Selon Thomas Girard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Great, thanks.  Could you please try the attached patch?  It tries to
> avoid the problem you're facing.

Heck.  Here's the patch.
--- prefop.c-	2006-09-13 07:54:20.000000000 +0000
+++ prefop.c	2006-09-13 07:58:01.000000000 +0000
@@ -156,10 +156,12 @@
 if((font_name != NULL) && (style_ptr != NULL)) {	\
- if(style_ptr->font != NULL)				\
-  gdk_font_unref(style_ptr->font);			\
- style_ptr->font = gdk_font_load(font_name);		\
-} }
+ GdkFont *new_font = gdk_font_load(font_name);		\
+ if(new_font != NULL) {				\
+   if(style_ptr->font != NULL)				\
+     gdk_font_unref(style_ptr->font);			\
+   style_ptr->font = new_font;				\
+} } }
 	/* Font editable text */
 	font_name = (gchar *)PrefParmGetValueP(

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