* Margarita Manterola [Sun, 27 Aug 2006 23:54:27 -0300]:

> After preparing the NMU, I re-thought about the FHS violations that were
> mentioned in this bug report, and took a look at the package regarding
> this.

> It turns out it was installing absolutely everything in /usr/share/amsn,
> regardless of the nature of the files.

> I'm trying to fix this, but it turns out to be pretty difficult, since it's
> looking for the .so files at the wrong location.

> I hope to have an NMU that includes a fix for this soon.

My personal opinion is that this upstream problem is not worth a big
amount of a developer's time, unless they have a particular interest in
the package.

I'd suggest a snippet like this in debian/rules (fictitious, haven't
read amsn's rules file):

    make install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/amsn
    -mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib
    mv $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/share/amsn $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib
    ln -s $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/lib $(CURDIR)/debian/amsn/usr/share/amsn

(It probably won't work as-is, but you get the idea. It's playing with
the FHS, yes, but as said, IMHO only people with particular interest on
the package, and not in RC bugs, should do more. ;-)


Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of thinking.

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