache',
>       'Dict' => 'Dict',
>       'extensions' => 'extensions',
>       'RequireExtensions' => 'RequireExtensions',
>       'deprecated' => 'deprecated',
>       'main' => 'main',
>       'paths' => 'paths',
>       'request' => 'request',
>       'm' => 'm',
>       'filename' => 'filename',
>       '.js' => '.js',
>       '.json' => '.json',
>       '.node' => '.node',
>       'isPreloading' => 'isPreloading',
>       'loaded' => 'loaded',
>       'parent' => 'parent',
>       'children' => 'children',
>       'key' => 'key',
>       'ReadOnlyDict' => 'ReadOnlyDict',
>       'fetch' => 'fetch',
>       '_Request' => '_Request',
>       'Request' => 'Request',
>       '_Response' => '_Response',
>       'Response' => 'Response',
>       '_FormData' => '_FormData',
>       'FormData' => 'FormData',
>       '_Headers' => '_Headers',
>       'Headers' => 'Headers',
>       '_RequestInit' => '_RequestInit',
>       'RequestInit' => 'RequestInit',
>       'RequestInfo' => 'RequestInfo',
>       'HeadersInit' => 'HeadersInit',
>       'BodyInit' => 'BodyInit',
>       'RequestRedirect' => 'RequestRedirect',
>       'RequestCredentials' => 'RequestCredentials',
>       'RequestMode' => 'RequestMode',
>       'ReferrerPolicy' => 'ReferrerPolicy',
>       'Dispatcher' => 'Dispatcher',
>       'RequestDuplex' => 'RequestDuplex',
>       'input' => 'input',
>       'init' => 'init',
>       'Promise' => 'Promise'
>     },
>     parseDiagnostics: [],
>     path: '/usr/share/nodejs/@types/node/ts4.8/globals.d.ts',
>     resolvedPath: '/usr/share/nodejs/@types/node/ts4.8/globals.d.ts',
>     originalFileName: '/usr/share/nodejs/@types/node/ts4.8/globals.d.ts',
>     packageJsonLocations: undefined,
>     packageJsonScope: undefined,
>     imports: [
>       [TokenObject], [TokenObject],
>       [TokenObject], [TokenObject],
>       [TokenObject], [TokenObject],
>       [TokenObject], [TokenObject],
>       [TokenObject], [TokenObject],
>       [TokenObject], [TokenObject],
>       [TokenObject], [TokenObject],
>       [TokenObject], [TokenObject],
>       [TokenObject], [TokenObject],
>       [TokenObject]
>     ],
>     moduleAugmentations: [],
>     ambientModuleNames: [],
>     resolvedModules: {
>       get: [Function: get],
>       set: [Function: set],
>       delete: [Function: delete],
>       has: [Function: has],
>       forEach: [Function: forEach],
>       size: [Function: size]
>     },
>     locals: Map(40) {
>       'structuredClone' => [SymbolObject],
>       'fetch' => [SymbolObject],
>       'ErrorConstructor' => [SymbolObject],
>       'NodeRequire' => [SymbolObject],
>       'RequireResolve' => [SymbolObject],
>       'NodeModule' => [SymbolObject],
>       'process' => [SymbolObject],
>       'console' => [SymbolObject],
>       '___filename' => [SymbolObject],
>       '___dirname' => [SymbolObject],
>       'require' => [SymbolObject],
>       'module' => [SymbolObject],
>       'exports' => [SymbolObject],
>       'gc' => [SymbolObject],
>       'AbortController' => [SymbolObject],
>       'AbortSignal' => [SymbolObject],
>       'SymbolConstructor' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Disposable' => [SymbolObject],
>       'AsyncDisposable' => [SymbolObject],
>       'RelativeIndexable' => [SymbolObject],
>       'String' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'ReadonlyArray' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Int8Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Uint8Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Uint8ClampedArray' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Int16Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Uint16Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Int32Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Uint32Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Float32Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Float64Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'BigInt64Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'BigUint64Array' => [SymbolObject],
>       'NodeJS' => [SymbolObject],
>       'RequestInit' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Request' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Response' => [SymbolObject],
>       'FormData' => [SymbolObject],
>       'Headers' => [SymbolObject]
