Hi Marc, Arto,

On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 03:19:41PM +0900, Marc Dequènes wrote:
> I guess it's related to libraries that are loaded dynamically,
> possibly mesa, but it does not seem like an ABI breakage.  I'll try to
> dig deeper but l’m open to suggestion.

I tried asking in #kennylevison on libera a week ago and was given the
following suggestion to try to figure what's going on:

11:48 <rak> wlgreet 0.4.1 dies with "thread 'main' panicked at 'internal
            error: entered unreachable code', src/app.rs:473:48" on
            Debian unstable (see
            https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1061421 ).
            Any suggestions on a workaround, or any debugging
            information that I could provide to help fix the bug?
14:06 <kennylevinsen> rak: building it directly in debug mode (cargo
                      build without --release) should give a better
16:15 <kchibisov> update sctk dunno.

I haven't had time to dig further since, but maybe you can get a better
backtrace by rebuilding without --release and ask upstream for help? In
any case, they might appreciate knowing how we reached unreachable code

Best wishes,

|)|/  Ryan Kavanagh  | 4E46 9519 ED67 7734 268F
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