On Thu, 21 Dec 2023 14:30:34 +0100 Andreas Tille <andr...@an3as.eu> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 pending
> Hi,
> I intended to fix bug #1058096. Since I realised there is a new
> upstream version I was considering an upgrade which I pushed to Salsa.
> Unfortunately there are other test suite errors as you can see in Salsa
> CI[1]:

Hey Andreas,

Please don't upgrade python3-antlr4 ; its version should match that of the antlr4 package.

Yes, I know the versions don't currently match, and that antlr4 is a bit behind and has been for a while. But they come from the same source tree and further upgrades without matching will likely only make the situation worse.

Maybe you can add the above note to debian/README.Source after you reverse the upgrade?

Michael R. Crusoe

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