Alright, thanks for the links. I opened merge request [1], which adds a
workaround, although it doesn't fix every problem. The remaining ones
are fixed by the new upstream version of cglm (which will be uploaded
soon). The result I got was:


Failed compilation  0
Uninstallable       0
Dumped              1
Skipped             0
Other               0

Failed compilation  []
Uninstallable       []
Dumped              [libcglm-dev]
Skipped             []
Other               []

root@debian:~/armhf-time_t# ./ libcglm-dev
[2024-01-31T16:09:56+00:00] => libcglm-dev: base=>lfs, lfs=>time_t
[2024-01-31T16:10:12+00:00] <= libcglm-dev: lfs=false, time_t=false

I've attached the dumps, if you want to verify yourself.

- Leon


The new upstream version has been uploaded to unstable.
With the merge request on armhf-time_t, the package should now be
analyzable. Could you please rerun the abi-compliance-checker and verify
yourself if cglm is affected?
If it is, could you update the experimental version to use the
newest unstable version?
Thank you and I hope the transition goes well.

- Leon

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