Hello Bastian,

thanks for taking care and fixing this speedily.

However, I am wondering whether there was a particular need to speed up
fixing this bug that I might have missed and that might need to have
been added to the bug for further consideration / clarification.

After all I, as the maintainer, had already confirmed its existence, had
acknowledged the pointers outlining the fix, and had announced when and
how I was going to deal with it.

Even the lowNMU page states 
| If the package maintainer or maintainer group is active, it is polite to
| let them have a stab at fixing the problem first.

As such, while your NMU has improved the overall state of things, I
indeed consider it impolite. And I wish I had had the chance to fix the
problem myself.

So, was there any such pressing need? And did you perhaps already test
building the reverse build deps as I had planned?

Please understand that I am trying to coordinate here in order to avoid
any duplication of effort or any misunderstandings.


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