> If it's for building a debian package, then I recommend using rollup or 
> webpack,
whatever is easier.

Yes, I want to build some packages for i386 arch for some reasons.
Because of my target arch for simplicity I'm building all packages in
i386 env, even packages with all architecture.
And with node-chai I had a problem described here and thought that it
could be an important problem for nodejs itself.

Thank you for your help and advices!

As I wrote earlier, now I have some workaround (do not run browserify
at all when building node-chai). Maybe it is not very good (packages
originating from node-chai are incomplete in this case), but at the
moment it seems suitable for me. Maybe I'll try other workarounds you
described here later.

пн, 15 июл. 2024 г. в 12:42, Jérémy Lal <kapo...@melix.org>:
> Le lun. 15 juil. 2024 à 11:27, Сергей Сёмин <syominser...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> I tried to give maximum resources to my VM with Debian Bookworm i386
>> (recently upgraded to Debian Sid).
>> I gave 8 GB RAM in VM settings but because of i386 limitations only
>> 4GB actually available in VM.
>> The problem remains:
>> root@debian-bookworm-i386:~/node-chai-4.3.7~ds1+~cs9.7.21# free -h
>>               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   
>> available
>> Mem:           3.4Gi       409Mi       3.2Gi       572Ki       153Mi       
>> 3.0Gi
>> Swap:          974Mi          0B       974Mi
>> root@debian-bookworm-i386:~/node-chai-4.3.7~ds1+~cs9.7.21# node --version
>> v20.15.1
>> root@debian-bookworm-i386:~/node-chai-4.3.7~ds1+~cs9.7.21# browserify 
>> --version
>> 17.0.0
>> root@debian-bookworm-i386:~/node-chai-4.3.7~ds1+~cs9.7.21# browserify
>>        --bare         --outfile chai.js         --standalone chai
>>    --entry index.js
>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>> root@debian-bookworm-i386:~/node-chai-4.3.7~ds1+~cs9.7.21# free -h
>>               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   
>> available
>> Mem:           3.4Gi       486Mi       3.1Gi       572Ki       160Mi       
>> 3.0Gi
>> Swap:          974Mi          0B       974Mi
>> Thank you for your ideas what to check on next step.
>> At this moment I have workaround when building node-chai - not to call
>> browserify (a custom patch). Result deb packages are incomplete, but
>> at this moment I think it is enough for my aims.
>> This bug I opened just for info, because I thought it can show some
>> problems in nodejs itself and is interesting because of it.
>> In case of free time available I'll try to check the next steps you 
>> recommended.
> If it's for building a debian package, then I recommend using rollup or 
> webpack,
> whatever is easier.

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