hi yavor,

> The patch is total crap, I guess.  RSSReader was renamed to Grr; I
> knew about it but until now thought that it is a different app.

that's fine, no it's not total crap. if you don't mind keep the name:
i did that with viewpdf/vindaloo. 

> I just tried Grr 0.6.2 and this bug is fixed, as well as all others
> that are filed against rssreader.app.  The best way do deal with this
> is to package this new version.  However, it's not entirely trivial as
> the package has to be renamed to grr.app and what's more important,
> there's a new RSSKit library so another binary has to be created for
> it.

sounds very good.

> Gürkan, in case you're busy and do not respond in a week or so, I can
> prepare a NMU and submit the patch here.  Those will be fundamental
> changes and I don't want to step on your toes, so in general, it'll be
> much better if you handle this or at least give a greenlight.

please go ahead, add yourself to uploaders: and be a co-maintainer,
i can need any help i can get, there's alot to do. please can you package
rsskit? and if it's the same sourcetarball, generate both packages!

if it's in the uberlarge etoile tree, let me give you some work/url i did:
http://io.debian.net/~tar/debian/etoile/  ... the checkout should be updated
and also dictionaryreader.app be built.... i'll be busy with updating all the 
and improving them, including some new itp's and emacs.app


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