tag 392698 + help


Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> Base:
>       - Run a query in Base. Close the query window. Crash.
>       - Edit a query in Base. Hit run. Everything is fine. Hit run a
>         second time. Crash.
>       - All of these are with the libmysql-java JDBC connector.

This is also when you leave a table after entering data. Known.
With the same backtrace like you posted (sid, ppc, amd64 somehow has
something else).

I have absolutely no clue what causes this. -> tag help.

> Spreadsheet
>       - When inserting a chart, it somehow brought up the insert chart
>         dialog twice. Crash.

Doesn't here.i Although it *might* be related with speed-chart.diff,
please check again when 2.0.4-1 is in sid.

>       - Hit F4 for data sources. Click on a query, let it load. Hit F4.
>         Crash.

Same backtrace? Sounds related to -base stuff.

>       - When moving a chart around. Crash.

Doesn't here either. See above, though.

>       - Tried to drag a data set (from the F4 thing) into the spreadsheet.
>         Crash.

Works here.

> Random error on the console it gave:
> I/O warning : failed to load external entity "vnd.sun.star.pkg:/"

When does that appear exactly?

Amd this bug report is completely useless for bug tracking because it
cannot be divided into some bugs.
(Except maybe if the backtrace is the same on all those ones)


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