Control: tags -1 + patch

On 04.04.2024 21:57, Peter Green wrote:


After being rebuilt for the time64 transition, perdition
depends on both libvanessa-socket2 and libvanessa-socket2.
As a result it is uninstallable.

Interesting in this case, the uninstallability seems to apply to all architectures and not just those undergoing the time64 transition.

For any unknown reason the dep on libvanessa-socket2 is hard coded in the control file:

Package: perdition
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libvanessa-socket2 (>= 0.0.12), lsb-base (>= 3.2-14)
Conflicts: perdition-bdb

So I guess removing that libvanessa-socket2 (>= 0.0.12) and rebuilding the package should solve the issue.


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