>     },
>     nextContainer: NodeObject {
>       pos: 4537,
>       end: 4782,
>       flags: 16777216,
>       modifierFlagsCache: 536870914,
>       transformFlags: 1,
>       parent: [Circular *1],
>       kind: 256,
>       symbol: [SymbolObject],
>       localSymbol: undefined,
>       locals: [Map],
>       nextContainer: [NodeObject],
>       name: [IdentifierObject],
>       modifiers: [Array],
>       typeParameters: [Array],
>       parameters: [Array],
>       type: [NodeObject],
>       typeArguments: undefined,
>       body: undefined,
>       asteriskToken: undefined,
>       illegalDecorators: undefined,
>       jsDoc: [Array],
>       jsDocCache: [Array]
>     },
>     endFlowNode: { flags: 2 },
>     symbolCount: 310,
>     classifiableNames: Set(59) {
>       'T',
>       'ErrorConstructor',
>       'NodeRequire',
>       'RequireResolve',
>       'NodeModule',
>       'AbortController',
>       'AbortSignal',
>       'SymbolConstructor',
>       'Disposable',
>       'AsyncDisposable',
>       'RelativeIndexable',
>       'String',
>       'Array',
>       'ReadonlyArray',
>       'Int8Array',
>       'Uint8Array',
>       'Uint8ClampedArray',
>       'Int16Array',
>       'Uint16Array',
>       'Int32Array',
>       'Uint32Array',
>       'Float32Array',
>       'Float64Array',
>       'BigInt64Array',
>       'BigUint64Array',
>       'NodeJS',
>       'CallSite',
>       'ErrnoException',
>       'ReadableStream',
>       'WritableStream',
>       'ReadWriteStream',
>       'RefCounted',
>       'TypedArray',
>       'ArrayBufferView',
>       'Require',
>       'RequireExtensions',
>       'Module',
>       'Dict',
>       'ReadOnlyDict',
>       'fetch',
>       '_Request',
>       '_Response',
>       '_FormData',
>       '_Headers',
>       '_RequestInit',
>       'Request',
>       'Response',
>       'Headers',
>       'FormData',
>       'RequestInit',
>       'RequestInfo',
>       'HeadersInit',
>       'BodyInit',
>       'RequestRedirect',
>       'RequestCredentials',
>       'RequestMode',
>       'ReferrerPolicy',
>       'Dispatcher',
>       'RequestDuplex'
>     },
>     id: 33314
>   },
>   start: 10398,
>   length: 14,
>   messageText: "Cannot find module 'undici-types'. Did you mean to set the 
> 'moduleResolution' option to 'node', or to add aliases to the 'paths' 
> option?",
>   category: 1,
>   code: 2792,
>   reportsUnnecessary: undefined,
>   reportsDeprecated: undefined
> }
> Error: Cannot find module 'undici-types'. Did you mean to set the 
> 'moduleResolution' option to 'node', or to add aliases to the 'paths' option?
>     at file:///<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/build.js:20:19
>    dh_auto_test --buildsystem=nodejs
>       mkdir -p node_modules/\@openpgp
>       ln -s ../../. node_modules/\@openpgp/asmcrypto.js
>       /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test
> + mocha test/aes.js test/bignum.js test/rsa.js test/sha1.js test/sha256.js 
> test/sha512.js
> Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module 
> '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/asmcrypto.all.es8.js' imported from 
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/aes.js
>     at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:405:5)
>     at finalizeResolution (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:327:11)
>     at moduleResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:980:10)
>     at defaultResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:1193:11)
>     at ModuleLoader.defaultResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:403:12)
>     at ModuleLoader.resolve (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:372:25)
>     at ModuleLoader.getModuleJob (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:249:38)
>     at ModuleWrap.<anonymous> (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:76:39)
>     at link (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:75:36)
> dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 1

The full build log is available from:

All bugs filed during this archive rebuild are listed at:;

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please mark it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

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