Peter Eisentraut wrote:
>> Good point...retitling. (The explanation is simply that Peter used an 
>> ACPI system)
> I think quite a lot of systems are ACPI these days.
>> I'll paste the error while I'm at it:
>> ##########################################################
>> # ACPI system but acpid not running.                     #
>> # Please install acpid package, then restart powersaved! #
>> ##########################################################
>> invoke-rc.d: initscript powersaved, action "start" failed.
> If you don't want to put in a dependency on acpid (why?), then at least 
> you need to make sure that the postinst script doesn't fail.

You are right, many systems today are ACPI, but I don't want that people
that have APM are forced to install acpid, that just doesn't seem right
to me.
In addition, having a static (package) dependency does not ensure, that
acpid is actually running. It could be installed but disabled.
So postinst would still fail.

> Note, however, that if you install hundreds of packages at once, notices 
> that like that fly by and are never seen.  It's not very reliable.

Well, the message would also be shown on startup. But you are right,
someone might overlook these messages. That's why I originally thought
it's best and correct to fail in postinst. As Steve classified this
behaviour as RC bug, I guess it's best to change postinst in case of a
not running acpid, but I won't change the package dependencies or the
init script. This is what I have in mind for powersaved.postinst:

check_return() {
        # 5 is the return code for a not running acpid
        [ $RETVAL -eq 5 ] && return 0
        exit $RETVAL

if [ -x "/etc/init.d/powersaved" ]; then
        if [ -x "`which invoke-rc.d 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
                invoke-rc.d powersaved start || check_return
                /etc/init.d/powersaved start || check_return

Steve, would that be the correct solution for this problem in your
opinion? If so, I'll prepare and updated package asap.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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